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Rhode Island Red

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Everything posted by Rhode Island Red

  1. Totals at 0700 EST this morning: $358K from 18K donors 4.25 hrs. Later at 1115: $386K from 19.5K donors so $28K raised from 1500 donors in that time span, or approximately $7K/hr from 375 donors/hr Really impressive to be rolling like this during day 4. Huge shout out to the BC/BS employees of WNY for the killer $17K donation yesterday!
  2. “Over $450K” https://www.wcpo.com/sports/football/bengals/andy-dalton-gives-back-to-buffalo-for-fans-donations-to-his-foundation
  3. $287,456 / 15,080 donations = $19.06/per at this moment, for whatever that detail is worth. A wondrous “spontaneous outpouring of good will for Josh and his family” to quote Hap... Edit, 5 minutes later: up to $287,759, so $303 / 5 mins. = $60.60/minute. 🙂
  4. I sent the links I posted above to a couple buddies, one of whom wrote back to say that the links all came up blocked. Sure enough, turns out he’s back in Vienna... surprising to me ‘cuz we’ve shared plenty of links before when he was over there, just not about football, or Buffalo. Way beyond my ken to figure out...
  5. Counter is a good idea. How about with $17 donation buttons for all 32 teams? See if the Seahawks crowd can step up first.... I’m assuming a sizable chunk of that fan-base consider themselves ‘progressive’....:-) Edit: Needlessly snarky on my part, apologies. Just getting carried away thinking how truly huge this could get with a little NFL-wide competition!!
  6. Can’t believe that the national (football and otherwise) press has been so slow on the uptake here...for example ESPN still running the “over $34K” number... This is the most recent I’ve found this afternoon, and it’s nice, but please will “someone who tweets” please inform this writer for CBS that Josh didn’t throw for “over 300 yards on Sunday”...?! And include some of the aforementioned (here somewhere) stats on just how rare his two 400+ yard/3 TD passes/0 INT games in one season really are?! And, by obvious inference, how amazing his performance was, especially given the circumstances? Thank you in advance...! Also, have to mention that I’m surprised that we’re not well past the “done” posts in this thread. I wanna’ hear how many other folks you’ve turned on to this steamroller...it only takes 59 more x $17 to = $1K!! https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/bills-fans-donate-over-200k-to-childrens-hospital-in-honor-of-josh-allens-late-grandmother/ Also (again), when I gave my $17 pittance yesterday, I couldn’t help but notice that on the Oishoi site, they made mention of “our 3 year birthday”. Due to my lengthy (physical) absence from WNY, I wasn’t aware of their new building, etc. It was cause for me to look up some stuff; I learned a lot about our fair town’s history of caring by great women, and a notable man, too! https://www.ochbuffalo.org/hospital-history And https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_R._Oishei
  7. Every first down that Josh can engineer, whether it’s via the run or pass (and hopefully a good mix of both) will get him bonus points from our defense. Our defense should be at least marginally better than theirs, especially if they’re not still gassed from the last sequence as they take the field...
  8. This. Though I might mention that the snark may not be strictly necessary, what?!
  9. I’ll say it, thanks for sharing OP. I’m amused by the ‘division perspective’, and find it an addition to the board. That said, and having never watched the young man play before, the best I can say after one viewing is that, in spite of the win, his debut was only marginally better than Peterman’s, considering the difference in pedigree and draft position. The future is up to him.
  10. I really want that dessert to work some magic for Ed; in fact I’m thinking the same message would look good on today’s rack of ribs... in frosting. Hopefully a game day we’ll all remember fondly, Go Bills !!
  11. Unless I “misunderestimated” Terry, I’ll offer dollars to donuts that he’s much more focused on the details of Kim’s outfit of the day.....
  12. Whaat???? My coffee is red and blue...?oh wait it’s a reflection off my hat.... early still. Go Bills!
  13. Go Bills!... I feel a void this morning without a Rams-appropriate equivalent to ‘squish the fish’
  14. Really enjoyed the piece, very well executed in terms of our current elation. Dutifully forwarded it on to my long-suffering family members, and also to a few doubter-friends... (Giants/Jets/Pats fans, of course, around here...)
  15. Jasman, plz can you set me up w/ the link?? Muchas gracias in advance...

  16. Somewhere back there (in 1st quarter?). When the CBS feed went down, someone posted a Live FB feed... I’ve been watching it, and it’s about 1,000% better than ESPN GameCast. However, at one point in the 2nd half the streamer turned his phone sideways for a few plays, and asked people to tell him “if it’s better that way...” If any of you are on FB and connected to the dude, please tell him for me that yes, it’s better with his phone sideways!! I actually think I could still log in to FB, but I’d have to search for a password, etc., and there’s no way I could figure out how to contact the dude. Thanks in advance, GO BILLS!!!
  17. It always seems surreal the night before the opener, but this year times 100!! Go Bills! GoGoGoGodBlessIt! Edit: Oh yeah, 41-6 good guys....
  18. Fixed this for you??
  19. To me, just the fact that you’ve said that (and it’s seconded here at least once...) means the right call should be play action (w/ Singletary) and a screen to Gilliam... We might not have a better chance all season to catch a secondary backpedaling their a**es off.....
  20. Bingo. Ball Security. It was a continuing problem before he got here. All of a sudden, there were precious few terrible mistakes on returns, especially punts. He covers the basics better than any returner we’ve had in years. To me, it’s Insurance 101 or 102; Risk Avoidance. Probability of negative occurrence vs. degree of negative impact of said occurrence.. In other words, he was never here to be a flashy TD maniac; his professionalism helps ensure that we don’t get ****ed with a ‘mishap’ from the return team every game or two... Roberts is,, and hopefully will continue to be, another example of just how much “The McBeanes” are covering every godblessed base. Their whole game is a study in risk management.
  21. “The talent is strong on every level. There's no weakness. And while the signings of veterans like Mario Addison, Vernon Butler, Josh Norman, Quinton Jefferson and A.J. Klein don't generate headlines, they fuel McDermott's system. The coaching takes this defense to the next level.” After wallowing in the muck for so long, and in spite of the last three years, this feels surreal as s***. THAT quote is about the Bills??
  22. I watched that whole Giants game. Really fun to hear Frank, Alex and Howard. But why would you post that particular game?!?! That sucked.
  23. I’ll never remember what game, against what team, but I seem to remember Logan Thomas coming from absolutely nowhere at a million miles an hour to lay a block on a defender just before the goal line that absolutely exploded the guy, and sealed the deal on a long Bills TD run. Pretty sure that was his most memorable play here, and don’t remember an equivalent death blow block by any Bill before or since... I know, a lot of “don’t remembers”, but am I wrong?
  24. So, on a relatively slow night, I’m really curious, what’s the TBD consensus on L. Miller??
  25. You guzzler, you!! It only sounds long. In truth it drinks long...
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