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Everything posted by GaryPinC

  1. Do you really believe there will be a truly "open" auction? What happens when the NFL does not approve the new ownership? Ralph Wilson has always been acutely sensitive to putting the league above the individual teams. I also believe that he seeks to burden his family as little as possible with the sale of this franchise. I would bet he has mapped out the process with the league and it will be a pretty orderly process. What makes the most sense is to have a small group of bidders, each pre-approved by the NFL. Closed bidding. Where they are in that process is completely subjective, all the innuendos from Kelly et al. about the Bills' future seem to me to indicate there is at least a process, and if you put any stock in Kelly's confidence, keeping the team in the Buffalo area for at least some specified length of time is part of the process. You could get crazy and suppose the 7th year buyout might be to facilitate moving to a new stadium or simply moving out of town. I could see RW identifying ownership groups now and negotiating the details of ownership transfer (minus the sale price) ahead of time to ease the burden on his family. But I don't know any more than anybody else and probably less.
  2. They did pretend, and the Browns were looking pretty strong for a while. The minute they gave up 2 draft pick positions for better ones in 2014 and signed no significant free agents every knowledgeable fan should have known what was going on. I did, and I'm no especially knowledgeable fan. After they traded T. Richardson it was beyond obvious. FO knows it's unacceptable to the fans, especially ticket sales, but the fans will quickly forgive once the plan starts working. Why would any front office announce a planned rebuilding year? No one ever wants to hear that and no one would respect them for coming out and saying it. At the end of the season, the coaches and FO will know exactly what they have, need and want. That's smart. And they will have a bunch of extra draft picks to leverage. Smart. I have to respect Joe Banner for being ballsy in sticking with the plan. Now, if he can't deliver on his draft picks next year, then there might just be some lynchings. ;-)
  3. The plan has been to stockpile draft picks and have a huge draft in 2014, you saw that come in to play in the 2013 drafts trading 4th and 5th round picks for 2014 3rd and 4th round. They appear to have hit with Mingo, Gordon and McFadden, their top 3 picks. Is there any doubt they will select a quarterback as first priority? They have a good defense, just need to work on O-line (especially if they don't sign Alex Mack) and a running back (which isn't that hard to pick up), then just the odd DB and/or LB. There's a plan in place but winning this year was not in it. Hard for Cleveland fans to accept but that was/is the plan. Weak quarterback draft in 2013 so they chose not to address it. They did take a big risk trading T. Richardson but he was an injury concern and his motivation was questionable. Sorry, Indy. I can't agree equating Little to TJ Graham. Little is more effective than Graham but is inconsistent (goes through bouts of the dropsies). I can't say who has the better plan until next year and am anxious to see how Whaley does with no Nix factor. The scary part is that for a rebuilding year Cleveland was looking very strong until their QB situation went to the dumpster. Cleveland fans are like us in that they expected playoffs but the minute they made the draft day trades I figured this was a washout year.
  4. Yea, I live in Cleveland too and no way would I take any of their QB's (including Hoyer) over EJ Manuel. Browns fans are just as cursed as us. But if they can retain their critical players they have a ton of draft picks in the spring and could be sitting well if they select the right QB. We'll see.
  5. I thought EJ stepped it up in the clutch and that is the best thing that came out of this game. His development is the only important thing left in this season. I thought Atlanta did not play like a 2 win team today, especially on offense. It was great watching a franchise quarterback (Ryan) work. It was great watching a well coached, fundamentally sound team (atlanta). Very impressed with how they tackled correctly the first time. Stevie has proven most of the time not to be reliable in the clutch. Do we really want him? Agree that Chandler should be a back up.
  6. The few times Byrd has talked about his situation he usually mentions being somewhere where he's wanted. Most players want to be resigned before the last year of their contract, one single play on the field can end their career and they know it. Buddy Nix always seemed to take his time resigning players and I think it really bit the organization hard in this case. To Whaley,Marrone, and Brandon's credit they have remained upbeat, positive, and sound like they really want Jairus here. Byrd may also just be sick of losing and the coaching turnover. Hopefully he thinks we're on the way up now. I like him and hope we re-sign him. Given his contract is in limbo, I don't blame him one bit for making sure he was sufficiently healed from plantar fascitis. Why risk a serious injury and hurt his chances of getting a lucrative contract?
