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John Cocktosten

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Everything posted by John Cocktosten

  1. Bryce Paup was a pro bowl LB in a 4-3 at Green Bay. He also was the top free agent when Buffalo got him and had 30+ sacks already. Not quite sure if that is a proper comparison.
  2. The wishful thinking on this board is hilarious. The thing that jumped out at you when watching Maybin was how stiff he looked. He played straight up and down and showed very little fluiditiy. When he's switched to OLB in a 3-4, he will not be upfield on every play, he will be forced to drop, play in space and learn man coverage. I'm sorry, but I don't see it happening. There is looking lost because you are a rookie and then there is Maybin, who played with ZERO instincts for the position both against the run and pass. Also, nothing is going to change in his pass rushing steps. A 3-4 OLB plays a 7 technique just like he did this year at end. The only difference is that he'll be standing, which won't be good for him becase he already plays up and down. I hope I'm wrong but I don't see the guy working out here or anywhere else in the NFL. Orakpo on the other hand would be a great fit.
  3. If it wasn't for twitter, would anyone care about Lil Donte?
  4. The Bills are a trainwreck and it's friggen cold as hell in Buffalo right now. I don't see what the problem is.
  5. Tough, gritty, ballsy all apply and I don't care HOW indecisive he is.
  6. "I have tremendous respect for Buffalo," Cowher told Tim Graham of ESPN.com. "We had some talks. It didn't really go that far. I couldn't make the commitment. I have tremendous respect for [bills owner] Ralph Wilson. I think it's a tremendous fan base. I think it's a golden opportunity for Chan Gailey. Translation: I didn't give Buffalo a second thought. I wouldn't be caught dead working for a meddlesome, cheap, clueless owner like RW. That being said, I wish Chan the best of luck when he is fired in 3 years. "It just wasn't the right time and place. I pretty much go with a gut feel when I make decisions like that. I think it through, but there was nothing specific. It's a class organization." Translation: If Buffalo was the last coaching job on earth...yada yada yada. The thought of going to Buffalo made me puke in my mouth. The orgianization is in shambles and even I couldn't help their downward spiral.
  7. I think we get it. Rex Ryan is a loose cannon. Move on.
  8. If you watched college football over the last couple of years and not just the Senior Bowl you'd know why. He has a noodle arm, he's not very accurate and without over complicating it he's just not that good. He lost Dez Bryant and Pettigrew and showed that he was lost without them and unable to carrry the team on his own. Believe me, you're better off with Trent.
  9. I'm not saying there is a coorelation. WHat I am saying is that the media is creating a story telling us to be outraged. My response to that is go to a Bills home game with that Eutopian view of humanity and be prepared to have your mind blown. Rex Ryan just took the Jets to the AFC championship. He has enough good will to get Roman Polanski off of the hook in NYC. If I was Woody I'd be more concerned about his late night buffet benders and not a picture of the bird.
  10. I'd say that there are not very many WRs in the league of Rice and Carter.
  11. If that is offensive, go to a Bills game and people watch for about 30 seconds.
  12. Their stats were pretty much identical except LeFvour threw more passes and a pick. Clausen was perfect that game and averaged 3 more yds per pass attempt than DLF did. And again, Clausen did not turn the ball over. Michael Floyd also went down in the 1st half that game. And not that it means much, but Clausen had a 175 QB rating and DLF had a 143 QBR against MSU. They had one more common opponent, Boston College and Clausen again played another flawless game. 246 yds 2td's and ZERO turnovers (No Michael Floyd in that game either). DLF on the other hand had a bad game. 152 Yds ZERO TD's and 1 INT on 34 atts. And this leads to the bigger problem that I have with DLF, against his two toughest opponents, BC and Arizona, he was a combined 38 of 65 for 260 yds and 2 INTs. I'm sorry but that is terrible. If you look at Clausen, the thing that jumps out at you from game to game, is consistency. He's always around 300 yds and 2-4 TDs and only 4 picks the entire year. I think Clausen is a can't miss prospect who gets a bad rap for being the QB of ND and having an attitude coming in to college. From everything I've read, his teammates love him and people around the program say that he's grrown leaps and bounds from where he was when he first showed up in a limmo for his presser. I hated him to coming into this year but game after game he convinced me that he has all of the tools to be a very good QB.
  13. What the hell is wrong with some of the people on this board? No to Peppers (25 sacks and 10 FF's the last 2 years), no to McNabb (7000+ yds and 45 Td's/21 Ints the last 2 years)? I gotta an idea, let's go after more sh*tty players like Walker, Dockery and Triplett! These two guys have proven over the last 5-10 years that they are up at the top in their positions in the NFL but people don't want them! "Peppers would probably do the same" Great analysis my man!
