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John Cocktosten

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Everything posted by John Cocktosten

  1. If the Bills hire Mora it will look like a tryout for Cacoon 2 around OBD.
  2. He just wanted to let everyone know that he listens to NPR.... he must be smart.
  3. If a FS is "Biting" on play action that bad, he is a terrible FS and will not be playing anymore. This is really not even an agrgument or an opinion. You're just wrong.
  4. Um, it isn't his job to stop the run. He's a free safety, the last line of defense. He's 15 to 20 yds off of the ball when the play starts. If our front 7 wasn't swiss cheese, the only tackles he would be making would be on pass plays.
  5. I love Eric Norwood. He's been killing it since his Sophmore year. He reminds me a lot of Lemar Woodley.
  6. security maybe? He does have experience with a taser.
  7. We need a secondary coach, can he coach?
  8. Again, read the thread's title. You've given your answer, "He's good, he just (excuse here)."
  9. How come everything with you people from Philly comes down to a fight? Anyway, I can handle myself, I carry a taser.
  10. I believe the thread says , "Are there still any believers?" Not, "Donte is the reason why the Bills suck". Now the selection of DW by our joke of a FO certainly led to the tailspin that the Bills are currently in. It sounds like you still won't admit that he's just not what you thought he was going to be.
  11. That IS impressive. I stand corrected! What a friggen waste!
  12. Mo Evans has a better shot of becoming a solid player.
  13. I think the secondary is good, but don't you think the Bills 32nd ranked rush defense has something to do with our pass defense ranking?
  14. The problem with Buffalo is that we are always looking in the past. Unless it's a guy named Polian, no one from the Bills past should be allowed through the front doors of OBD. We need a new culture of winning, not a no huddle version.
  15. A Marv Levy "failure list" is not complete unless the name Mccargo is invoked
  16. Ralph reached back into the past and it was a complete failure. Let's hope Ralph learned his lesson and hires a guy that has nothing to do with this organization.....
  17. Agreed. With a roster that is so talent depleted, why in the hell would you cut a guy who is one of your top 10 players. The problem with Lynch is that he's a rythm guy. Last year was a perfect example, he got the ball a ton down the stretch and played very well. I wish he didn't drop every other ball thrown his way though. Trade him for nothing less than a 2nd or a 1st round trade up piece, otherwise he is a great backup.
  18. Here is an update: The Bills have no shot and Cowher will choose not to even interview. Now toggle back to porn.
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