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Everything posted by GaryPinC

  1. My first reaction was this guy really has a principled plan, quickly evidenced with Pegulas temporarily turning over FO power to him. What relief and hope. Firstly a head coach needs to be a leader with a plan. He's continuously improved, as with everyone else, and seems like a great field coach now.
  2. Stefanski's deserving because of doing so well as a rookie coach, but I think given the Bills strength of schedule and development of Allen it should go to the Bills. Our coaches deserve that recognition.
  3. I don't disagree with your thinking, I simply want to point out that we don't know what the coaches gave him for marching orders this season. First year QB, how are they developing him? Was he allowed to audible, did they want him prioritizing progressions and the safe short passes this year? People here were down on Daboll the last two years but never seemed to consider that Dabs was limiting the offense until JA showed he could execute it. I also fully agree with Flores striking the middle ground and bringing Fitz in when Tua wasn't proficient enough. People enjoy discussing whether your rookie sits a year or you throw him in there right away, but why not give Tua the time but sit him when needed to learn how he could be better in real time? Plus it sends the team a message you're not fully giving up the season for a rookie QB. If it ruins first year Tua's ego then I say he was never going to make it anyways. Miami's happy with his progress, maybe it's a smoke screen, but if not we'll see what they do with him next year. But not a lot of "it" factor yet to be sure, might just be him following orders. Fitz is a popular, seasoned, intelligent vet. As a rookie, I'd go with Tua's response until he earns more respect.
  4. I think this is a huge component to Allen's success, his self-motivation to be the best and stay the best. People enjoy debating coaching influence, intelligence, etc. but I wonder how many unsuccessful NFL QB's worked as relentlessly at it as Allen? Doesn't sound like Darnold is. More importantly, our FO put a lot of weight in this quality and now it's paying off handsomely.
  5. I haven't paid attention to all his drops, but on more than one he tries to catch balls right at him by trapping against his body instead of extending his hands, catching, then cushioning back to his body. That's why he has an easier time with away balls because it's all hands. Thing is it should be easy to correct, I hope coaches have noticed and are trying.
  6. Let's also not forget Wyatt Teller. Dude is a beast for the Browns but has missed a lot of time. With that in mind, I'm not ready to write off Ford yet.
  7. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/california-hospitals-crushed-as-virus-patients-flood-icus/ar-BB1c3dkk?li=BBnb7Kz. For those who believe this is all just blind fear.
  8. Your dad keeps reminding you because you truly don't know it. What you accept is that other people feel that way. And here in Ohio some of our smaller hospitals came very close to breaking point and our overall capacity has been tested far more than in the spring. The fear is justified. Taking a cue from your dad, maybe your kids look like they want to slit their wrists because of your unhelpful spewing about the situation more than anything. What could dip schitt Donald have done? He could have realized the best economic path lies in masking and distancing until vaccination. Lead by example, wearing a mask and make clear that our precautionary actions are to help others and if everyone does so it helps ourselves. Encourage people to get out safely and creatively modify their favorite activities to account for the safety restrictions. As a divorced dad for 8 years now, spare me your histrionics of 50 million children destroyed. Kids are resilient, take them to the parks, play board games, lead your family in a positive way. Assuming you are in NY, I agree with your frustration over Komrade Cuomo. We had school in Ohio, fall sports but then community spread forced the schools to close back down before Thanksgiving. It is noteworthy that my schools followed strict procedures and there was no significant spread among the kids and teachers.
  9. Good for Pence. Lead by example. It's the quickest way back to normal.
  10. No, it doesn't. Read the language more carefully. The ref is under the upright looking up. The ball spins. If he sees any part outside the post, even if most of it is straight over the post then the kick is no good. Einstein's right. Nope, with all respect, that is not the wording of the rule. Please read more carefully. No part of the ball can be visible outside the upright to the ref underneath as it passes.
  11. Here's the rule snippet: (c) The entire ball must pass through the vertical plane of the goal, which is the area above the crossbar and between the uprights or, if above the uprights, between their outside edges. If the ball passes through the goal, and returns through the goal without striking the ground or some object or person beyond the goal, the attempt is unsuccessful. I know it was close, but I felt like part of the ball was beyond the outside edge. The rule makes sense from the point that the ref is directly beneath the post looking up.
  12. For me that 49ers game was crucial to our development. I think the 9ers planned to physically dominate us and after that first drive and our injuries I was seriously worried. But we really rose to the occasion and physically handled them. Set us up for a deeper playoff run IMO.
  13. I also felt like the Steelers backed off a bit after halftime with their blitzes and stunts. Anyone else notice that or just me? I saw the kick as passing mostly over the post. Has to be clearly inside the post so I agree with the refs.
  14. How about you realize it isn't that simple? How about you listen to some real stories and understand there's a big problem here for many? It's a complex problem, where people who have every intention of paying their loans don't have the means when they finish. Then there's the kids who have a high school diploma on paper but the school failed them and pushed them out. They get hard-sold hope at a for-profit college and when they fail out now they have the government coming after them for a ton of money. Myself, I'm saying get creative in repaying these loans and also fix the federal loan repayment system.
