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Never NEVER Give-up

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Everything posted by Never NEVER Give-up

  1. The Prez is right. TE is a luxury compared to our need positions - both lines and LB's - and there's plenty of talent in those positions at #11. Does anyone remember that sure fire, can't miss TE the 49'ers chose last year? Vernon Davis! He's not exactly lighting it up, heck the Jets' Keller had a better 1st yr. Now Davis may end up being good or even great but my point is the payoff will not be in the 1st year (see James Hardy). We need linemen or LBs Cushing or Mauluga (sp?) from USC.
  2. Geeze!!! They have until July to get it done. Be Patient - so much can change.
  3. Grunt... I agree. And if you look like that picture - I'm free on Friday!!
  4. & yes it's a very slow time, waiting & waiting for the FO to add more FA pieces and/or speculating on the Draft!
  5. Did the guy who entered the scores on the 2008 Bills Schedule on the TwoBillsDrive site kill himself after the Miami game in Toronto. Who could blame him!?!? 2008 Bills Schedule 09/07 SEATTLE SEAHAWKS 34 - 10 09/14 @ Jacksonville Jaguars 20 - 16 09/21 OAKLAND RAIDERS 24 - 23 09/28 @ St. Louis Rams 31 - 14 10/05 @ Arizona Cardinals 17 - 41 10/12 BYE 10/19 SAN DIEGO CHARGERS 23 - 14 10/26 @ Miami Dolphins 16 - 25 11/02 NEW YORK JETS 17 - 26 11/09 @ New England Patriots 10 - 20 11/17 CLEVELAND BROWNS 27 - 29 11/23 @ Kansas City Chiefs 54 - 31 11/30 SAN FRANCISCO 49ERS 3 - 10 12/07 MIAMI DOLPHINS (Toronto) - 12/14 @ New York Jets - 12/21 @ Denver Broncos - 12/28 NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS -
  6. Well if that's all he wants he can get that in Amherst, Clarence or Orchard Park for about $1.5mm or less!!
  7. Maybe this should serve as a wake-up call and the FO s/b bold again and make a run at Peppers themselves!!!!
  8. Those of us following the Bills have, by now, heard the story of how T.O. was assigned #81. Here's a re-cap: Bills Management approached James Hardy and asked him if they could give #81 to Owens. Hardy (much to his credit) said sure, besides, he wants to make his number famous by performing well and after all, his college # was 82 and Josh Reed had it so he would take 84. Then Owens walks into the locker room and sees his stall "81 - Owens" - that's how T.O. knew he would be #81. To hear National Media tell it, Owens bullied Hardy into surrendering the number and is off to a "great" start by creating issues in the Bills Locker Room. (Mort, Rome, Cowherd, NFL Network & more have slanted this negatively.) Let this be a lesson to us all - take everything the National Media says with a gulp of salt!!
  9. Ayers ate OL alive at the combine. His upside is enormous, he's also something like 6'3" 270 lbs - much more stout than Maybin or Brown The downside or rather, the question about him is why did he only start his senior season? I would rather see us draft this guy or Rey Maluga (sp) the MLB from USC at 11 than some of these other guys.
  10. I'd rather see us play an NFC opponent there. We're already losing the home field advantage, I hate to lose it to an AFC Team who we may ultimately be battling for a wild card slot. If we play & lose to an NFC team, it wouldn't be as detrimental to our playoff hopes. Frankly, I'm surprised the Bills don't request an NFC opponent for these reasons!
  11. Leave the offer on the table until a certain date (draft day or May 1st). If he takes it great. If not, let him play out his contract. Oh and by the way, if he plays out his contract he loses about $4+million per year. His career could go either way. He thinks he's good. The Bills think he's good. But his play was only above average last year. Take the money & run. ---- Steve Miller
  12. Great NY Times Article - sez Jets fans s/b seething over not signing TO themselves. This is the NY Times (ignore Mort) Jets FEAR T.O.
  13. Read Peter King - Trent Edwards got the ball rolling and DJ had no problem with it . . . in fact he encouraged Russ Brandon to pursue it . . . . Peter King This wasn't Ralph forcing the issue. I've lost all respect for Dolt, I mean Mort. He's wrong a lot more often than he's right - he oughta do the weather - being wrong this often, he needs the job security!!
  14. Not in a trade! Not a FA signee. A waiver wire pick-up only!! I agree, I thought he looked special in college too - but what do I know!!!!
  15. I buy tickets to 1 game per year. I gave up my season tickets (awesome seats) just before Kelly arrived. But understand, we had Joe Dufek as our QB!!!!!! Understand?!?! Joe "freaking" Dufek!!!!!! I thought it was hopeless and I reached the end of my rope!!
  16. Do ya think we can get someone as good as Tuck in the draft??? NO. I'd give up our 1st pick in a heartbeat.
  17. I agree with the Rookie. And we need to develop a thicker skin! Curious - did Tim write this, or did one of the many overly-anxious, teeth-knashing, woe-is-me-Bills fan pen this? Maybe Tim is a closet Bills fan - he's moving back to Buffalo in June. That may explain his rationale - or lack of it. Look at what everyone's done in FA so far: The Jets have done the most so far with Scott, but NE's Thomas doesn't look so great now that Ray Lewis isn't next to him. I'm suggesting the Baltimore system works in Baltimore but their personnel look more human once they leave the Chesapeake area. That said, Scott is an upgrade, but he's not Lawrence Taylor, nor is he a leader. Lito Sheppard? The Eagles have been trying to deal him for 2 years, he's over-rated and injury-prone. They haven't done any thing else yet, but TG makes it sound as if we're eating the AFC East dust. Jim Leonard - are Bills fans really sad that he is gone? He was a high-motor slow white guy (to quote many of the Bills-fan-bloggers). He returns punts- did you want him to replace Parrish? He's a Safety - did you want him to replace Whitner or Scott? I don't think so. He was expendable and he's gone. His appeal lies in the fact someone else has him & and if somebody else likes him, we should have kept him? A pretty thin argument!! Not to mention playing next to Ed Reed makes anyone look pretty darn good - now if the Jets got Reed I'd join the teeth-knashing! NE signed Taylor who wouldn't have taken many carries from Lynch or Jackson and Chris Baker who IS a decent talent, but there's someting about his whining and locker room presence that made the Jets sign Bubba Franks and draft Dustin Keller last year when the rest of the outside world thought the Jets were set at TE. The Pats gave Cassel & Vrabel away to KC for a 2nd round choice - astute?? No a pre-arranged deal between Belechik & Pioli. They could have gotten MUCH more from Detroit or Minnesota or others. Miami signed a few of their own - all who were members of last years team that EVERY prognosticator said would be cellar-dwellers. They surprised some teams - they won't this year. They also added Wilson who had a bad year in Oakland - how good is he??? (Average, I think.) The Bills got rid of under-achiever Dockery (another under-achieving Longhorn) and Royal who seemed to punctuate every decent play he made with a fumble at the end of the play. No team needs that. Then the Bills added Fitz - a need at back-up QB and Hangartner, an under-the-radar guy who may be very good, no one knows. And FA isn't over . . . But Buffalo fans are buying TG's crap? We need to knock it off!! The Bills have addressed a couple of real needs. The problem is they need to address a few more and the question is will they do it in FA, the draft or trades?
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