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Never NEVER Give-up

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Everything posted by Never NEVER Give-up

  1. Murph seems like a nice guy but I don't care for his game calls and as an interviewer - I can't even listen to him. He constantly phrases his questions with his assumptive answers leaving the interviewee to simply answer with a YES! Drives me crazy!!! If he's interviewing Joe Blow - I want to hear what Joe thinks/says!! I love Sal - would like more access to him (radio/tv/etc.)
  2. Not that I am defending these guys - I have no opinion, but what are the chances of the 3 of them - from 1 team, being ranked consecutively? Slim to none, I'd say. Looks like typical Bleacher Report laziness to me! #104 Cedric Thronton #103 Adolphus Washington #102 Jerel Worthy
  3. The only loss is Gilmore and there's no way we were going to pay him $15 million! Sucks that he's going to the Pats, but it's good to see they're tying up that much cap space on him. Williams really didn't play last year and his neck injury was tragic, but at least he can walk away. But make no mistake, he was not really part of the secondary last year - and by the way - the secondary sucked w/Gilmore (as did the whole defense). So as I see it, any additions are good. Best of luck to the new coach and remember, Whaley is pretty adept at recognizing pro talent and has a very good track record w/FA's (see Zac Brown and LorAx).
  4. You should make this a poll - see where we all stand . . . .
  5. I do wish this was called more. With so many rules slanted toward the offense, it would be nice if this one would be called and alleviate the pressure these plays put on a defense.
  6. It will be interesting though, when the NFL Network does one of its Top 10 Shows for the Greatest Comebacks - where the Bills-Oilers Game will rank. Bills comeback was biggest-ever, no doubt - do the math. However, the greatest comeback? It will be hard to beat the Pats win in OT due to the stage and stakes.
  7. Poor guy - never got a break . . . Always victimized . . . Puleaseeeee!
  8. Yep. They're arrogant all right! And deservedly so! Oh, and it sucks - I hate them too!! Depending on your age you may remember the early 90's around here - we were the same way and the rest of the country hated us and we basked in it! It's a lot of fun being hated because you're good! After the 2nd Super Bowl (#26), it felt like the Playoffs and the Super Bowl was a birth right. That was fun and it made our winters a heckuva lot shorter! Go Falcons!!!!
  9. No way Marrone would share any power/credit with Kelly. He can keep Hackett in his place and Saint Doug will get credit for all of it.
  10. Agreed! (rare) Bump up Matty Ice after Sunday's game - if he stays consistent, Carr is on the cusp, would have been nice to see him in a playoff game to confirm his slotting on the list.
  11. Back to the original post - - the answer is anyone who failed to make the playoffs as Taylor is better than anyone they have. It's ironic. We know he's not Brady, but neither is anyone else. If we can keep him we should. And we should also work to find the long term answer (draft a QB annually). Whoever was the mastermind of the contract screwed this up. They were expecting him to be either great or horrible - well he's on an average team with an average record. So what do they do? Frankly, they cannot afford to lose him as he is the best we've had in years. If nothing else he is a good game manager and anyone else will result in us winning even fewer games next year. That said, in order to keep him, there needs to be a salary purge so we can afford to sign/re-sign guys that will allow the salary puzzle to work. I don't envy the task facing Whaley/McD, but only they can figure it out and if TT is gone, they need an excellent plan B in place.
  12. He wasn't getting enough air time. Yikes! He's boor and was only interesting because of the personality difference with Golic. By himself? It won't last - likes to hear himself talk too much!
  13. Video: http://buffalonews.com/2017/01/12/video-doug-marrone-not-pleased-asked-hed-leave-jaguars-like-bills/ Ouch! Love the question, caught him completely off guard . . . .
  14. Herein lies the problem, they feed off each others stories as if the previous one were true, therefore, before very long EVERYONE says it's a dumpster fire and Whaley is difficult to work with. These guys don't know jack. Re: Coughlin - Terry wanted his consultation last year. The Bills haven't contacted him this year for the coaching job. Obviously Whaley isn't interested in working with him at this point. Maybe because he's 70 and he wants a long term coach? Vic has no idea, he's just projecting and speculating. Re: A-Lynn - Vic says he may no longer be interested, but he's set to interview this weekend. Re: all candidates. Once they are invited in, they will probably accept the invitation. Then they can ask Doug & Jim and the Pegulas all the questions they want about the 'dumpster fire' and Whaley being 'difficult'. When they are all comfy with each other, that is the guy they will hire.
