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John Cocktosten

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Posts posted by John Cocktosten

  1. Johnny Cockstein, bestmode, and union....are you guys done stroking T.O.? How can you honestly defend this character? He has no heart....he's a pre-madonna that is far past his prime. Josh Reed deserves every ball that T.O. gets thrown. THere will never be athread on here questioning Josh Reed, Lee Evan, Steve Johnson's effort given.


    Quit enabling athletes that behave like T.O. And for all of you that call T.O. a "decoy" when he isn't getting the ball I am not sure what the Bills offense is doing while the other team is distracted by T.O.


    Last question.....BOYS ......what are you going to do with your T.O. jerseys next year?

    FishyG- is your screen name some kind of dig at your girlfriend?


    No one defended his actions. 60% of the time he is a jackass all of the time. But there is no arguing that he is a HOFer. He was drafted the same year as Moulds, Harrison and Keyshawn, what are they doing? He has 38 TD's his last 3 years, triple that of those 3 combined over the same time period. Is he still great? No, but if he had a competent coaching staff, oline and QB, he would get his 1000 yds and 8-10 TD's no doubt.


    And I have to apologize about Steve Johnson's effort, he was unreal the last 4 games.

  2. And if you think he is a true HOFer, your a TO homer. The guy has the potential/ability to be a HOFer, if he cared as much about his play on the field as his twittering. Take out all of his antics, and TO is just another decent WR

    If you don't think TO is a HOFer then you are retarded. No seriously, a retard. Put on your helmet and buckle up your chinstrap because you cannot handle anymore head trauma.

  3. It looks like he is uncoordinated when he is trying to catch the ball......and I think it is getting worse by the game. I play in a few touch leagues and I see receivers that would be more dependable bringing the ball in than T.O.


    He seems great once he has a hold of it but he sucks! If that were any other receiver people would never want him on the field again. His audition is not going well for next year.

    So what you're saying is that TO sucks so you decided to start a thread that sucks too? Oh, I get it.

    Do the D-Bags in your "touch" leagues wear 15 wristbands, underarmour half-shirts and pull their socks up to their knees?

  4. If Brady Quinn was from any other school he would be sitting on the bench as a fringe 3rd string QB. He is horribly inaccurate. His deep ball looks like a hot air baloon. He benefited greatly from Weis's offense and the talent that he had around him was very good. There was a reason why so many teams passed and it's playing out on the field right now. I am not sold on Trent, but he is a much better QB than Quinn will ever be even though thats not saying much.

  5. Don't you think that if he had game like Welker, teams would be lining up to trade a 3rd or 4th for him?

    The truth is that he's not. He's small, he has no clue what "get up the field" means, can't block and it's been well known that he has mental lapses in routes and asssignments. I actually would like us to start using Steve Johnson more because the Roscoe experiment is over.

  6. Seen alot of Harvin, even in highschool, as he is from VA. He and Roscoe aren't even in the same class. Roscoe makes some plays on punt returns and catches the occasional bomb, but Harvin can do it all. He could also be an excellent CB if he switched over to the defensive side of the ball. And, as someone already noted, Harvin plays anywhere between 180-190. This isn't any where near close to a reasonable comparison, IMO.

    I have a good friend who lives in Virginia Beach and he told me about the legend of Percy Harvin back when he was a junior in high school. He came to UF, dominated at every position from his True Fr. year and on and 2 national titles later, he split. If he wasn't such a head-case he would've been picked in the top 5. Comparing Roscoe to Harvin is like comparing Trent to Brady. In other words, there is no comparison.


    The Gators offense doesn't look the same without Harvin doing it all. Bama wins the SEC despite losing D. Hightower.

  7. Hmmm. I wonder what happened around then that caused that decline? Oh, I know, Schobel went down!


    Kelsay is very good when he doesn't have to be the primary pass rusher

    Your making it seem as if Kelsay was drawing double teams last year! He is not a very good player, he is an average player. It always makes me laugh when a player puts 2 or 3 good games together and dummys like you are waiting to say I told you so. Then, when he falls back into mediocrity and you are know where to be found. Believe me, I want the Bills players to be successful but Kelsay is a one demensional , overpaid, career underachiever. This defense relys on presseure from it's front 4 and Kelsay 10 sacks and 2 FF over the last 3 years SUCKS.