  14. I agree that Clausen had some great weapons to throw to, but so did Quinn, Jeff Schamardjazazaja (I think thats how you spell his name), Stovall and Rhema McNight were all solid players. He also had John Carlson and Anthony Fasano at Tight End and Darious Walker, who was a solid RB running and catching the ball. Quinn also had a very good O line in front of him. Clausen, on the other hand did have Tate, who was nothing short of spectacluar this year. However, Floyd was hurt for 6 games this year, including the USC game. And Ruldoph missed the last 3 games. And there is no arguing the fact that ND's OLine was terrible and their running game was non existent. So when you really break it down, Clausen wasn't playing with the supporting cast that Quinn was. Also, Quinn was not the prospect that Clausen was coming into college. If Willingham stays or Quinn goes to Ohio St, there is no such thing as Brady Quinn as we know him. Clausen was an Uber prospect who came from a football factory of a high school and chose Weiss because Weiss does develop QB's. When did recieving good coaching become a bad thing? And you throw around the word "system" and awful lot. ND didn't run a spread, zone read or triple option offense. It's Charlie Weiss's offense, it uses multiple formations and takes what the defense gives him. Does that make Tom Brady a sytem QB? Look, I hate ND, but I watched every game this year (not WSU) because they were always great games and the one thing that always stood out to me was that Clausen was the sole reason why they were any games. He took big hits, he played with torn ligaments in his toe, he makes all of the throws and most importantly to me he made zero mistakes. During all of those comebacks and close games, none of them ended with a Clausen INT. That's the guy I want and I could care less that I hate ND!
  15. DLF -He's a spread QB -80% of his passes were under ten yards (Trent 2.0) -The competition he's faced is 2nd teir Saying that Clausen is Brady Quinn is the most ignorant thing that I've heard people say on this board. Quinn has a mediocre arm and throws a horrible floating deep ball. When he was at ND, he had a very good o line and a solid running game. Clausen had a ZERO running and bad Oline, yet he made great throw after great throw. His deep ball was always on point and he routinely threw to the opposite hash with accuracy and ease. He also makes no mistakes. Clausen will be a very good pro and LeFevour will be sittig on someones bench until he's eventuallly cut. .
  16. Twitter truly exposes the mentally challenged. And what the hell does finna mean?
  17. Gee, sounds a lot like Theo Epstein to me.
  18. If he was this scary talent evaluator that the over-the-top Nix supporters want to believe he is, then why is it that no other NFL team wanted him? Is Ralph just that much smarter than everyone else in the NFL? I'm not saying that Nix is going to fail but he just got here and he's talking a lot of sh*t for a guy who has done nothing on his own. So keep giving him credit for his time in SD and keep quoting his wikipedia page(ciation needed) and Reuters articles all you want, the guy has done nothing but hire a coach who hasn't even interviewed for a NFL head coaching job in 10 years. Now that sounds like a Raiders move to me.
  19. This is my point. Win some games and then you can say whatever the hell you want. Until then, Nix just comes off as clueless when he slams the Raiders. Last time I checked the Bills are just as big of a debacle as the Raiders, in fact, I believe the Raiders went to the Super Bowl in the last decade. Speculate all you want on Nix's role with the Chargers, guess what, he's gone and the Bolts had another solid draft. So while all the Bills myiopians on this board want to give him all of the credit and rope to hang himself, I think he comes off amateurish and tackless and I have my doubts. BTW, I think Polian has earned the right to say whatever the hell he wants, so please leave Good Ol Buddy's name out of the same sentence with the greatest football GM of all time please.
  20. He's never been a GM, he's always been a role player. He finally gets a GM job at 70 and he is acting like a bully who was hired by Ralph to DEFEND the franchise, not run it. Again, what other GM says these things? The task at hand is monumental for him; rebuliding a franchise that is in utter turmoil, has limilted asssets and is thin on personell. I'm thinking that would humble you a bit. Good luck Buddy, ask Lil Donte how quickly the fans turn on you when your mouth writes checks that your a** can't cash.
  21. For a guy who has done nothing, he shoots off at the mouth an awful lot. Funny, because you just don't hear G.M.'s talk as much sh*t as he does unless it's Al Davis. He's got some Lil Donte in him that I am not a fan of at all.
  22. I loved The Dean's "toaster head" avatar
  23. Exactly! I could see a 70 year old Buddy Nix showing up in a 3 piece Armani suit. Maybe lay off of the southern drawl and go all Madonna on the media. Or even show up with one of those space age bluetooths in his ear at a presser.
  24. I love when people come on here and just make sh*t up.
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