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Everything posted by GaryPinC

  1. Well, it really doesn't make any sense in logical or scientific terms for our healthcare workers to refuse the vaccine putting their families, colleagues, and patients at heightened risk. Choices are to be respected but have consequences. And now everyone suffers from their choice. But it's their choice. How will effective (herd) immunity be determined? It will be determined by epidemiology, low numbers of hospitalizations and deaths, hopefully cases too. Outbreaks will be reduced and more limited. The quickest, healthiest, most controlled way is mass vaccination with natural immunity playing an increasing role over time until we have it under control. In the end, you can only really control vaccination, the natural immunity contribution is far more difficult to assess. So focus on vaccination and look to the numbers to tell when we've reached a sufficient combination. Of course the virus will mutate, and until it's controlled worldwide, we need to be vigilant and revaccinate against breakthrough mutants. While some see a giant conspiracy, it's simply a resilient pandemic level virus.
  2. Here's some more facts for you https://graphics.reuters.com/world-coronavirus-tracker-and-maps/countries-and-territories/united-states/ Death chart on the right. Graphs start from December 2020. The greatest outbreak of deaths was winter of 2021, before vaccination got up to speed. Then in the late summer 2021 Florida, Texas and the south led the way with Delta deaths. But I'm sure the right wing Tweetards will try and sell everyone that the vaccines are useless. And the mindless sheep will suckle at this teat.
  3. It's been about trying to get to a herd immunity, but keeping people healthy and alive and trying to keep our healthcare systems from being overwhelmed while doing so. Vaccination is the best option for that, at least in adults. You've seen from the other postings here that the technology isn't there yet to properly assess antibody levels, unfortunately. Also, research into the efficacy and resiliency of natural immunity is just starting to develop to fruition. It's not a given with any virus. Hence the focus on vaccination.
  4. One thing that gets mentioned and is absolutely true is they should have an antibody card and ease of antibody testing to go with the vaccine card. That would alleviate these valid concerns of the naturally infected and be really beneficial to validate the efficacy of the vaccine in the immunocompromised.
  5. Welcome to life. Your choice. Choices have consequences. Whine on, you crazy diamonds! 💎
  6. Having seen her 2 years ago, I'm not a big fan of her voice but she loved to voice in inappropriate drama and excitement that I hated. She did far better yesterday and has improved. From a technical standpoint, she definitely is a little above average for me as a play-by-play.
  7. Ok, So, just to review. I'm pretty sure the girl with the blue tank top in the still picture is the one who is grinding on him in the video. Why? The white belt. So cute she rests her head on his shoulder. I think the fingers up her butt was consensual. Good luck pretending it was just an unfortunate situation "thrust" upon you Urban. Too bad for the second recording or you might have had a chance at believability!
  8. If you follow your own advice, Tyler Gilreath died from an abscess in his cranial cavity from a sinus infection that started during Covid and never completely went away. There is little doubt in my mind Covid compromised his blood-brain barrier(BBB), allowing the infection to cross over and the abscess began forming, unsurprisingly taking 2-3 weeks of development before becoming fatal. Why is there little doubt in my mind? Because Ace-2 receptors are present on endothelial cells, which are a major constituent of the BBB. If these become compromised, the barrier becomes leaky. While science is currently studying the exact mechanisms, CNS and behavioral effects are well documented, leaving little doubt Covid can affect the brain/BBB. My 15 year old son contracted and recovered from Covid around the same time frame as Tyler. He had headaches, mild fever, nausea and sinus issues too. All told, relatively minor issues. The week after he tested Covid negative he was back at football struggling with a tight chest and light headedness during sprints. It got progressively better each day and went away by the next week. Based on my research experience and discussions with the trainer, I strongly suspect that under exertion, he had bradycardia due to a transient, insufficient vagal response brought on by Covid. I'm definitely not a doctor and there's no way to study/prove it, but it's the most logical conclusion for his etiology. So, you can debate whether this is a Covid-related death, but there's plenty of evidence Covid has lingering effects post-infection. I'm going to trust a medical professional's opinion far over your myopic views. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41392-021-00719-9 "These data indicate that SARS-CoV-2 may infect brain endothelial cells, leading to increased vascular permeability, which supports the probability that SARS-CoV-2 crosses the BBB."