  15. Forget stats and strength of schedule - we had 5 divisional losses and were a Jacoby Brisset (sp) away from 6. That turns 7-9 into 11-5 (if we count sweeping the Fish & Jets as we should have done)!
  16. I agree because Rex's Defense is heavily reliant on DB play. However, it is also supposed to be such a great scheme it can overcome deficient talent. If it can't, then he also failed to adjust and put his players in position to succeed. Bottom line, letting him go was the best move. I just hope the next few moves help us. HC and drafting a QB, Safety and WR and on and on and on . . .
  17. You're right. He's just reporting on something he knows nothing about. . . . from a business perspective for both the Bills and Sabres. Sheeesh!! Nothing like twisting what is said and projecting it into in-coherency. Agreed - an easy target. Everyone's trashing the Bills thinkin/saying, "I need to say something too, so I'll lob another log on the fire even though I have no idea what I am talking about." First line, see my last comment above. Clemson game - he sure did go. If he knew he was going to be fired, why not move it up a week so he can go to his kid's game. (makes sense, but only Rex knows for sure.) You said it. The Pegula's have 2 yrs experience and are 2 games under .500, but the Bills have missed the playoffs for 17 years, so the Pegula's and anyone at OBD shares the blame. How much experience did any NFL owner have before they bought their respective teams? Paul Allen - Seattle, Jerry Jones - Dallas, Jeff Lurie in Philly and Bob Kraft in Boston? The answer is none. They get football people to do it for them, but they are still in charge. In Buffalo it's Whaley - he works with the coaches and gets them the players they want and need. Now it is fair to debate his effectiveness on this count, but on Terry Pegula firing Rex Ryan - it's his team, his decision and whether Whaley likes it or not, he goes along with it. (What the BN hates is they had it in their collective minds that Whaley-Rex didn't get along, so it HAD to be true that Whaley did what he could to get Rex fired. Newsflash, Rex got Rex fired because the defense was top 10, fell to the bottom third last year and failed to improve this year. For a HC that is a defensive guru, this was unforgivable and he had to be let go.)
  18. I just checked all the twitter responses to Whaley's presser. Basically all the twits are saying that Whaley, Pegula and/or Bills are dysfunctional if/when they do not answer questions with the answers the media believed they should have received. Then, other media pick it up, re-tweet it and before long it becomes a foregone conclusion (fact). No wonder journalism is at an all time low in respectability. Sad indeed. If I'm the Bills, I am not sure I would act any differently. You want to, but know you shouldn't cut the media off. You want to end pressers when the questions get nasty/personal, but then you look inaccessible and thin skinned. The Bills and Sabres have always laid out HOW they will conduct pressers and in fact, the HC's and GM's either have radio shows or make regular appearances on them. The Pegula's rarely, but occasionally will do interviews - but not with the BN because they are so unpleasant to deal with. (See Warrow interview w/T.Pegula.) The answer is simple, the editors at the BN need to tell their reporters to be more respectful of their interview subjects. They can ask tough questions, just don't act like a$$ wholes when you ask them.
