5'10 175 Played one year in HS and was an assistant coach later on for 2 seasons.
Pros: High motor even tho I'm not white. Ready to be a fearless tackling dummy if called upon. Does not shy away from contact. Will wrap up and hold on for dear life. Decent hands. Will study playbook until my eyes bleed. Team first attitude. Quick reaction time (twitch skills) which helps swatting down balls. If contract is offered, willing to renegotiate my measley pay if it helps bring in a player we need.
Cons: 40 time is 5.00+ Haven't played football in pads in 20 years. Right elbow still recovering from tennis injury so that's a red flag. Therefor not projected to be a QB. After giving as severe a hit as I can muster and wrapping up, will be dragged for a first down and more by most any NFL sized player. Not super fit atm so it would be a bonus to make it to half time. Most likely will need an oxygen machine at the half tho. Have already received one concussion. Might request in the contract that the Bills provide me a 12 pack of pilsner after every win. Perhaps after every loss too.