  9. Yeah, honestly can never say never. But, I have a big problem with Laundrie abandoning his dead fiancee so easily. I'd want justice.
  10. It does provide true immunity, you are the one pretending because this is not the real question. The real questions are in what circumstances does it provide true immunity and how long will it last? These are the exact same questions with natural immunity.
  11. No. What's going on is far too many of us want black and white hard rules on this virus. That's impossible. What's going on is the virus is very widely circulating which increases mutations. It's changing and science is learning. Science is not a black and white hard rules system. It's shades of gray that trend to either black or white over long periods of time which require many studies and more studies and discussion to build on previous results. The mRNA vaccines were a rare home run, closest thing to black or white against previous versions of the virus. They stopped or limited both infection and transmission over 90% of the time. That is simply amazing. Since delta, this efficacy has slipped, not failed, but slipped lower. And to be expected from a mutating virus to survive. But the ignorant black and whiters like to condemn the vaccines as useless now. Of course the CDC and virus extremists are their own problem, convinced you can stamp this out if you just distance, mask, vaccinate. The reality is we need to get this virus out of wide circulation to slow the mutation rate through vaccinations worldwide, distancing and masking indoors. Then, we can avoid mass outbreaks and bring things under better control. What's the measuring stick? Hospitalizations and the taxing on our healthcare system. For states not governed by extremist numbnuts, you tighten up as the health care strain increases and loosen as it wanes. I am fully vaccinated but wear KN-95 masks when in indoor public spaces. Why? Because paper/cloth masks offer almost no self-protection and are only effective if everyone wears them (as my school district found out this fall). I also believe the KN-95 makes a statement in doing my part to limit viral circulation. Don't get me wrong, I totally get and respect people who are vaccinated and feel they don't have to mask, they've done the biggest part.
  12. So, in terms of weird circumstances that may mean Laundrie didn't shoot Gabby, there's one somewhat far-fetched possibility: https://www.sltrib.com/news/2021/09/08/women-killed-moab-told/ Some people have been trying to tie Laundry to this crime as well, but these women had noticed a "creepy guy" near their campsite before their paths ever crossed with Laundrie. If it had been Laundrie, there would have been an incident in Moab when their paths crossed at the bar. Both women were found in a creek, multiple gunshots to the back and side, naked from the waist down. From what I have heard about Petito's death, it was somewhere near a creek. Really far-fetched that whatever creeper was at Moab came across and killed Gabby at Spread Creek but I suppose it's possible. It still doesn't justify Laundrie's strange behavior. Him leaving the scene probably destroyed any hope of evidence, and I think if he goes to trial for it his behavior will work against a jury far more than if he had sought out authorities after he discovered the crime.
  13. My hospital has had nurse staffing challenges since at least early summer because of burnout/leaving. One of the biggest reasons for nurses leaving was to become an independent contractor and earn 1.5-2 times the money. This was well before a vaccine requirement.
  14. I agree it's going to be a difficult case to prove without a confession. I don't understand why you're so caught up in unrealistic alternative scenarios. Laundrie's actions are not that of an innocent man who just lost his fiancee to an odd outside circumstance. This is his fiancee. He told no one, was hitchhiking out, then went back and drove across country, using up some of her money. If he was truly innocent, his lawyer would know conviction would be difficult, especially if once home he turned himself in, explained it as a freakout, and started assisting law enforcement to solve the crime. His family would urge him to do the right thing also, as any parent would feel for the Petito family. No, instead they helped him escape. Laundrie also had no outstanding warrants and no prior criminal history or it would have come out. There's only one explanation for the sum of the actions of him and his family.
