Who on this board is perfect? ... Waiting... Ok now that this is clear, give Stevie some space. Idealy we want our chosen ones to exemplify what a true Bill is, or rather to illustrate what we want a Bills player to be. It's pretty darn hard to live up to all our expectations. He's a family man, he's a team man, if he wants to go out and party til wee late and call in sick, I won't like it, but at his age I'll consider it a learning experience and will not expect it to happen again. He's dependable and reliable and so I do not consider this a real issue.
Let the man have a little fun and spice up the Buffalo night life. It's a matter of balance gentlemen and gentle ladies.
Otays, I suppose no one here is being super serious about this anyway. Good thing too.
Stevie, if you are out there listenin, just do ur thing. We got ur back. Just make us proud.