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Everything posted by Pilsner

  1. Just ordered the series. Woulda been nice to have it delivered on Veterans Day but I can't complain. To any Vets here on the forum....Thank You.
  2. I DVR'ed only the first episode. Didn't realize there were so many. Looking forward to watching all the episodes when they are replayed.
  3. Clip you must be drinking as much as I am tonight but I don't see a blowout win. I do see a win tho. Nice to see a former negative Nancy change his tune Stick with it. Being a flip flopper does not suit u. Bills have the ability to win this! Glad u flipped from the dark side.
  4. It's good to hear that Mr. Wilson will be at the game. He'll get to see first hand what Nix, Gailey, Whaley, Wanny, ect... have been up to. I haven't always agreed with his moves, but I wish him good health and another victory today.
  5. Kewl slick chick. So where r our Buffalo hotties showin the same pre n postgame enthusiasm?
  6. I also have Hillis and Johnson on my team. At least I have Fred Jackson to lift my fantasy point spirits. I targetted Blount but he was taken a few spots before my turn was up. Perhaps Hillis will finally heal up in a few more games and rectify his sour season and our fantasy seasons as well during our playoff runs. If Hillis fails, meh, I'll live with Freddy, MJD, Beanie and Ryan Mathews. With this curse goin on, Freddy better not be on the cover next year, or else CJ will be forced to have a Pro-Bowl season sans Fred Ex.
  7. I thought Lindsey is married. Does a date really count if the lady isn't single? It's nice of her to accept but if it's not a real date, y call it a date. Perhaps she really is single and I missed that.
  8. Thanks for the great info Jim. 50 cents a shot sounds so much better than what I'm paying. At this point I just target shoot, but eventually I can see myself giving hunting a try. Thanks again for your insight.
  9. Completely agree and have the same hope. Stevie NEEDS to be locked up long term. I believe it will happen. He has a bigger positive influence on the Bills players and Bills in general than just his playmaking skills. He is earning a pay raise in a big way.
  10. I've been buying at Big 5 when on sale and got some great deals on bulk ammo at a local annual gun/ammo show. I'll be buying online now and found a few good sites. luckygunner.com and dirtcheapammo.com Reloading is the way to go. I'm starting to do research on a good reloader and accessories. I don't like paying the 30-06 prices even when on sale and would rather reload. Jim, the cheapest 30-06 I found was at the ammo show. Federal 150 and 180 grain for $15 a box. But this deal cones around only once a year unfortunately. It's normally between $20 and $23 here at Big 5 depending on a sale. What do you usually reload and how much does it cost you?
  11. The ammo looks legit to me. Damn expensive tho. Must be guaranteed to take down a zombie with one shot. I'm used to paying much less for my ammo but the box is nice.
  12. Yes and it's an awsome marketing idea by Hornady.
  13. Thanks Ice. Honestly I think the Bills can bury the jests. Spags will cry.
  14. We're actually ahead of the Pats by a tie breaker. Good to see your Pack having another good season. Stay classy Ice.
  15. Lol Jack. Good vid. I need to ask Siri "can you survive a zombie apocalypse?"
  16. Gailey is the ideal coach for the Bills. He, Nix and Whaley complement each other very well. Also throw Wanny into the mix.
  17. Always carry a solidly made machete or parang. It never runs out of ammo. And make sure your arm is in good shape.
  18. Fuzzy Wuzzy wuz a bear. Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair. Fuzzy Wuzzy wuzn't fuzzy wuz he? Siri must have some Easter eggs imbedded.
  19. Most of us don't give a hoot what the experts think anyway. I doubt the Bills players do either. This team is getting better and that's what counts!
  20. I've loaded up on .22 ammo. You can carry a lot of it and it can take out a zombie with a well placed nogin shot. Cardio is next on the list. Awsome topic btw
  21. Perseverance. How can anyone not be inspired by Freddy's fortitude. He's a man with talent who will just NOT quit. He's a class act off the field too. It's men like him on this team that really make me proud to be a Bills fan!
  22. Obviously I don't believe in every conspiracy theory that comes by. I take the time to read and research. But on this topic I'm more inclined to agree with Pete. This book and more research will help with due diligence on the subject.
  23. I'll let u know as soon as I read it. I have a lot if books on my wish list though. Might have to bump this one up a bit on the priority list. The Federal Reserve isn't as innocent as many people think it is. Anyway I expect it to be eye opening.
  24. Just added the book to my wish list. Should be a very interesting read. Thanks Pete!
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