  15. Good discussion on a great topic. I'm 50 and beyond the student loans but my ex wife I think still pays at 50. My daughter will start college next fall. First, you cannot do blanket forgiveness, because it teaches irresponsibility to the former students and to the higher education schools. The entire process of going to a place of higher education is them figuring out how much money they can drain from you legally and sometimes illegally. Blanket forgiveness will boomerang into new problems. Targeted forgiveness of terms and dollars is the way to go. Second, in the current system, if you're not going to reform the tuition system significantly, the government needs to have a much more structured plan post-education administered by well paid and trained people who are going to empower former students. Here are some of the main problems beyond the compounding cost of college education I see. Drop-outs. Degrees and communities with lower wages making repayment almost impossible. For-profit colleges that exploit poorer students. Over-emphasis on college education out of high school. Lack of cohesive plan of post education repayment with helpful people. My personal experiences:. Paid loans off in 9 years for my BS in biochemistry. Ex-wife defaulted on her loans and I spent the entirety of our marriage (12 years) paying on it to get it back down to the original principal. Calculated we already payed back original principal, interest +$1500 and default fees ($3200). She had been paying for 4 when we met. Ex-wife worked as instructor at for-profit college that recruited and targeted inner city kids knowing full well most would fail. The goal was simply to milk them for as much federal money as possible until they quit or graduated. Solutions:. 1. Emphasize viability of trade schools in HS. Emphasize motivation and goals for college education. 2. Drop-outs have to repay loans, but this group should get the most forgiveness contingent on volunteerism and career, personal and financial counseling. 3. System of volunteerism for any post-college student in conjunction with businesses to work off college loans in spare time. Including online tasks. 4. Defaulted loans:. Legal summons to emphasize seriousness. Waiver of penalty fees after demonstrated period of dependable payments. Restructuring of loan terms. Helpful, well-trained people. 5. Caps on how much is owed once original principal + interest has been repayed. Sorry for the length of this, too many opinions!😉
  16. It wasn't simply a fumble close to the endzone. Moss reached forward to grab the ball instead of waiting and closing his hands on it as it hit his mid-section. The ball shanked forward off his outstretched hand. I guarantee you that's not what Allen was expecting. That's not how you receive a handoff at any level of football, let-alone the NFL. One of the announcers even picked up on it and mentioned it. Bush-league mistake at a critical moment of a big game. The big question is, was this a one-off, or an intermittent habit the coaches have been trying to correct? If a habit, then I totally agree with McD. What you're saying is true, but I don't think Moss is that consistent at picking up short yards yet, and Motor did score on a toss sweep. Between him and McKenzie, we had more luck getting to the edge then running inside on short yardage situations in this game. Beyond that, when they did put Moss back in for a short yardage down fourth quarter, he got tackled behind the line. I'm going to trust McD on this one. Minimal damage done. The goal-to-go situation you refer to there were penalties and more mistakes that backed us up quickly. I doubt Moss would have made a difference.
  17. I have a good friend who is a Steelers fan and my impression is they have no appreciation of, or faith in, the quality of their franchise. Even in their strongest years fans like to b*tch about stupid things and believe the team isn't much good. Constantly thinking they're going to lose a game. I wonder how many of their fans actually enjoy rooting for them because by all appearances my friend doesn't. The misery seems to outpace the joy. To each his own, I guess.
  18. He's in the neighborhood but rarely at the house. SF has been picking on him all game, seems like every down field completion is his assignment.
  19. That was a huge, huge turnover. I agree it hurts the team but motor's playing well enough.
  20. That was a bush-league fumble he had though. I think he's in the dog house.
  21. Part of it may be because it will take some time after the second injection for the body to develop a full, lasting immune response. For instance, it may take a full 4 weeks to develop the response after taking the first dose, including the second two weeks later. Then we don't fully know yet how long it will last. I'm sure they'll put out a plan and explain why.
  22. See my response just above to Warcodered. Hopefully this thread will get going in the next couple weeks as the vaccine becomes available.
  23. Yes, but putting this out there creates issues and the thread or two out there are tightly restricted. I'd rather have it here in an open format so info can be freely shared.
  24. That's really the big question that I haven't seen an answer to, will there be a follow-on shipment of second round dosings or do these cover half the patients?
  25. Hello, starting this thread to discuss vaccine type, dosing, side effects, logistics, etc. A resource as we all look to decide on getting the vaccine. Please keep politics or anti/pro crusading out. I'd just share info about getting the vaccine, either personally or from someone you know. I'm in research at a Cleveland hospital but I work with a couple ER docs so I should be able to contribute pretty soon. We are getting 1000 doses of the Pfizer vaccine supposedly on the 15th. We employ 7000 so I won't be on the list to get it anytime soon. Here's also some info about it relayed to me: Next Friday, FDA meeting on Pfizer EUA and then ODH will announce shipment if approved. First dose well tolerated / second is potential flu like symptoms so will have to work on how this will be managed and could be staggered dosing once we know more Cohort groups will be prioritized [Additional information, not part of meeting with Dyad. Vaccines – the Pfizer vaccine in the trial had fatigue in 3.8% and headache in 2%. Fewer than 2% of the recipients had high fever that may prevent a person from working. Most such side effects subsided within 12 hours (Summary in Science by Meredith Waldman, Nov 27, 2020). Therefore, although we need to warn recipients of potential side effects to prevent panic and enhance trust, the actual rate of notable side effects is low.]
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