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Everything posted by GaryPinC

  1. Yea, how can you not? Seems like a real great story emerging, I also agree that he looks fantastic. I'll be interested to see where they work him on the O-line this year. If he's lost even more weight from when they brought him in, with his athletic ability I'm wondering if they try him as backup swing tackle.
  2. Agree, hearing Kyle's perspective definitely helped, can't blame Mario for wanting to check out the working environment either. Got my fingers crossed.
  3. Let's be realistic though. Previously scheduled meetings get cancelled when a player decides to sign. Bills have gone on record that they are willing to offer Mario top $$ so money is not an issue. You see how fast Meachum signed (it was a lot more money from what I hear). Mario not signing yesterday says to me he has some doubts about coming here. This team was 6-10 and still hasn't proved anything yet, so Mario would be taking a pretty big chance coming here. He's a premier talent and he probably wants to win a superbowl. Will playing here during his prime years give him a great chance at a superbowl? And this has nothing to do with the image of the city. If he's still in town there's hope, if he leaves there's still a chance but probably a better chance he signs elsewhere for less money.
  4. Nice, I wonder what future karma God has in store for someone who refers to his kids as "tools"? Hopefully it also catches up with the guy who "loves it" and thinks it's "hilarious".
  5. Gotta love Fitz's dedication and sense of humor, looks like he cut that himself! Really happy to see SJ back. Thanks to the Bills FO and him for getting this done. Always great to see a guy happy to be here. Time to settle up with Fred.
  6. I'd rather not speculate about what happens to the FO when Mr. Wilson finally checks out, any guesses would be pure folly if they indeed turn out to be true. As for Buddy, I think it's his job to support his coach's decisions and get him the personnel he needs. In my mind the entire 3-4/Edwards thing is on Gailey. I also haven't condemned the 2010 draft yet. I think end of season 2012 will be a more fitting time to judge the 2010 draft.
  7. Agree, but sounds like Overdorf handles a good bit of it. Article also gave me the impression that Whaley wasn't too high up the ladder in Pittsburgh so he's got a whole lot to learn, and that he will be given more team/personnel opportunities as he progresses. Another impression was that Buddy sounds like he has a plan knows what he's doing as a GM. I state this in contrast to criticisms when he was hired (including an unnamed "NFL executive") that Buddy was a lifelong scout and not really GM material.
  8. Seems to me this gets back to the basic dilema about when is it ok to perform an abortion? When does this growing life earn the right to survive? Strict anti-abortionists could turn this article around and agree with the conclusions which ultimately morally validate never performing an abortion.
  9. Press here in Cleve say the shooter (TJ Lane) came from a broken family (dad jailed for domestic abuse on multiple women he had kids with). TJ Lane was living with his grandparents and didn't actually go to Chardon HS, waiting in Cafeteria for bus to take kids to Auburn career center and Lake Academy for troubled or at risk kids. I think other kids (not sure about all of them) went to Auburn and TJ to Lake. Guessing that there was some bullying/social terrorization on the bus but that was not the only issue here. We'll see as the process unfolds.
  10. Now that I think about it, if this woman's crash involved another biker why aren't there legal issues here? She's dead, seems like potential for reckless op, manslaughter, and more. Same rights/responsibilities as a motorist?
  11. I also would have thought you could just use the link jr1 kindly provided in the very next post after green lantern but I was wrong on both counts so I've added it to the original. My apologies to the board for the breach in protocol.
  12. Doesn't sound like an automobile was involved. Article says she was riding with a group of cyclists when she fell and law enforcement is not involved either.
  13. This woman is a fitness fanatic and truly an inspiration. I hope my wife looks even half as good as her at 55. But let's not forget the wonder of computer photo editing. Dug up some photos of her that don't appear to be retouched. 1st one is from 2007 so I'm guessing she's also had some face work done in the last couple years. http://www.google.com/imgres?q=sharon+simmons&hl=en&sa=X&rlz=1R2GPMA_en&biw=1110&bih=483&tbm=isch&prmd=imvnsuo&tbnid=OkvMsKweKC1zyM:&imgrefurl=http://www.thenaturalmusclenetwork.com/ocb/Contests/ResultsOCB20070908NV.htm&docid=nEyG4WzinLvr9M&imgurl=http://www.thenaturalmusclenetwork.com/ocb/Contests/2007/LasVegasNV/SharonSimmonsModel.jpg&w=252&h=360&ei=JF9OT4bMI4Hi0gG01pm_Ag&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=760&vpy=56&dur=2953&hovh=268&hovw=188&tx=126&ty=147&sig=115228345331186602910&page=3&tbnh=139&tbnw=97&start=35&ndsp=19&ved=1t:429,r:10,s:35 http://www.wtsp.com/news/entertainment/article/241503/10/55-year-old-grandmother-wants-to-be-a-NFL-cheerleader http://www.kimdolanleto.com/2012/01/inspirational-mom-and-grandmother-sharon-simmons/sharon-simmons-fap/ Hot for 55? yep. Cowboy's cheerleader? give it up.
  14. from the Buffalo News as posted today on TBD. -No doubt he is being groomed to take over from Buddy -Sounds like he is at least a year and probably 2 or 3 away -Seems truly appreciative of his opportunity here. Great article to reveal perspective on the entire situation, IMO. http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/bills-nfl/article744150.ece?twobillsdrive
  15. I live about 20 min from Chardon. Good community, nice small town. Sad, shocking and it only takes one misguided individual anywhere in this country for this to happen. My good friend lives there but luckily his oldest daughter is only 1st year of middle school (she's safe at home now). Sounds like the shooter went all goth and have to wonder if it's again about a bullied kid going too far.
