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Everything posted by GaryPinC

  1. Beyond Sammy's great talent is his passion, drive, and commitment to be the best. I think he will assume a leadership role and be a heart-and-soul type of player. That's why you give up extra draft picks.
  2. Why is everyone presupposing we will have to build a $1 billion stadium by today's dollars? The NFL isn't complaining about Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Baltimore, Arizona, Cinci, New England stadiums. Those stadiums would have cost in the 4-600 million range by today's dollars. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chronology_of_home_stadiums_for_current_National_Football_League_teams It's great that NY, Dallas, SF, Minneapolis want to sink so much money into their stadiums, but do the Pegulas and NFL really want to force a completely un-viable stadium upon us? How would the NFL look if that turned out to be the case? I don't see it. I think the NFL wants a newer, cleaner, more open concourse stadium with more dedicated room for suites/club, vendors and pleasing aesthetics. That's the only differences I see between Cle, Pit stadiums and the Ralph. I think the Ralph is fine, but understand where the NFL is coming from.
  3. Been taking my kids to a game for the last 2 years, (she's 13, he's 9) and I always have some reservations but I voted for #1 and have no significant complaints. Kids were told to expect some bad language and possibly idiotic behavior but there hasn't been much so I've been happy going. They both love it, and my son's a Browns fan! Usually manage seats in upper deck row 11-20 around the 30 yard line.
  4. Right. I don't know exactly how they would work the money with the cap, but for as much as DW and RR voice their belief in TT it would be good to give him a 1 or 2 year deal and a raise for the upcoming season. He's earned it even if he doesn't pan out as franchise.
  5. I was confused also. In the article, Thurman said coming into last season Rex "hasn't" learned his lesson (should have said "hadn't"). After the disappointing season Rex has now learned his lesson and this year will be different in that he won't talk a bunch of smack. Hope he's right.
  6. I'm not a member of the "Rex sucks" crowd, and I only really heard of Blake through this hire. I have researched a few of the articles about him and the amount of excuses he gives and the number of different people directly contradicting things Blake is adamant about is worrysome. As far as bailing out Butch Davis, the NCAA decided Butch is innocent, I tend to believe they would have loved to take a head coach down if any sort of evidence was there. This article addresses the UNC scandal: http://www.cbssports.com/collegefootball/writer/bruce-feldman/24372078/despite-being-cleared-in-unc-scandal-davis-still-waiting-for-next-gig I realize anyone could be lying but I think Butch has more support for his version than Blake does. For me it's not about what was done so much as it is personal character.
  7. What's the mystery? Own the risks, players sign a comprehensive waiver to play, dedicate money for research and stay on the forefront of it. Take all preventative measures possible, keep the game intact and minimize the future uncertainty of concussion liability. Sound business decision. Other pro sports will probably adopt a similar model. There's finally enough corroborated scientific evidence to make continued denial a larger risk than acceptance.
  8. Yep. Blake doesn't sound at all trustworthy, more like a compulsive liar. Disappointed he's on the team unless he's truly turned his ethics and life around. This story gives a pretty thorough accounting of things back in 2011: http://www.si.com/more-sports/2011/10/26/john-blake Rexy's even in it too.
  9. Agree, I don't consider him an elite player. Capable of playing at an elite level? Definitely.
  10. The quote in this article sums up my feelings about Mario Williams: Brian Galliford of Buffalo Rumblings told us last month that Williams is still an elite player -- when he is invested: "The book on Williams is the same as when he was a free agent prior to the 2012 season: when he wants to be great, he's great. He just doesn't turn on the juice as often as he could, and as a result, he's often invisible for long stretches. But when he's invested, and buys into a team and a scheme, he can still play at an elite level." I feel this was so true about Mario even in his best years. I think he could have been on a level with Bruce if there had been a consistent fire in his belly. I'm ok with him being released, despite the talent, his poisonous attitude had to go.
  11. Oy. At least we know that none of that $53 million is owed to singing instructors. Even the studio tricks can't fix him completely
  12. LOL, no argument from me! But that video you posted, his individual performance is crap. Maybe he just needs his production studio to help him sound like a real singer/rapper.
  13. Wow. He's terrible. Besides that song being a token, vanilla rap/hip hop song, the guy can't even sing and can barely work his way through a rap. Never bothered with Kanye because of he just looks like a talentless jerk so thanks for posting this because it shows I guessed right.
  14. Why do you say the Giants defense was "completely unprepared" for the play before the refs stopped for replay? I can't agree with this assessment. They weren't scrambling wildly to get lined up, they were only rushing two who were both in position but one hadn't got down into stance yet. The 8 defensemen in that picture seemed pretty well lined up waiting for Kelly to start his cadence. After the refs checked replay, the Bills were in a completely different formation but so it's reasonable to say they ran a different play because of the stoppage but it's purely speculative to say it actually changed the outcome of the game. As a 46 year old lifelong Bills fan, I have no trouble accepting this.
