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John Cocktosten

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Everything posted by John Cocktosten

  1. And you sound like a member of the right wing christian militia. What's funny is that tea baggers are as sad as tree huggers. Everything lies in the middle my man.
  2. Oh Yeah! If Limbaugh ran the Olympics, he would do away with drug testing!
  3. I love the hype that this guy gets when 99.9% of this board have never watched a full game he's played in. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2010/...row-at-combine/
  4. Who cares? There are two legit QBs (Clausen/Bradford) in this draft and every other one is just filler for the draft.
  5. The amazing thing about that clip is that there are still fans making excuses for that POS
  6. How good is Nix? Did he run a draft before? Isn't this his first draft as a GM?
  7. This might be the most brilliant statement in the history of TBD. Giving the Bills credit for hiring a "football guy" to run the "football side" of the franchise reminds me of the Chris Rock bit where he talks about how people brag and say, "I TAKE CARE OF MY KIDS!" PNW, you are giving the Bills credit for something that they shouldn't get credit for! And say what you want about who they hired, IMO, it falls in line with why the Bills have been a horrible franchise forever. Nix and Gailey were not on anyone's list of candidates. But somehow, many Bills fans think Ralph outsmarted the rest of the NFL by hiring "football guys" whom nobody wanted. Brilliant! I hope and pray that these two can turn this franchise around, but they are being asked to put on the breaks after the car is already off of the cliff. And Ralph and the rest of the brilliant FO thought it would be a good idea to hire two guys who have ZERO experience doing this! It was never about Shanny or Cowher (which was simply a marketing ploy to renergize the Bills fans and it did) becoming the next HC, it was about hiring experienced coaches/GM who have a history of success in turning around franchises. I'm sorry, but a staff full of college coaches and a GM who is a "Top 5 talent evaluator" according to Wkipededia and a Reuters article hardly instills a ton of confidence. Status quo, nothing new at OBD. Posts like this reassure OBD that it doesn't matter what moves they make, the fans here would support a donkey if one was hired. Love the optimism though...
  8. Love the grey hair with the dyed goatee George Root. Very Ronnie The Limo Driver-esque.
  9. I'm just wondering how many games you watched him play in this year that you gotta a fever for LeFevour? LeFevour is a spead QB who played in the MAC. CMU faced 2 tough defenses this year from BCS conferences, Boston College and Arizona, and LeFevour bombed in those games. A combined 310 yds, 58% 0TD's and 2 INT's, the offense scored 16 total points and more importantly they were beaten badly in both games . I'm sorry but the guy made a living off of MAC defenses and please save the Big Ben comparisons. Finally, saying his arm is better than Bradys is one of the dumbest things that I've ever read on these boards. Brady is a HOFer, who has played in tough weather his entire career at UM and now NE. His arm has been strong enough to throw for 5000 yds and 50 TDs in a season, not to mention his 3 SB rings. The contrast is utterly ridiculous. Seriously, if you jump on a guy's bandwagon, come with something more than ridiculous speculation and conjecture.
  10. First of all, the Bills are in cover 2 less than 50% of the time. I don't understand why most people don't understand that. If a team was always in C2, Qb's would be throwin for 500yds per game. The Bills play multiple coverages and you will never see C2 inside the redzone. So enough with the excuses for Lil DOnte, he can't play down in the box because he is to small, he's to slow to play in man coverage and he is lacking any type of ball skills whatsoever. Donte is a jack of all trades and a master of none. He's a nitch player in any system. If he's not to much, keep him as a backup because he is a very valuable stop gap IMO.
  11. It's not hard to see why this organization is a failure.
  12. At this point, there is no need to trade him. He isn't a very effective starter but he is a very valuable backup.
  13. D3 football is solid but there is a reason there are a handful in the NFL. Actually, most of the D3 guys who are in the NFL were D1 dropouts and non qualifiers. That being said, there are a TON of D3 players who could play low level D1.
  14. Midgets singing "RockNRoll all night" is pretty awesome. KISS singing it sucks.
  15. I love when people on here compare their jobs to being an NFL player. Maybin is a 22 year old millionare with a Fro-Hawk who is going to a club and doesn't have to go to work tomorrrow. I don't see how this is wrong. It's not like he twitted, "NO wins the SB! I'm going to a club! The Bills suck!" When he busts, it will have nothing to do with the 10 Mojitos that he knocks back tonight, it has everything to do with the fact that he's not an NFL player.
  16. I think he's more outraged over the fact that he sucks.
  17. The best scheme for Kelsay is a Ponzi scheme because he's been stealing money from the Bills for years
  18. Maybin was a bust this season and he will continue to be a bust by busting a move in Miami. Seriously though Bill, he could start practicing and eating Peanut Butter from now until camp and he will still suck. I know a bust when i see one...I'm a Bills fan.
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