  16. As long as they slow down, stop as needed to respect pedestrians/cross traffic I'm ok with it. You ever been in rush hour traffic intersection behind a stopped cyclist with no bike lane, 10 cars behind you, ten more in the lane next to you and everybody clamoring to get through the intersection? I'd rather the bicyclist sneak safely through, get up to speed and put some distance between us. And if he's turning off even better. This is the reality of the road, IMO, and the cyclists who refuse to acknowledge this will end up lying in a ditch eventually. I would like to see more roads with bike lanes. Roads around me would only require a couple of feet added to the shoulder and that would reduce traffic tie-ups and concentrate the bicyclists. While that could create new traffic problems, if it helps reduce bicyclists on other roads and as a motorist I know I'll run into them on the bike-lane road I think it would be a better situation. Bikes have the right to use the roads but in doing so are creating a hazardous situation. As the far slower and vulnerable vehicle it's on them to ride in as safe a manner as possible. I also hate the bike clubs who ride in groups of 15 or more and tie up 50-200 yds of road. They should cluster in small groups (2-4) so cars can safely get around them.
  17. Ok, just make sure it doesn't change at all!
  18. Thanks for posting this, good info. The way this negotiation has dragged out I wasn't all too optimistic for Stevie staying but certainly there's room for optimism now and I've got my fingers crossed. It'd be great to see our primary receiver back in the fold for next year.
  19. I think the focus of this test is to test mental acuity more so than absolute intelligence. As others have said, time is the most important factor here not the difficulty of the questions. I think any high schooler should be able to answer these questions given enough time to work through them.
  20. Ok, I understand, for example, that reserving strawberries and preserving strawberries has different meaning but it's a similar act (setting something aside for later use). For both words the verb refers to an action taken on a commodity and the noun refers to the act that was done to the commodity. "Preserving strawberries" and "making strawberry preserves" refers to the same commodities so in this case even the noun and the verb are very similar in meaning which is why I was questioning DC Tom's assertion that they are very dissimilar. I'm certainly not saying the words have the same meaning. Additional steps can be needed to properly "preserve" a commodity although if a particular commodity does not require additional steps and will not change over time "preserve" and "reserve" can be used interchangeably. After considering all this I agree with the test answer, these words are more similar than dissimilar. Seems like an exception to the rule but I was curious why you feel these 2 words are so dissimilar (does a distinct difference=dissimilar)?
  21. All your examples involve commodities that were either set aside or someone acted to set aside. Preserves differs in that it applies to something in it's original or unchanged state. How are the definitions of preserve and reserve so dissimilar? Certainly they can refer to very different commodities. re·serve/riˈzərv/Verb: Refrain from using or disposing of (something); retain for future use. Noun: A supply of a commodity not needed for immediate use but available if required. Synonyms: verb. book - keep - retain - save noun. reservation - stock - store - restraint pre·serve/priˈzərv/Verb: Maintain (something) in its original or existing state. Noun: Food made with fruit preserved in sugar, such as jam or marmalade. Synonyms: verb. keep - maintain - conserve - protect - save - retain noun. jam - reserve - reservation
  22. I certainly don't think Fitzpatrick sucks but IMO he also hasn't proven he's the 6 year answer for us either. Bills FO is doing the right thing supporting him, but they were also willing to draft Cam Newton last year while singing praises for Fitzpatrick. I certainly hope he has better numbers next year but what if he doesn't? You make good points about the current situation, but getting a young backup who's been in the league a few years doesn't have to break the bank. It's just my opinion I'd rather be developing a young guy (just in case) instead of paying Thigpen.
  23. I can only speak for myself in saying I don't think he's "remarkably awful" but he wasn't too impressive last year for many of the reasons turbosrrgood covered. But, I'm not sure that Thigpen can get it done anymore, not saying for sure, just saying he's done little to prove he can. Certainly I will change my opinion when/if he proves otherwise so I'm not condemning him. My other bias in opinion is that at this point I'd rather see a backup quarterback with more upside than Thigpen. I would rather see Fitz in a mentoring role because: 1. I don't think Fitz needs Thigpen to be a mentor 2. We need to start grooming Fitz's replacement. Brady Quinn has only played in 14 NFL games, started 12 of them, all with the Browns. In his last few games there, Quinn started making quick decisions with his passes, really dealing the ball. To me, he looked like he was rushing his throws and that was affecting his accuracy. Obviously he's done nothing in Denver but with all the FO instability it's hard to say what the reality is there. Up until his Tebow comments, I felt Quinn still had some decent upside. After seeing his snarky, petulant comments about Tebow forget him. I don't disagree with the gist of his comments, but as a pro teammate and backup you just don't say things like that unless you're a bona fide a-hole. Hopefully Quinn learns from this and grows up.
  24. To be honest I'd rather deal with those threads rather than worry your backup QB can't get it done if Fitz goes down. Having watched Quinn play in Cleveland, I do think he still has some upside in this league. After what he did to Tebow, there's no way I want him on our team. It'll be interesting to see how much longer Quinn is even in the NFL.
  25. Cleveland Browns really need receivers also. Here's a PD article on FA receivers and they listed Stevie 4th with a good write-up http://www.cleveland.com/browns/index.ssf/2012/02/deep_pool_of_free-agent_receiv.html
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