    The Bills lack of talent over the last ten years has convinced Bills fans like you that palyers like Kelsay, Donte, Poz, etc. are good just because they suck less than the guy next to them. And calling Kelsay "very good" player is just another example.

  8. News flash: we play zone.

    It amazes me how people can watch football for 20+ years yet they have no clue what they are watching.


    I was at the game on Sunday and this Dbag, who was probably around 55/60, kept yelling at Edwards, "Lineup and snap the ball, you know where your guys are!" He did this throughout the whole first half! Here is a guy, obviously passionate about the Bills, who has been watching games forever and he has no clue what he is shouting about! It drives me nuts because the loudest fans who are screaming out their worthless opinions usually are the most clueless. :unsure:

  9. You hate the Big Ten don't you?

    I don't hate the Big Ten. I would take Navarro Bowman in a second. I would love to see Brandon Graham in a Bills uniform next year. But the competition is not the same from top to bottom. They fill out their rosters with recruits from Minn, Indiana, Illinois and Mich., which is just not the same caliber of player that the SE and the West has. It's the same problem Notre Dame has. The Wolverines put a little speed on the field against the Irish and their defense couldn't play with two TRUE FR QB's (from CA and FL.). Freeman and Laurenitis were outclassed everytime they stepped on the field in a big game regardless of how many tackles they had (someone has to make the tackles). In 2009, Penn St. was killed by by USC. UT beat OSU even though they obviously didnt want to be there. In 2008, LSU destroyed OSU. USC umm DESTROYED Illinois!. In 2007, UF whoops OSU, ND (Yes, they are a Big Ten school) gets crushed by LSU and USC kills Mich. These are the last 3 years of BCS games and there was only 1 close game and it meant nothing!

    So no, I don't hate the Big Ten, but when their best players step on the field in the biggest games, they prove that they are inferior to South and the West bottom line.

  10. Browns release Rucker


    I know some were high on this guy going into the draft. I have not really seen him play so cannot comment.

    I liked Rucker in college but he never played TE. He was a big slot WR who never learned how to block because of the spread that Mizzou plays in. Look at Chase Coffman, he is struggling too, I don't think he's been active for either game so far. I'm not saying that these guys won't be good but it's going to take a lot of time and patience because they have to go back and learn the position again at a pro level.

  11. Great! The Bears, who play the exact same Defense as the Bills, are two LB's down and thought so much of Freeman that they never resigned him. Freeman, like most OSU LB's (insert PSU LB's too), capitalized on the weak ass Big Ten. I got a better idea, let's see what Andy Katzenmoyer is doing!

  12. There are a lot of players on the Bills that I and a lot of others here feel are below average starters, and often get criticized. So when they play well I think we should recognize it a little more.


    Kyle Williams has been very good for two games in a row. He looks a lot stronger this year and isnt getting manhandled nearly as much. The play he made on the Whitner INT/TD was spectacular, handling two guys and still falling into the QB to cause the bad throw. He's been surprisingly good, although it helps to not have your starting center Jeff Faine in there.


    Keith Ellison, too, although still lacking in pass coverage is coming up and hitting people and not getting blown off the ball like he usually does.


    Derek Shouman has been consistent, even as a blocker. Hopefully he isnt lost for the season. When he was carted off it looked that way for sure but he seemed a little more optimistic after the game.


    Whitner (although I always liked him) has been a stud. In fact, as a team we're hitting a lot harder than in recent years. We seem to be attacking the line harder and getting some good cracks in, especially from the secondary. All of them are not afraid to hit, even the littler guys like McGee and McKelvin and Corner and Byrd.


    Kelsay, too, has not played bad at all. I can tolerate his level of play, which cannot always be said.


    If we get this kind of play from our lesser players we're going to be a pretty good team.

    Williams is playing at an elite level right now. He also played well last year and is building on what could be a very promising

    career here in Buffalo.


    I agree with you on the others especially Whitner, who IMO, has been very average up until this point. If the season ended today he would be in the Pro Bowl, but It's only week 2 and week 3 looks to be one hell of a test.


    Props where props are due, but quoting the great Winston Wolf, "Let's not start sucking each others d*cks quite yet."

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