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Everything posted by Pilsner

  1. Geez this so coulda been my next another silly buzzed question.
  2. Gosh, just tell them you want to call the buggers during their dinner hour
  3. It's unfortunate there were people who had an issue with him flying the US flag. !@#$ em. Fly it for the ideals and not for the corruption that hides behind the flag. May this man RIP knowing he did what he could.
  4. Colonel Barfoot, you have exemplified heroism to this nation. Anyone worth their salt would wish to have your courage. Anyone appreciative of your actions will mourn your passing. Thank you brave, dear serviceman.
  5. Call me..... The Glazer.
  6. I wouldn't say it's reveling but rather huge disappointment in someone who was in a position to be financially set and to provide for his family but just threw that advantage away. I wish he had known better through his years of seeing others experience this mishap but he didn't learn. Just disappointed in him is all.
  7. Sister-in-law says her pouty red lips might entice too many responses so she prefers to be anonymous. She's a feisty one!
  8. I'm gonna say gah gah on that and I mean it! Damnit she's gorgeous!
  9. I saw a few episodes. He put himself in that situation, so I'm glad you don't actually feel bad for him. Damnit I really hoped TO was smarter than he showed. Sigh...
  10. These shite prices are going on as planned. Percentage of pricing going up is Much More than percentage of dollar being devalued. We've been played for so long this is not a surprise to anyone with open eyes. Oh ya, paid $4.29 a few days ago. Hooray
  11. Matt finally being gone mixes things up. Such a douche almost to the highest order. Colton is showing his true colors tho. I hope peeps on the show see him for what he is. Backstabber and leach. Damnit Chelsea keep surviving and keep wearing your short shorts! She actually seems like a kewl azz chick. I want her around.
  12. Francis Albert Robert Taylor
  13. No one should blame bad advice. Blame actually taking bad advice. I'm not necessarily without a heart, but come on. -shakes head- Common sense is dieing.
  14. If he indeed is broke, he's a fool. What idiot after so many years of great NFL income would invest such a percentage of his earnings that which if such investments failed, that person would go broke? Someone who doesn't deserve making millions. If he had put his earnings under a matress (after first 5 years of frivolous spending) he would be better off. Saying he had bad investments was prolly an excuse for bad spending tho. TO is old enough to know better. He's still young enough tho, he has time to remedy his financial faults. I hope he learns. Never to old to learn. Oh yes, if he thinks he's in hell he put himself there. boohoo. TO wake up. He's old enough to realize what real friends are.
  15. The size of a rock ending mankind as we know it prolly depends on the trajectory almost as much as the size. Speed must play an important role as well. Also, what is said rock made of and what percentage of it will survive entry before hitting ground level. Ugh too many factors, and who wants to think of our demise anyway. :-p
  16. Mark, what a brain fart on my part, or rather a buzzed fart. Or both! You're def right, Verne was indeed before. Too many damn pilsners!
  17. Who doesn't have a crush on Hershey's daughter? She's cute and her voice/accent is damn hawt!
  18. If we can overcome a human meltdown this decade then we can think about a pest such as a floating rock. A rock would be the least of our worries now anyways. Where's Bruce Willis when we need him!
  19. If you want to know the beginning of sci-fi as we kno it, it's the book to read and appreciate I have it but need to read it before seeing Riggins playin Carter. From the Earth to the Moon is a damn classic as well, although not Burroughs but Verne.
  20. I hope John Carter is well done since afterall it's the first real sci-fi story ever written. Correct me if I'm wrong, I'll be gladly corrected for the truth. It's prolly cheesy as hellz but it better not disappoint! Anyone with a brain will see the significance of this movie. But damn not enough brains to go around :-0
  21. Damnit Chef, gimme a min to modify my post before replying :-p After cleaning off my shirt I have to admit u made my beer go out my nostrils! What a waste of good beer :-p
  22. Ok so my initials are PRM. Yes sounds a lot like "perm." Not at all flattering. Could be worse. My silly buzzed question is what percentage of parents give their children names with no consideration of their initials? And are you one of those parents?? If you are, would you eventually consider giving your poor kids self defence training? Come on, fess up. As usual this is a silly buzzed question, so no one take this seriously, but let's hear some entertaining responses nontheless. Oh ya, and have you heard of honest to goodness rl initials that are just damn blasphemous? If u have, inquiring minds want to know, just for gollys sake. Come on louts, speak up
  23. If winter would affect the zombies then people in the southern hemisphere would be better off at this time in the show. That's until spring rolls around for them. Hmmm I wonder if vultures would attack zombies since they are like a walking carcass in a way.
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