  15. Don't get me wrong, they took a picture of it because it looked like ni**er. They either used the "l" or the "1" from the original phrase to make the "i". Just emphasizing that the kids didn't show up at school intending to spell that word.
  16. The refs took 25 seconds to stop the clock, review, and start it again (2:40 of the video to 3:05). Giants didn't even get a water boy on the field. Not much of a breather. The refs probably didn't have a good sight angle on McKellar to say if the ball touched the ground so they quickly checked with the upstairs booth. It was a close superbowl so they wanted to make sure they were right. I personally feel you're on a lame excuse crusade here. Much ado about nothing, but that's just my take.
  17. Not sure who started it. In the first 5 seconds of the TMZ video, you see a guy throwing a punch just before they red arrow McCoy. I thought that maybe McCoy went after this guy but he instead walked over with him to the main fracas. It also appears (though difficult to say) that after the girl in the white sweater kind of pulled McCoy back that he went around the ice bucket and back in to the fray and threw a big kick before getting pulled into the ice bucket but again, tough to say for sure. Doesn't look good for McCoy though. Dumb ass.
  18. Well, reports say the cops ordered 4 bottles. Porter grabbed the fourth one and that's when things got interesting.
  19. Not surprised you feel a kinship to him. Any cop that really wanted to DO THEIR JOB could pull over everyone going 1 mile over the speed limit but most here in Ohio wait until at least 10 over. The context of the situation didn't matter to him, nor do I suspect it's worth discussing with you.
  20. I don't like generalizing about a group of people, but when it comes to policemen approaching me I expect repulsive behavior and hope for them to surprise me. Generally the good cops are off doing their duty which never involves me unless it's a speeding ticket! But if they're coming up to me for no obvious reason, chances are some form of harassment is soon to ensue. One balanced set of experiences: I used to take my hunting dog to a town parking lot at night to throw a ball for her. I never did it if there were any cars or people around, but 20-30 minutes of retrieval sprinting was worth a couple hours of walking and the asphalt sanded her nails down nicely! Well of course some cop happens by and comes over and reads me the riot act about every little statute and ordinance I might be breaking and makes me leave. A few weeks later I'm exercising her again and here comes the cop car, this time the guy is asking me what type of dog she is, telling me about his husky, out of his car and petting my dog. I made sure to compliment his approach to his job and mentioned the behavior of one of his coworkers. He gave me a sigh and knowing nod and apologized for it. So, I don't hate policemen but I've had enough negative experiences to plan for the worst and hope for the best.
  21. Oh, if Shady were the devil he wouldn't have left it in someone's sternum, rather opposed and south of there I think.
  22. Critical piece of info and answers my top question without having to look it up, thanks. From the link: McCoy, 27, now with the Buffalo Bills, former San Diego Chargers running back Curtis Brinkley, 30, former University of Pittsburgh player Tamarcus Porter, 27, and Christopher Henderson, 26 Read more at http://www.philly.com/philly/news/20160209_LeSean_McCoy_eyed_in_assault_2_off-duty_Philly_cops.html#FrSbkD4B9QKYTzAF.99 so a bunch of former college/NFL players and McCoy over a fourth bottle of champagne the officers ordered that Porter felt they were entitled to. I do agree that McCoy seems like a real ass at times, and he's exactly the type that wouldn't stand with his friends in this type of situation.
  23. From that article: "Today, anyone who has watched a sports game will be familiar with a barrage of reminders that this “telecast is copyrighted,” even though such formalities are no longer required under the law. But in that first Super Bowl, it’s unlikely the broadcasters thought to do that–especially as Congress didn’t extend copyright to live sports broadcasts until 1976." Thanks for the article, precisely what I wondered about.
  24. There's no proof that's going to solve anything and the growing awareness of CTE in rugby and Aussie football hints that it won't. I read an article about Snake's condition and he was showing signs of it at least the last few years, according to his girlfriend. Just didn't get a lot of press. There's no proof CTE is going to be found in every player's brain. Preliminary diagnosis while living is based on cognitive/neurological deficits/disorders. Personally, I suspect some are more vulnerable than others.
  25. Good God, people need to get a grip. http://datab.us/CRdaeFxuE-U#"I'AMNOT A RACIST": Arizona Student In "N*GGER PHOTO"...SPEAKS OUT!! Even the press is out of line, claiming they were spelling n*gger. They were spelling nl**er, with that being a small "L" not an i. From the article: Those girls were part of a senior class photo that spelled out the message "The Best You've Ever Seen Class of 2016" with letters printed on their shirts. the photo used asterisks to separate the words. After the photo was taken, the Tempe Union High School District said the six girls arranged their shirts to spell "Ni**er". They were probably standing around talking and someone realized there was a goof to be had. I'm sure most or all of them never intended to have it posted online. Mildly humorous and very poor taste. Bunch of high school kids that didn't think about the larger implications. Gee that NEVER happens in high school. Let's lynch 'em! If anyone should be expelled it should be the kid who posted it online.
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