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Everything posted by GaryPinC

  1. Because all the personal fouls, whining, and histrionics by players like Hughes and Brown bias the referees to both teach us a lesson and attempt to maintain control of the game. Did Rex pull these guys out? I didn't see that. Did he punish them? No, he's proud of them. He sets that tone and players respond to it. Refs will crack down and call anything even close since Rex isn't taking control. Let's hope that changes this week.
  2. Truth. Now it's up to Rex to grow as a person and coach if he truly wants to achieve success. I get where he's coming from but in team sports there is a balance between freedom and structure. I also think this is not a very marketable reality of the Buffalo Bills and the FO will do something about it. It made me sick watching the game yesterday, these are grown, talented men behaving like 4 year olds.
  3. Until our team learns to control and focus their emotions this will continue. You think the refs are going to be level-headed when there's some out of control children who may instigate a fight?
  4. Thing is, Rex seems to think it's not a huge deal because it shows they have heart. What it truly shows is they're mentally lazy. Rex is trying to build a bully. I much prefer the Giants' version Sunday than ours.
  5. Yep, but the owner has to go first. Starts right at the top. I tell my boy (9yrs old) that sorry, it's not going to improve anytime soon. I should have pushed the Bills on him more.
  6. Roman's as good as gone if our offense continues to shine. Guessing Chris Palmer will be promoted next year to fill that void. Agree with you about Philbin, no way the owner waits until the end if Philbin's lost the team already. I do feel bad for Pettine though. I think he's a good coach in a lousy situation.
  7. I expect 200,000 out of Hondas and Toyotas, 150,000 out of everything else. Biggest questions to ask are the condition of the engine and suspension and what work has been done? The more the better, if you've kept up the maintenance schedule, great. The other big factor with a 12 year old vehicle is the exhaust. That goes 700-$2000 unless you get the cheap steel installed which typically only lasts a year. At this point holes could develop at any time. I could also bore you with a long list of potential engine work if you haven't kept up maintenance. On the other hand, few if any dealers will want to give you any kind of trade in value for it so you may be better off fixing it if still in good shape. My key is what's been done to it already, engine oil consumption/leaks. I just junked my 05 Malibu with 220,000 miles and enjoy getting max use out of vehicles but would be very skeptical to put that much money in if I was in your situation.
  8. The other thing about Karlos is his efficient cuts. The guy just has incredible timing and burst such that his cuts can be very subtle yet so effective. Let's get Shady healthy then we're going to mess defenses up. We'll have a fast, hard pounding guy and a quick, elusive lateral guy. Assuming the O-line is up to the task. I wonder if the scouts start each year by researching all the "Williams" prospects?
  9. The thing that bugs me about this is the reason for the change: http://wattsupwiththat.com/2015/09/23/the-associated-press-drops-the-ugly-climate-term-denier-in-their-ap-stylebook/ "Some background on the change: Scientists who consider themselves real skeptics – who debunk mysticism, ESP and other pseudoscience, such as those who are part of the Center for Skeptical Inquiry – complain that non-scientists who reject mainstream climate science have usurped the phrase skeptic. They say they aren’t skeptics because “proper skepticism promotes scientific inquiry, critical investigation and the use of reason in examining controversial and extraordinary claims.” That group prefers the phrase “climate change deniers” for those who reject accepted global warming data and theory. But those who reject climate science say the phrase denier has the pejorative ring of Holocaust denier so The Associated Press prefers climate change doubter or someone who rejects mainstream science." BS. We're not rejecting it you dolts! There are components and assumptions, however, regarding the degree of man's role which I consider scientifically controversial. By calling ourselves skeptics we are wanting for more scientific and critical investigation. I consider myself skeptical about ESP, ghosts, etc. but don't summarily dismiss it because I try and keep as open a mind as possible. Definitely haven't seen enough evidence to firmly believe though. Call me a skeptic, please.
  10. I consider myself a skeptic. I don't deny the warming trends or the work that goes into quantifying it. I don't doubt climatologists are doing their best with the research and there will be variable quality in any scientific research. But I am first and foremost skeptical about the large role ascribed to humans and the apparent dogma driving it and affecting the research.​
  11. God didn't invent it, but after creating man, he certainly knew it was cumming.
  12. I'm ok with them cutting Brown because Karlos needs to get more of the handoffs, Shady also needs fed and there aren't many touches left beyond that. Can't see the need for 4 RB's. That whole spiel about ground and pound was before camp when we were incompetent at QB. Can you really take that talk seriously looking at our receivers? Seeing Karlos in person Sunday made me realize what a great burst he has off the line and through the hole. The man doesn't mess around.
