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Everything posted by GaryPinC

  1. I'll go on record saying I will take it for an over-enthusiastic rookie but will not take it every time. I don't want to watch "Forrest Gump 2".
  2. Great interview, thanks for posting. Really happy for Geno overcoming adversity and being si humble. At first glance I thought he was giving the interview while sitting on the can.😂
  3. Not even going to wait that long. That's how I see it. Scapegoat city for Dorsey.
  4. "Vitamin D Supplements DON’T Reduce COVID-19 Risk" Published in the Journal of the American Medical Association regarding human clinical trials "Study shows Vitamin D MAY have key role in fighting off COVID-19 pneumonia" Press Release by Main Line Health touting a research publication from their own institute involving epithelial cell line integrity but no experiments with Covid 19. How do you actually consider these contradictory when one is a definitive clinical trial result in a leading journal and the other a speculative press release involving indirect cellular research?
  5. Hooooooooooop! (short o)
  6. I'd say both. I've seen highlights from Jacksonville shanking well thrown balls. Limited and significantly unreliable.
  7. I see what you're saying, having watched both him and Gabe I feel he's a lot more talented than Gabe. He's much more diverse in terms of the routes he can run, the catches he can make, working for separation, and especially contested catches. Not sure statistics can convey that. My thought in the Cooper discussion is that we see how he does with Josh (a real quarterback) and Brady. Does Coop have certain passes he struggles with (flat pattern?) and could be avoided? The quarterback connection and offensive style help make a receiver. Cleveland saw it last year when Flacco took over and Cooper caught fire. He was a weapon with Cleveland. You absolutely have to factor in he had DeShaun Watson and a struggling Cleveland Browns offense to work in. You also have to consider that a solid number of his "stinkers" throughout his career he really wasn't targeted much in that game. That's not to say he hasn't underperformed in games to your point, he has. I think all good receivers will have games like this, whether it's totally their fault or if some of the fault lies in the offense or defensive plan/talent shutting him down. You can go look at Justin Jefferson's 2022 season of 1800 yds and definitely see a few stinkers in there. His drops are a concern, let's hope our offense can game plan to minimize them and I'm excited to see how it goes with Josh and his connection. Strong chance this could be really good!
  8. At this point, everything points to Diggs being a raging narcissist. Narcissists certainly have positive and charismatic traits to their personality. But until he changes he'll always be toxic to a team in the long run. As you observe, narcissists don't like to change or mature. Problems are always someone else's fault.
  9. Enjoy that passion of experiencing life for the first time only toddlers can bring, and the privilege of guiding and shaping it. I certainly don't miss the barely controlled daily chaos, but it's all good. Congratulations on what I'm sure is a beautiful family!
  10. https://www.si.com/nfl/bills/news/buffalo-bills-to-sign-zion-logue Already done, just a rookie though.
  11. Terminal velocity is defined as the maximum velocity of an object falling through a fluid, professor. Nobody talks about terminal instantaneous velocity except you. Best heed your own advice about learning and stop trying to teach nonsense.
  12. Thanks for this as I think you perfectly capture the quandary of these situations. How to fix? I think you allow in effect a continuation component to establish the ball is secure and the catch fully completed before either the player or ball is considered "on the ground." In effect for this situation, Keon was in control while crossing the GL inbounds and able to secure it while technically out of bounds. If the ball had hit the ground before being secured at the end then no TD.
  13. I took plenty of physics including quantum. As you are saying negative acceleration will reduce v0 while the 0 start runner is compounding acceleration and building positive speed. The x factor we are disagreeing on is whether the balance and rhythm will compromise the stumbler from maintaining and recovering enough speed and acceleration to stay in front of the zero started runner. It's generally more difficult and time consuming to correct balance, form and negative acceleration than to start from zero with good balance and stride. So if the static runner starts his run as the stumbler starts his stumble, and both runners are capable of the same maximum acceleration, the stumbler will have a very short lead and be quickly passed by the zero start guy while the stumbler tries to re-establish balance, form and positive acceleration. The stumble and loss of balance will compromise a lot of that initial velocity or the runner will fall over. This can certainly be argued depending on the situation but getting back to Coleman's case, he almost fell over and lost a lot of velocity to get himself re-established. I get that you are saying the stumbler's initial velocity would still keep him in front, but I disagree in this case with Keon. I certainly understand that in some situations your reasoning will be correct, I know in certain situations (and IMO most situations) my reasoning will be correct. I respect your thinking and opinion but if you are unable to admit my reasoning will be correct in certain situations than the ignorance is yours. I don't feel I can add any more to this discussion so we'll have to agree to disagree.
  14. Nope. You seem to ignore the fact that the stumbler undergoes negative acceleration while re-establishing themselves, which is a multistep/short distance process. Once the static runner moves acceleration is all positive and compounding while the stumbler has to transition from negative acceleration to positive while trying to find proper balance and rhythm. So if a runner form starts from zero while the other runner is just starting to stumble, I doubt it's even close that the zero start will rapidly pass the stumbler.
  15. My mistake. Yeah, I can agree with you there. Anywhere before that point favors the static runner.
  16. The thing you are missing here is the change of acceleration over time. end velocity is less important here than rate of acceleration. In a stumble, there is a negative acceleration until balance and rhythm are reestablished and acceleration can increase again. A sprinter coming out of a block rapidly establishes balance and rhythm and quickly compounds positive acceleration. One of the keys here is the amount of stumble/balance loss and how quickly the runner can re-establish but I would bet in most cases the static runner properly balanced will build greater speed via greater positive acceleration magnitude than the stumbling runner. In simplest terms, the static runner is going to have a greater "a" than the stumbling runner thus build speed more rapidly even though the stumbler has a v0 greater than zero.
  17. Thing is, if Myles wants out it changes the calculus.
  18. In all fairness I haven't seen that much of Landry, but Myles is the closest thing I've seen to Bruce since Bruce himself. Great against the run too.
  19. He also seems to value staying in Cleveland. Things could change quickly though. If he left, I don't know if fans would be jumping off buildings or being happy for him to go to a team that could find success. I know Cleveland fans hated to lose Coop but were also happy for him. This fan base realizes what a sh*t show their franchise is and they are helpless to change it. It really sucks to live among.
  20. Easily. Garrett is a monster. Bruuuce going to Cleveland to coach/tutor his rookie year says it all.
  21. Yeah, even if he progresses well, it seems like it takes closer to two years for most to fully come back. At least the Browns will get some insurance money back. What a mess, I doubt Watson really wants to come back to them next year. It's such a disaster for both sides. If he had any integrity he would renegotiate to a contract that cuts him loose. He doesn't look happy to be there either. Fans might actually have half an ounce of respect for him too.
  22. Anyone who wants to watch an achilles snap in real time check out the replay. Totally obvious.
  23. I like Davis's ability to bounce and spin out of tackles. We are really set at RB this year.
  24. Or were the DB's just getting up to speed?😂
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