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Rhode Island Red

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Everything posted by Rhode Island Red

  1. Great post, thx. This is why it’s worth wading through all the fluffernutter threads... curious...GT, what didn’t you like about this one?
  2. Perhaps not the most appropriate spot for me to post this question, but it is the pregame thread, and here I am close to game time, only to find that a streaming site that was much-ballyhooed on TSW in various other threads (Fubo) is, in fact, no better than local TV stations, aaargh. If anyone can help, please PM me, or els I’m doomed to “watching” this game on ESPN GAMECAST...🙁 thanks in advance...
  3. An all-time classic...kudos to you, peacephin...
  4. I just watched the YouTube highlight of Fitzy’s throw. After the kick was made, Fitzy grabbed Gisecki by the helmet and screamed in his face for at least five seconds, from a distance of about five inches. No mask on either one of them. That’s a video clinic of how not to interact with anyone in 2020...
  5. Amusing idea, if it was Monday instead of Thursday...
  6. Methinks this changes the calculus for our starters playing time. Edit: Obviously, best of luck to Fitzy and family.
  7. That was kinda fun watching C. Wade and iMac. Imagine Wade progressing into a broadcast career?!
  8. We come from here, you maroons... MarlinTheMagician RFA Members 293 1,033 posts Report post Posted 3 minutes ago Knox is the man! C'mon man, we just beat the Steelers! Hello . . .
  9. seriously? That’s like, gulp, Gillette prices...😳
  10. i just came home with my first ever 18 x Blue Light. Karma, beer, Bills; I’m all set.
  11. It’s Bleacher Report, I get it, but still a narrative that I’m sure sits well with the 49ers at this point... https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2920237-san-francisco-49ers-can-still-salvage-injury-marred-season?utm_source=cnn.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=editorial
  12. Is that Collinsworth describing Carr’s “hurry, hurry, hurry” (w/ 15 secs. Left on play clock) followed by a hard count? He got the jump and the free play, and then made the play... Josh 17 held up D.Carr as his idol in high school, part of why he wanted to go to Fresno State. I hope Josh learns that trick from Derek...
  13. Updated totals for 11/19/20 @ 0910 EST: $678,871 from 26,978 donors since Sunday evening @ 1935 EST that’s $24,061 from 525 donors = $45.83 per donor! and almost $6,875K/ day... still a very impressive pace.
  14. So I’m resurrecting Hap’s reply from a week ago (!) for a reason, or perhaps reasons... I had suggested that perhaps Oishei should insert donation buttons for all 32 teams. His above reply sat well with me, in that it was true to Josh, true to Bills Mafia, **** the rest of them...etc. That was a week ago, when we were all agog at having raised a few hundred thousand $, and wondering if we could possibly surpass the $400somethingK that got sent to Andy Dalton’s charity. But at this point I really think this thing has gone beyond all that. I think we have to realize that this is just not about Bills Mafia being awesome about recognizing the perfect opportunity to celebrate Josh by honoring his mother, and the circumstances under which he played his fabulous game against the Seahawks. It’s about Oishei. Folks from all over the country have been donating, they dig it, they’re into the whole good vibe thing, and ohbytheway Oishei is recognizably the ‘real deal’, a top notch A #1 facility for our children and apparently for CHILDREN FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD... The donations are still rolling in. Yes they’ve slowed a bit, but $1K/hour is still fan****ingtastic by anybody’s fundraising standards, imho. I’m firmly of the opinion that we need to acknowledge the true reality of this opportunity for the hospital, and do our best to pump this up and roll it through the remainder of the season. My notion of how to do this is to introduce 32 team donation buttons on their website. And keep track. A super-friendly, we’re all in this type of competition. Howzabout if Oishei starts the team buttons next Sunday, and publishes the team by team totals each week? Including us. Can we outraise the Chargers fans? How about the Niners and the Steelers? If we can make this continue to “be a thing” until we go as far as we can go, we can make the current total of $600K+ look like chump change. I can scrounge around and find $17/week for the next six, seven, eight or more weeks for this; it’ll cost me a few coffees, etc. If our normal home crowd can do the same in lieu of buying tickets, we’re at $1M+ per week. Plus the other teams’ donations....Yowza...and it will only get bigger the further we go. All to the benefit of Oishei, not us. We’ve done spectacularly well already, but HolyMoly we’re riding a fast horse on our way to a potentially monstrous win, and we’re really not even at the quarter mile pole yet...
  15. But the math works in favor of your argument! Who the heyho gets naming rights for 2.9%??
  16. Your point is well taken, but your math is a tad off... $10M is 2.9% of $350M, unless I’m as far off as you seem to be...?!
  17. Total votes cast 48,612 ??? Nationwide on Fox??
  18. Dollars to donuts that if folks can get it to $983K he’ll pony up again!! ...but no pressure, Josh! I’m beginning to picture the new Patricia Allen Wing at Oishei... Edit: However, ‘upon further review’, methinks a new wing would be a lot more than a paltry $1M... Wiki: “Construction on the hospital started in 2014 at an estimated cost of $350 million, $35 million of which was provided by the state of New York and $10 million from the John R. Oishei Foundation”
  19. Over $537K now, which is a gain of about $11K in the last three hours, this train just won’t stop!! Anyone who hasn’t yet thrown some coal into the boiler, do it now baby!
  20. You get the perseverance award I think. What put you over the hump, was it Hap’s trick about calling the credit card company??
  21. At 0704 EST this morning 11/13: $427,784 from 20,968 donors, so overnight donations were $3,039 from 146 donors, avg. donation = $20.82 At 0904 EST, $430,842 from 21,093 donors, so in two hours $3,068 from 125 donors, avg. donation = $24.54 Overall avg. donation up to $20.42
  22. 11/12/20. 2300 EST $424,743 20.822 Donors $66,798 raised since 0719 hrs. this morning. Over $4300 per hour today, with approx. 175 donors/hour.
  23. Today 11/12/20 at 1409 EST: $392.4K From 19,715 Donors. At 1730 EST: $408.3K. From 20,165 Donors So: $15.9K raised in 3.4 hours = $4.7K/hr. 450 Donors in 3.4 hours = 132/hr. Avg. donation is up to $20.25. I’m pretty sure I had it yesterday morning around $18.65.
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