  7. He was not, I was at that game. It was feast or famine with Dareus. He made some excellent plays but had a lot of plays where he was easily neutralized or flat out pushed backwards by the Steelers. Sounds like he was more consistent against the jets, hope he figures it out and it keeps up. He definitely has the talent.
  8. I was sitting behind the endzone watching CJ miss all these holes and first play with Freddy and he does the same damn thing! Though Freddie didn't have as much of a hole but the Pittsburgh run defense was keying the outside corner. It really wasn't until the second half that runs up the middle were called. Frustrating.
  9. I was at the game today and wanted to add my impressions: EJ Manuel: I know he's just a rookie but he had little pocket awareness, little accuracy on his throws (even ones close to receivers weren't leading them), footwork was terrible (short armed many pass attempts) and really wasn't doing his progressions, mostly focused on one or two receivers. I know he's young, but schnikes, you'd like to see something, anything better out of your "franchise" quarterback. He needs to make astounding progress or we need to draft his replacement just in case. Hackett called like the same 2 run plays and 2-3 pass plays the entire first half. Formations were slightly different but if that's all that Manuel could handle I would have preferred Lewis. He finally varied plays in the second half. Spiller missed some holes early being too intent to bounce it outside Dareus needs to be a backup and considered a bust. He made some good plays but the rest of the time got eaten up. He can't get off a block and only seems effective when shooting gaps. He just doesn't go hard all the time. Kyle is good and worth starting but he got stood up today often also. We need an impact interior D-lineman and Dareus is not it. Talent is there but too inconsistent. Pittsburgh was just pounding our interior D backwards too much today. Our special teams suck. Overall just a lethargic and incredibly frustrating game to witness. So utterly disappointing. Same old Bills
  10. Pretty much all the NFL players/former players who will talk about the subject say it should have stayed and been handled within the locker room. So now Martin's current teamates are supposed to follow his example and bring it out of the locker room? For me, I took some hints from Woods' comments on Incognito: "But man (Incognito) crossed the line with some of the language that he used. I know Richie well; we have the same agent and he was here in 2009 when I broke my leg. I know Richie, he's kind of a cross-the-line humor type of guy. I think he probably had a misjudgment here, especially with the voicemail he left, and that's the only evidence really that you can go by." I also look at all the various pictures that have surfaced of Incognito and Martin together. Maybe I'm wrong but seems like they hung out at times. Richie was a team captain. Then there's Martin's former high school coach who talked about how much Martin internalized. Richie is a first class Richard. He's dirty, crosses the line into offensive humor and cares primarily about himself. Obviously he got along well with at least some of his teammates. For me everything points to Martin not standing up for himself and Richie just continuing to push the limits farther and farther. Wouldn't be surprised if Incognito was hoping Martin would fight back. Well, he did in his own way. Not the NFL way, but his own way. Seems like the NFL way will be changing.
  11. From Gaughan's article today: Asked if he had heard any whispers of a possible trade from his agent, Byrd said, "I don't want to get into that. I'm here. Let's win." Is he glad to be staying in Buffalo? "Yeah, let's win," he said. I'm sure that persistent line of questioning really helps the situation. Is there anybody who doesn't realize the guy just wants out of here?
  12. Coach85, Good for you for living your life and not just staying at home or sending him to stay somewhere because your son is so young. Any foul language he hears will not stay with him and I'm sure you and your wife will be on guard for potential problems around you and quickly get him out of there if he is causing a problem. Of the Bills games I have been to, it doesn't take long to figure out if there's going to be trouble close to you. Drunks are never subtle. With another youngster on the way, it's much easier to do this type of thing now so definitely take advantage but be careful. Glad your boy is able to behave so well, if I had brought mine at that age he had too much energy to sit still and I wouldn't have seen much of the game. Definitely let us know how it goes.
  13. Great post, couldn't have said it better myself. Every failed head coach has come through here talking about wanting to win and "it's hard to win in the NFL". Every single person on this planet likes to win, the true issue is getting players to consistently put their heart and effort in to achieve that, especially if they have to fight through failure first. Marrone is the first coach we've had in recent times who seems continually sensitive in finding different ways to change the mindset of losing, not simply hoping winning will be the only cure. Maybe it's all fluff, maybe he loses his players, but I'm happy to see that he's consistent about it.
