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Everything posted by Pilsner

  1. I'm really sorry about your loss aj. A dog can be just like family and it's never easy when it's their time to go. It seems he had a wonderful life with you and that's what matters.
  2. Well yes the Fed is involved too. The topic was on gas so I only mentioned the oil companies. The Fed is even worse. No knee jerk here.
  3. I'm Really looking forward to John Carter. They better not eff it up and make it too cheesy. One of the first if not the first great sci-fi stories written. Oh ya, Chuck Norris would play me even tho I look nothing like him and my martial arts skills would make him laugh
  4. Time to see if the series progressses from the farm a bit. So far the cops are learning. Conserving ammo (finally) and being stealthy. But they still talk too loud when whispering will do or even hand signals. Hmm why not learn sign language Blondie has an attitude. Me likey.
  5. The prices are outrageous. If the oil companies see a chance to rape us, they will take every opportunity to do so. And we as citizens allow it to happen without much of a peep. $4.19 here north of Santa Barbara as of a few days ago. Prolly higher today. Ugh...
  6. She brings a lot to the table. Many celebs out there are lacking big time where it counts. I hope she keeps doing what she's doing and maybe it will rub off on some people.
  7. She's not too shabby at all for many reasons (in other words she's damn hot and has a good heart). Good quality thing she did.
  8. At the rate they are getting caught, just how many are out there at any one time? Have female teachers been out there in such numbers since we were in school and well before? Just mind boggling how many there are.
  9. This thread is so gonna rival last post wins. Btw you all have zombie breath.
  10. They'll just keep raising the prices and why not? Not enough people are making a big enough fuss about it.
  11. Brother and sister-in-law are staying with me for the time being. Sister-in-law's parents are visiting and they go to sleep early at night as most older peeps do. I ask her y do older people such as your parents go to sleep so early? Her answer is : they just do. I think older peeps just get into a routine because they're not out gallivanting out late anymore like in their younger years. To me this is obvious but not so obvious to sister-in-law. It's a silly buzzed post so please make light of this. Any confirmation as to y older folk go sleepy time early would be nice to hear. It's a slow night on the board so don't take this too seriously And spelling errors are due to the beer so any spelling peeps can shut their traps and save time
  12. I have no problem with PBR or with any cheap beer because from time to time these beers give me perspective. They make me appreciate my regular beers. just like I go to a really seedy bar on occassion for perspective as well. Simple Times is nearby and so when I'm not getting Eye of the Hawk or Pilsner Urquell, then Simple Times and a few other cheap beers make me think about things. After my good sense awakens again, back to the good quality stuff.
  13. Finally catching up on this weeks episode. Sister-in-law got me watching her shows now from time to time and seeing a solid hottie like Chelsea does not hurt one bit. I was thinking at first that Nina would last a bit but she sure seems timid for a police officer. Colton...hmm... I have nothing against gays, I have a few gay friends in fact. But Colton seems like such a waste of space. What's surprising to me is if he doesn't even realize he's a token everlasting flame put on here by the producers. He's so dumb he doesn't realize it. Or he's playing the perfect doofus on purpose but doubt it. Kat's not too shabby on a side note. Ladies need to organize and quit yappin about stuff that won't solve anything. And this needs to be my last beer tonight otherwise I will ramble on with no sense. So lady posters, any insight on how organized the men are?
  14. Damn right lol. Well partly. Damn beer buzz...
  15. lol I'm not so buzzed that I don't kno what I'm talking about....yet... but I'm on my way I have to admit I'm more than glad I'm part nerd. Just relieved I'm not 100% and missing out on other great things.
  16. Sorry about the confusion. I was referring to the episode that PTR was talking about. The massacre one.
  17. Hey I'm part nerd. Can ya blame me?
  18. I've seen a lot of episodes prolly most but I must've missed that one. If he couldn't massacre, talk about a Klingon version of blue balls.
  19. Worf just asks Q to take him to a happy place.
  20. I saw Castaway on the Moon the other night based on the recommendation here. Good movie and worth watching. Even my sister-in-law got sucked into it and she normally doesn't like my types of films. I wish more foreign movies had as large and clear subtitles as this one.
  21. Here's a twist. If you were a member of this group who would you want to learn from first? Would you then want to follow said member or try to be a leader of the group and help them formulate a plan of action? As I've said before, first I would learn from Daryl. I would try and kick this group in the rear and get them to realize that to be complacent would be a bad bad idea. Take inventory of everyone's skills and learn learn and learn. And if the group happens to run into a former writer, then have that person keep a record :-p
  22. Chelsea NEEDS to last. The longer she's there the longer I'll watch
  23. He should live longer because he actually prepares. If he does indeed teach the others about survival skills the series isn't showing a decent amount of it. I think if I was part of the group I would be taking every opportunity to learn from this guy. Learning from Herschel how to patch someone up would be beneficial too. Perhaps some peeps are learning in the background.
  24. Bring on "Hawkins"
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