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John Cocktosten

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Posts posted by John Cocktosten

  1. It was a fleeting thought. Feel free to flame away but I'd prefer over Bobby April after today and I wouldn't put it past RW and the "marketing braintrust" at OBD. It certainly is a step up over DJ at this point.

    Bills fans can't be that dumb. Marv's wrinkly fingerprint is all over this mess

  2. No, he's not. Edwards hesitated throwing the ball to Lynch because he knew Lynch was in front of three defenders and the first-down marker.

    if trent throws the ball early there was one cb#24 in the flat and he would not have made the play. go back and watch. i just did for the 4th time.

  3. what the hell are you people watching? If he throws that ball to Lynch quick he's tackled well short of the sticks. Quit listening to that talking head.....

    I thought he was open so I just watched it back on DVR to make sure I wasn't crazy and it turns out that I'm not.

  4. Marv and Dick are the same guy! What is the first thing people say about those two? "They are great guys." It's never been said that they are great coaches because they are not! Marv says it in the quote, "DJ has the character." The only difference is that one had the greatest GM of all time and the other has a marketing guy running the show.

    Now Marv has an opinion on how to run this team when he is the reason why the Bills are in this tailspin? Here is some advice for Ralph, WHEN MARV GIVES YOU ADVICE, DO THE EXACT OPPOSITE! He was a joke of a GM and lucky as a HC. We don't need a nice guy, we need a head coach!

  5. And if you think he is a true HOFer, your a TO homer. The guy has the potential/ability to be a HOFer, if he cared as much about his play on the field as his twittering. Take out all of his antics, and TO is just another decent WR


    I was repying to this post dummy.

    TO has managed to awkwardly catch 1000 passes for 14,000 Yds and 140 TD's. There is only one other WR who has those stats.

    Isn't it a bag of hammers?

  6. It's time to begin New Year's Resolutions that won't last and ask for unrealistic presents that come from Santa Claus.


    I know it's early, but I'll start.



    Dear Santa,


    Please let me hear words something like this in the next 6-7 months, "the Bills select, Colt McCoy, QB from the University of Texas."


    P.S. Here are a few stocking stuffers to consider.


    A new head coach, a real LT, a non-white TE, a #2 receiver, a #1 receiver that doesn't disappear in games, a center, not a backup from a non-playoff team, no drug, abuse, or weapon charges from any current players, a DE with speed, a middle linebacker that doesn't break arms, did I mention a new head coach?


    I'd also like a winning attitude, a GM who actually knows something about football, an owner under 100 years of age, and it would be helpful if the media members were not "homers" and actually reported the true state of the team.


    Bytheway, since I'm asking a lot already, please consider bringing world peace. After all, I'm only asking for a few miracles, Santa!



    --Bills Fan :lol:

    Santa made a Douchebag list and the Wizard made it twice.

  7. FishyG- What the hell does that have to do with him being a HOFer? What has Lee done? What has Josh Reed done? What has Parrish or Johnson done? Oh thats right......nothing! When Moss was with the Raiders people said he was finished, then he caught 25 TD's with the Pats the following season. The Bills are the Raiders in this scenerio.

  8. That was one of the worst oline performances but get a grip. Every team in the NFL would struggle with their starting OTs out. Peters is an ungrateful female dog and has been average for Philly. I'm glad he's gone.


    That said, as one of the last DJ supporters, it's time to move on. Still don't think it is all on him, but something needs to be done. Promote April and get in one of the big coaches' ear (Cowher or Shanahan) & do whatever you can to get them in here. It's Ralph's last chance to see a winner.

    complete fabrication

  9. OK, JP was supposed to BLOCK the person that tackled him forcing the fumble. :lol: If Peters makes that block the Bills win the game. A game that JP was WINNING up to that point, so don't say he played as bad in that game as Trent played today, because it's NOT TRUE. Anyone that has been on this board a while will tell you I was a JP supporter, so no I did not call for them to get JP out of here. He was ALREADY out of here by the time that game was played anyway. I really don't care why Trent is playing so bad but the fact is he is & has been for a long time.

    JP and Trent are mutually exclusive. One plays in the NFL and the other plays in the USAPZFL. WHO CARES ABOUT JP!

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