  15. Haha, actually right now this case right now reminds me of the white Bronco "chase" . Of course. You're an anonymous hit man in the middle of nowhere surrounded with countless wilderness acres and you opt to threaten the fiancee instead of just offing the both of them. 🤔
  16. For me, she is a version of a younger Brent Musburger. Annoying voice, constantly trying to force spots to hype and inject vocal excitement that makes her voice even more annoying. It took Brent about 20 out of his 27 years to finally meter himself enough for me to listen to him. Cripes, I hope it doesn't take Beth as long. So sad that some reflexively turn to sexism as an excuse for her incompetence.
  17. I'd love to be open-minded on this one, but your fiancee goes missing and you pack it up and head home then refuse to aid search and rescue efforts in any way? No, they were hoping authorities would be unable to find the body and to just lay low for a year or two. Just in case the body is found, they decide to go hide him somewhere. I think the Reserve was a ruse. But we'll see.
  18. For me, it's a fascinating story on so many levels. I've done that type of road trip to some of the same areas,dispersed camping, etc. Then there's the first reports from her family, where the reflex response was he did it. Then the details painfully start to fill in that obvious conclusion while law enforcement is helpless to take action when it matters most. The fact that the entire family refuses to take any responsibility for the situation. I can't imagine the utter frustrating anger of the Petito family watching helplessly as that inhuman family pretends it's not their problem while helping their son slither away. I doubt Laundrie killed himself, but definitely want to know how it ends and any other details. A tragedy still unfolding in real time. Truly sad, but I also find it amazingly fascinating.
  19. They said the image is a local guy, ID'd by a neck tattoo.
  20. Certainly he would need to be found guilty first. But she was living with them and their future daughter-in-law. No way I would allow my son to hide then enable his escape from the situation regardless of his role. Who knows if he's truly in Carlton Reserve or someone picked him up later and drove him elsewhere? As far as his guilt or innocence, he went back to pick up the vehicle and drove it home without alerting anyone. So ironic that a YouTube video from Spread Creek was crucial to authorities.
  21. I hope some of his family goes to prison also for their cowardice and obstruction.
  22. I have kind of a different angle, I'd like a moderated subforum in PPP that focuses on solid discussion. No memes, no social media sources and warnings for posters who are only posting to disrupt a thread, or crusading. Then keep the unregulated forum for the regular zinger jousting.
  23. What's truly bad about it is it happens on both the right and left and both sets of sheep point fingers at the other side but never themselves. And truly pathetic that each set of sheep considers their ignorance more reasoned and intellectually superior to the opposing sheep😂
  24. Reading your thoughts, I come away with two distinct impressions. 1. You feel that the delta variant is now being contracted and spread routinely by the vaccinated and 2. That natural infection/immunity would push Covid to mutate to a less deadly form. Neither is true (at least at this point). Keeping it simple, WRT 1, just because delta has shown an increase of infection/transmission in the vaccinated doesn't mean it has completely broken down these vaccine-mediated protections. Science can change over time, but at this point the delta surge is very much a surge in the unvaccinated. WRT 2, viruses infect, replicate, and mutate. The more it circulates, the more it mutates. Immunity, whether induced or natural, reduces circulation. Delta, or any of the other subtypes, did not occur because of vaccination, they occured because of widespread circulation. There's truth to what you're trying to say about a natural course resulting in some kind of stasis, but what is the cost of allowing this to happen? In 18 or so months, Covid-2 has proven the ability to overwhelm healthcare systems multiple times with multiple mutated subtypes around the world. The least harmful/lethal way to any kind of stasis with Covid is mass vaccination coupled with any natural immunity picked up along the way. Kill circulation and thus mutation, then see what is needed to keep it at bay.
  25. Keep in mind this phenomenon also happens irregularly at all the great lakes and may account for some of the sightings in this thread: https://www.abc57.com/news/mirage-of-chicago-skyline-seen-from-michigan-shoreline
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