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Everything posted by Pilsner

  1. People really freaked out. I am a bit guilty of this as I was initially dismayed at first. But soon logical reasoning and chilling out got the better of me. One poster stated it well that if we had drafted a qb in the 6th who turned out to have Tarvaris' skills then it would be fine but trading for him is a crime. Well if he's an upgrade at back up qb for this cost then why so many complaints? The FO always seems to be trying to upgrade. Some chances work out and some don't. At least they are trying instead of settling for staying pat. I think in a few days after the initial shock most fans will settle down and realize a 6th for a most likely upgrade isn't that bad at all.
  2. What a great comeback story. I hope he goes far in life. Man, what an inspiration Bart is.
  3. She was one of a kind as an entertainer, and with a unique fashion sense.
  4. I know, I'm such a know it all ;-p I'll clarify for you. If this team lives up to our expectations and gets to the playoffs and possibly farther along, who would not be excited about that? If this happens I'm sure there will still be people bitching and moaning about something. Even if this team wins the SB the trolls will still come out to some degree.
  5. Ross Tucker usually has well thought out conclusions. If he says the jests aren't what they used to be then he's probably right. A good article he wrote on NFL o-lines articulates the responsibilities of each position and stating how being a right guard takes much more talent than most people realize. Although Ross is mainly an o-line guy, I wonder what Rex thinks of his confidence in his team? Not much I suppose.
  6. That's the spirit! With the way this team and FO is coming together I think we will all (minus the trolls and trollettes) have new good memories. It's been too long and we can't keep living on the old wonderful memories. New great ones seem to be on the horizon and will be had!
  7. This is a great team to root for. The best to root for? Perhaps. This is the best combination of hard working, determined yet humble, focused, self driven, team oriented, physically and mentally talented individuals full of potential that we've seen in a long time. Another strong draft and this will be revised. This team just has to win games now and live up to our expectations. Character-wise I cannot think of another team I would root for more in any era I've lived through as a fan.
  8. It would have to be the comeback against Moon Man and the Oilers. Gosh I still remember the gigantic smile on Bruce's face right after the winning field goal. If that game won't make your body rush with adrenaline, nothing will. What a game. The Bills shellacking of Jay Shroeder and his Raider cohorts is up there too. Finishing off Elway in the AFC Championship game with an interception was one of the best nail biters. I think it was Leon Seals? I could be wrong. Too many good memories....
  9. You beat me to it. Let's see what he has to show after at least a few more weeks (while healthy) before we jump to conclusions.
  10. Although the closing ceremony had more of an individual theme I enjoyed it more than the opening ceremony. They could have made a better effort to pronounce people's names correctly. Jacques Roggue (sp?) got old fast from when he took over 8 (or was it 12) years ago. He looked quite a bit younger when he took the torch. It's mostly bands playing so it's hard not to take it as an individual effort. Overall it wasn't too shabby I think. Rio should be interesting; I'm looking forward to an elaborate spiced up opening ceremony for that one. And may I add that the lesser known models were drop dead gorgeous
  11. One of the commercials I've noticed during the Olympic commercial breaks is of an aspiring female boxer who proclaims herself as a "hispanic" female boxer. That's nice and everything, but does this mean that a white female boxer can say she's a "caucasian" female boxer? I think so. I'm Hispanic and why not be fair about it? Btw the Human league commercial brings back memories. Also on a side note the Swedish female soccer team isn't shabby at all.
  12. Preemptive Front Four. For two reasons; they will waylay and shellack you before you see it coming and they are so awesome they have nicknames before they've proven anything yet. Their true nickname will come in time.
  13. He doesn't fit what the Nixley looks for in character so I think it's safe to say...NO thank you. It's surprising to me how many fans are willing or eager to add a douche to the team. Physically talented as he may be he also comes with baggage which some here wish to disregard. Baggage which can disrupt the growing chemistry of the team and also temporarily keep a promising wr from getting reps. How many here would be just as eager to have a douche join you as a coworker at work? Oh the fun times to be had working cohesively and effficiently with such a gentleman.
  14. *Life Improves after Ralph* I hope your post isn't deleted either. It's horrible that O.J. Murdock came to a point in his life that he couldn't handle it anymore and ended it all. It's just as tragic that his family and friends have to deal with his loss and thoughts of whether they could have intervened. You have a right to your opinion and for it to be heard. It promotes thought. I'm not going to agree or disagree with you at this point; it's just a sad situation for all concerned. On a side note, in accordance to what Rob stated, your screen name does you no favor.
  15. This seems to be the case and I like it...a Lot.
  16. plenzmd I'm sorry for your loss. We'll all move on from this life one day when it's our time. May your brother's memory always keep you company thru the coming seasons.
  17. I don't even want to spout my indiscretions but all I will say is I'm lucky to be alive, I've learned from my youthful mistakes, and I now do my utmost to help my friends and acquaintances from being as foolish.
  18. NewEra I agree with what you've said but I think your reply on this particular topic is too lengthy. A simple .. would suffice. Maybe even a . No, after some more thought I think your reply is appropriate.
  19. Thanks for posting NoSaint. I read the whole article (am recently getting in the habit of actually reading whole articles before posting now) and have to say that I wish him the best. Family First is a view I admire and follow. Dasmine had some very hard times and I'm glad he's using his experiences to help others. Just makes me wonder how many college athletes we pass on the streets walking with pride but yet hiding the rigours of life they go thru. Not like we all don't have things to deal with but Dasmine probably has had more than most. It's just good he's trying to be productive with his life.
  20. This burgeoning lady plain rocks. She's got the drive and determination that I wish everyone had including me. I've got drive but this lil lady puts me in my place. If everyone had her attitude then this nation wouldn't be as effed up as it is.
  21. Shackleton and his crew survived with no loss of human life. If she's that wicked she deserves worse than Antarctica. The article wasn't generous as to why there was a confrontation in the first place. All we know is she had an iron grip, the older man did not fend her off (most men would do everything in their power to stop this type of act such as eye gauging, fist to the head, breaking nose) but perhaps he wasn't able to. But he was able to walk for help. Details are missing here. Maybe it was accidental castration?
  22. lol good thing the lil dude didn't know swear words....yet...
  23. I hate the "enviro" friendly ones as well. I'm highly considering your technique of modification.
  24. I did not expect that voice and appreciation for the classics to come from a goth/scene. I am quickly and appropriately put in my place for such a silly assumption. It's kind of hard to believe his parents never heard him sing but in this world anything is possible.
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