  19. I don't understand why "the media" doesn't understand what is going on over at OBD - I just read the 3 pages of posts here and 99% seem to see this the way I do. It's pretty simple and because of the hullabaloo, it's quite apparent that the BN has an ax to grind (evidenced by the sarcasm, bitterness and purposeful and childish misinterpretation of what was said (very similar to 'arguments' I have with my children when they don't get their way). I won't rehash what everyone has said, but I am generally in agreement. Are things perfect over there - no. That's why Rex lost his job. When he took over the Offense was our big worry. It got better - kudos to Rex, Doug, et al. However the Defense got worse. After year 1, rumor was, there was an ultimatum. Whether there was or not is debatable, however what's not is the fact the defense didn't improve. So after the weekly 3-way-call Rex asked to speak to Terry alone and basically said if you're going to fire me do it now. (Warrow's interview w/Pegula confirms this.) Pegula did. Because he is still going to pay Rex millions, I don't think there was any rancor on the call, so they also discussed how the last week of the season should be held - Rex said A-Lynn should be IHC for a week. SIMPLE. Then Terry calls Doug an gives him the news. Doug was't "privy" to what was said. In fact he was purposefully excluded and there was nothing wrong with that. Why the BN had to ask what Doug does over there if he wasn't involved in the firing decision was really mean-spirited and insulting. If I were Whaley, I wouldn't take questions from the BN, just the other journalists, and when asked why, I would say that until they act like grown-ups, they will not be included. As for the 'benching' of TT, we all know it was a business decision - no further explanation needed, but Whaley added, it was also to see EJ and maybe CJ. The fact he did not literally say "contract issue" sent the BN over the edge again and said that by not involving A-Lynn in that decision was unfair to him. BS-BS-BS. The boss says you're running the show on Sunday and we're sitting TT for business reasons - then you know what you gotta do. I don't think A-Lynn (or anyone at OBD) thought the media would ask him GM questions or that on Monday, the media would ask Whaley owner questions - but that's the media for you. As said above, I would just cut-off any media member who presented his/her questions in a hostile manner. It's OK to ask a difficult question but there's no need to abandon civility. This is why the media sessions are dumpster fires and if I were Pegula, I would cut them off until they behave - just like we do it with our children.
  20. I have read gobs of stories about Rex's firing, A-Lynn's appointment and EJ starting on Sunday. Are there any facts in any of these stories - aside from the first line of this post? These writers and broadcasters are all citing the reasons behind the decisions and the actions of those directly and indirectly involved - but few coincide with each other. Their summary line - "The Bills are a Dumpster Fire" is the only thing they agree on. Some say Pegula did something, some say Whaley, some say Brandon - did they all do something here? Which version are we to believe? Pegula said the Rex termination was mutual. Mehta said Rex went in and said if you're going to fire me, do it now - - and so it was. True? Who knows (besides Rex & Terry/Kim). Did Bills Management let A-Lynn twist in the wind? Whaley already said he was going to do a presser next Monday. Historically he has said the coach is the mouth-piece in-season, the GM is during the offseason. Having A-Lynn do the media on Wednesday is SOP, is it not? Granted, some extraordinary circumstances here, but the Bills did say that Whaley's presser is next Monday and despite the media wanting info and wanting it their way, doesn't mean the Bills need to comply. With so many stories and versions flying around, I suggest we exhale and just take the news as it's presented by the Bills and go with it. They are a private enterprise and don't need to air their laundry if they don't want to. They are not going to say Rex sucks - they're saying we are mutually parting ways. It's a fact A-Lynn is coaching Sunday, it's a fact EJ is starting - the whys, make us curious - but no explanation has to be given despite the medias cry for it. We have 1 more game this year - let's see what EJ can do. Do they play well, run for the bus or look like they really want to play for A-Lynn? It'll be interesting to see. Then we can see what Whaley has to say next Monday. Then the Coaching search . . . who will be the candidates? What will be their plan for the QB and the Defense? Is TT hurt - hammy or groin? Either way, he's the best QB we have and until we find our Tom Brady / Jim Kelly 2.0, we need to ensure he stays in Buffalo. It's sad we are not in the playoffs and ironically, had we beaten the Fish, we'd still be alive. Many said we never should have hired Rex. Maybe they were right, he certainly made many maddening mistakes and they summed up to be enough for Terry/Kim to say "Enough!". We arm-chair Team Presidents need to sit back and see what they decide to do and stop theorizing why they do things the way they do. It's difficult to clearly understand anything with the media constantly stirring the pot and grinding the axes, but until we see universal reports that align, we need to be realistic and know that it's all bluster to sell papers or get clicks. Time will tell. When is the draft? How do you "LIKE" a post! Well said!
  21. Awesome - I was there. I started working on-field security the next week.
  22. Who let the sane guy post on the Wall?!?!?
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