  13. I was at the game yesterday and just a couple quick things: -no matter what happens this year it will be a great year to be a Bills fan! Last time I felt that way was the end of the 80's. So much talent and colorful personalities on this team. -I felt like Darby was asked to play tight man coverage all preseason but yesterday he was coached to allow a wide cushion and keep everything in front of him. I think he's going to be really good, probably shut-down type. Even in preseason I didn't feel like he got faked out and toasted by any receivers, just poor sense of how and when to make a play for the ball. He really started to make plays on the ball late first half and after he went out I was relieved it wasn't because of injury. -Karlos Williams needs more touches. He is the perfect complement to Shady, really quick up to the line, quick cut and go. Bruiser. I think he would have been more effective with the inside runs then Shady yesterday. Shady's a hell of a talent though, glad we have him. -Great job TT, I just want to see you dial it in and come through with the game on the line before I stop thinking about Manuel. This season will show us. -It's really pathetic when 2 offensive linemen successfully hustle to set up the screen blocking and then stand there and watch the DB shoot by them for the tackle. O-line needs to do better and glad RR mentioned it specifically today.
  14. Can't agree with you on this. EJ was lost out there for the second game in a row when he got pulled. He needed to sit and circle back mentally. He has even said he learned a lot from Orton in the preparation/leadership part of the game. WRT Cassel, kudos to our coaching staff and front office. What a great competition. Bottom line is it was all on display in the Pittsburgh game. Manuel and Tyrod were on fire, Cassel comes in and stinks it up Trent Edwards style. Just in case we were imagining things with Cassel, and EJ just got lucky in his time, Ryan brings EJ in again. Added benefit of exposing the idiot journalists among us! It was only preseason but the little things showed up clearly with TT. And more evidence EJ thrives under pressure, which is what a franchise QB needs. This is the first time in many years I have real hope in our quarterback situation.
  15. Thing is about Cassel, Chris Brown posted this on Monday: No surprise here. Tyrod Taylor first man thru in offense lineup warmups. Matt Cassel with 2nd group. https://twitter.com/ChrisBrownBills?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor Which leads me to believe Cassel is #2. But it's Wednesday so who knows?
  16. I felt Rex was pretty honest about the competition and how the QB's were performing, the media convoluted a lot though. I think he tries to speak the truth but also plays with his wording, the "we'll most likely keep 3 quarterbacks" never qualified if that meant Sims or not. I do believe Russ Brandon when he goes on record being unhappy about something. The rest of the time he's a gloss-over rainbow-farting unicorns guy. That's ok by me, it's his job. I think Cassel gets released as did Fred in big part because of the salary cap and upcoming FA's. I don't think Rex and FO would have gotten rid of Freddy otherwise. If either Tyrod or EJ show as a potential franchise QB there's that payday upcoming too.
  17. Just have him and Gilmore exchange jerseys for the game.
  18. If they're serious about making the playoffs this year you keep all 3 so you have enough depth.
  19. It seems a more obvious tip from this angle.
  20. So, I'm happy for EJ. I was at the Browns game and at times I saw a little hesitation/lack of confidence but he seemed to be making good decisions. I remember thinking he's improved but not quite ready yet, but who's to say whether it happens sooner or later? Rex is going to try for sooner. Good for him. For those who haven't, definitely worth the 7 minutes watching Rex's press conference on the Bills' website. Gives a lot of perspective, IMO, about giving the opportunity to Manuel and the game performances played a large part. So happy to have Rex as our coach thus far. He's been consistent about the process, telling us not to make too much out of things and letting the process play out.
  21. Well, you know, Urban could also have them lose a couple games just to get that edge back. Oct. 17th would be perfect! :-)
  22. I watched him throw twice before his receivers were open in the Browns scrimmage. WRT OP, if Tyrod were not here I would agree about starting Manuel but Tyrod deserves his shot. Manuel's confidence still isn't quite there yet but chances are a TT injury will force him in at some point this season.
  23. Yep, though OSU is choosing between 2 proven quarterbacks with a 3rd proven one at WR. We're all here just hoping one of our guys can handle the regular season offense without screwing up too bad!
  24. Ha! Yea, I do remember that series. I was just happy we were able to give you guys a great game because that seldom happens and drives me crazy! :-) Thing is, if he goes with Cardale, he'll also have Braxton Miller on the field to step in the backfield every so often and run some option. Urban definitely has a wealth of offensive possibilities this year. Should be a great year for the big 10. OSU should dominate MSU will be good, fun to see if UM and PSU make themselves relevant again, Wisconsin and Nebraska in that mix too and at least one other team of the rest. I would certainly respect Meyer not giving the job to Jones if he hasn't improved his work ethic. Thanks for that perspective.
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