  14. Loved this article. So many coaches focus so much on the x's and o's of the game, micro-examining mistakes and ignore the need to mentally keep the team moving in a positive direction. http://www.buffalobills.com/news/article-2/How-Marrone-has-pushed-out-the-negative/4c09ff43-9a6b-4284-a5d6-0674c43840c7 This translates to all levels of sports and this article shows how over the years when the rest of the fans were thinking "oh, crap here it comes" so were the players! Criticize Marrone all you want but he and his staff deserve time to grow and develop the team as well as themselves because unlike their predecessors they've got the fundamentals correct.
  15. Making a guy play out the last year of his contract is considered a form of insult to the players. There are so many ways to structure a contract, it is definitely the wise move. Freddy has never been unreasonable with his demands, either. He's a class act and deserves to be treated that way even if he hits the wall and he doesn't earn his money that year. He deserves that respect.
  16. If the Bills are smart they'll treat him like he is and take care of it in the offseason.
  17. He's immature, but forget about the kids thing. It's the beginning of his second year. What was CJ Spiller doing his second year? Having fans declare him a bust, right? I think Trent will have a good year for the Colts. I've seen him play and I think he's got talent. He's had to learn two new offenses in two years and now 3 in less than 2 years. I'm less than impressed with Banner and the GM but will reserve judgment until after 2014 season. As far as Weeden, he threw some great balls in preseason and is also learning his second offense in two years. He has a sprained thumb and I don't get why all of a sudden he's a condemned man. Just me I guess.
  18. I haven't seen Trent this year but last year he looked damn good. I don't get this trade, he's second year. I do think the Browns see him as a big injury risk, I wonder if he's got a drug suspension in the works? I don't think much of their front office yet and they might turn out to be a train wreck. Time will tell.
  19. You've gone to a bearded, middle-aged frog with ribbon-like ears????? Oy.
  20. Chicago planners did an amazing job with their lakefront space. But is that stadium really what draws people down there? I've been to the park and museums 3 times, stadium was always shuttered and never cared. Cleveland's museum area has festivals, extras and is a good draw. No stadium there. If Soldier field were instead located 1/4-1/2 mile straight west of its current locale would that cultural and parks area fall on its face?
  21. Have you been reading The Onion?
  22. I've lived here in Cleveland for over 20 years and and still don't know what you're talking about. That area around the stadium hasn't changed much since the rock hall and science museum got built years ago. I agree that it's better the stadium is built downtown but not on the lake. The stadium, rock hall, and science museum are pretty isolated with the port authority loading docks to the immediate west and north of the stadium. To the east is Burke-Lakefront airport which kills any further development in that area. To the south is the highway and rail lines. The most they've done is develop the Voinovich park area north of the rock hall but that's just a park. They are trying to turn the west shoreway into a boulevard but the loading docks are going nowhere so there's little usable, expandable waterfront areas right there. But the bottom line is that Cleveland Browns stadium is there simply because it has been for a long time. It will play no significant role in any development in that area. It simply doesn't get used enough. Put a stadium downtown with proximity to the waterfront but not right on it. It's a waste of your waterfront space.
  23. Seriously? Have you actually been down there and inside Cleveland Stadium? If you are way up in the nosebleeds and on the corners you can get a bit of a lake view but otherwise it's like any other stadium. The endzones are parallel to the lake so you really don't get much of any view. The wind in Cleveland is seldom like the winds in Buffalo, even next to the lake. There are not lots of restaurants down there, no stand alone ones I can think of. The rock and roll hall of fame and science museum are what bring people down there, and other than a couple special events, that's about it. The area is cut off from the main city by the shoreway (highway) and the rail lines. The stadium spends the majority of the time shuttered until football season rolls around. It's a basic NFL stadium not some multibillion football and entertainment complex. There's also a lot of port authority docks and buildings on 2 sides of the stadium for that "industrial look".
  24. 1987 was a rebuilding year too. Team finished 7-8
  25. I think Brandon taking over and becoming the face of this franchise was most to do with the resurgence of head coaching interest. I am with you that it is interesting to know that the wheels were already in motion in January but not surprising looking back.
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