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John Cocktosten

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Everything posted by John Cocktosten

  1. Come on Sparty, Buddy Nix was only responsible for picking Wood (before he broke his leg), Byrd, Levitre, Nelson (Not sure yet), Harris (not sure yet) and Lankster (before his press conference). That and every Pro Bowler on SD's current roster.
  2. He has not worn out his welcome. I know everybody wants angels but if Buffalo had a bunch of Tebows everybody would B word because we'd be to soft. And I don't know what team you follow but the Bills ain't getting Sproles or Taylor. Keep Lynch, let him and Freddy battle it out and have one of the best 2 deeps at RB in the NFL.
  3. The Bills roster is not very talented so trading one of your best players away for a 3rd or a 4th would be....well very Buffalo Bills-esque. The guy is a pain in the a## but he can play. RB's goes down all of the time and you have a proven starter to take over if Freddy blows a knee.
  4. I can't believe anyone reads that shills articles. I mean, he is literally a shill, he's paid by the Bills!!!!!! Let's get real, the Bills will sign no one of impact.
  5. A better comparison would be Roy Williams. That being said, Mays never came close to what RW did at OU. Roy Williams was a great college player. Mays was a "hot prospect" last year but all you ever heard about the guy was that he was a freak athletically. You never heard that he was all over the field making plays.
  6. There are two thing that are obvious from your post. The first is that you never saw Sean Taylor play a college game because he was as good as any Safety to ever to play at that college level. I believe he had 9 or 10 picks his JR year and was a consensus all american, Big East POY and the Thorpe award winner. He made enormous plays in every Canes game that he played in. He stood out as the best player on a defense that turned out 6 1st round picks. There is no comparison other than size/speed which means sh*t. Secondly, you must not have watched Taylor Mays either. He has always been overrated. He has zero instincts. Zero ball skills. He misses a ton of tackles. He is a trainwreck in coverage. Go back and look at my posts from the beggining of the season about this guy, I called it before the season started BECAUSE I"VE WATCHED HIM PLAY BEFORE THIS SEASON! He NEVER made a big play in a big game, not once. He was always trying to kill someone and this year teams threw at him all year long. We have 4 safties on this team, including Lil D, who are much better footaball players. BTW, Eric Berry has done nothing but be completely dominant from day one at UT in the SEC.
  7. Darth my man, I've asked you this before, what has Nix done? Wasn't Nix part of the staff that picked Maybin? Oh, I get it, he was the reason the Chargers picked guys like Mcniel, Sproles, Merriman and Cromartie. BUT he was NOT involved in the Maybin pick? Nix has done nothing for you to be sitting in your parents basement beating off all over your Buddy Nix autograph! The Maybin pick is an absolute tradegy of a pick. I mean that too! Here is an orginization that is circling the drain and they pick a guy who is and will continue to be an absolute bust! It was litterally almost impossible for the Bills to miss with all of the talent that was there but that is why the Bills are as bad as any orginization in sports. Hopefully Maybin will signify the end of an absolute disasterous era and they can just move on. I say hopefully , Darth has to clean his Buddy Nix Bills boxers.
  8. Better than Losman and Fitz....WELL I"M SOLD!!!
  9. So let me get this straight. Buddy Nix deserves credit for letting go 2 aging WR's who are on the down side of their careers and hiring a new head coach that not one team in the NFL was going to interview this year? How about we wait and see what they do in free agency and the draft before we all start tickling each other. I am neutral on Nix, but to say you like the "direction" when the cupboard is empty is being a little optimistic don't ya think? To quote the great Winston Wolf, "Let's not start sucking each others d*cks just yet gentleman."
  10. You are a total hypocrite. You started the attacks because someone picked on DW. Your "real world" attitude is delusional. Ralph loves fans like you! Now, get online line at the Bills store and put your pre-order in for whatever 1st round pick the Bills choose ya fricken lemming.
  11. So you have a problem with "negative" posters being honest? Let's review the facts CB97 because they are all there in plain sight. The Bills have sucked now for more than 10 years. The Bills FO is in a constant state of flux. The Bills are a media punch line for ineptitude. The Bills get NOTHING RIGHT (coaches, drafts, free agents)! Now I ask you oh beacon of positivity, what exactly is there to be positive about? PLEASE ANSWER THIS QUESTION CB97, you are a lemming, a fall in line kinda guy, "Yes sir, may I have another!" Your Enron mentality clouds your ridiculous judgement. Sticking up for guys like Whitner and Maybin is all of the evidence needed to show the severity of Bills Stockholm Syndrome that you suffer from. So quit lecturing everyone who isn't a "real Bills fan" because unconditional fans like you are a big part of the problem. Every year Ralph knows right where he has you, in the palm of his crusty old hand. (His other hand has your cash)
  12. MSU was ranked 8th in both total D and scoring D in the Big Ten. If that is what you wanna hang your hat on, go for it.
  13. What does that have to do with anything? Clausen had great games regardless of the opponent. DL bombed against the only two good defenses he saw all year. Remember, just one year ago the UB Bulls won the MAC. That says a lot about the competition that DL has faced in his career.
  14. And that is what is funny. Some here are pumped about a guy who, "Adjusted under center". You saw him throw 10 times in a senior bowl and you're saying he's more than just hype? For every Kiper "riser", there is a Mcshay "loser" and a Mayhock "Question mark". I'm sorry, but I laugh at the idea of giving the keys to this trainwreck of a franchise to a spread QB from the MAC.
  15. And you are .1. If you watched Clausen this year and were not impressed than we are never going to see eye to eye. Maybe all of that MAC football dumbed you down a bit.
  16. Yes, Palin is a dummy. Yes, her fans are dummIES. This is my definition of dumb: Couric: You've cited Alaska's proximity to Russia as part of your foreign policy experience. What did you mean by that? Sarah Palin: That Alaska has a very narrow maritime border between a foreign country, Russia, and, on our other side, the land-boundary that we have with Canada. It's funny that a comment like that was kinda made to … I don't know, you know … reporters. You can't even make sh*t like that up!!!!!!!!!
  17. Being the staunch INDY that I am, she doesn't bug me. Her fans bug me because evertime I meet one, I have to ask the very uncomfortable question, "How did you get to be so be dumb?"
  18. I hate this statement. Any NON-American who is remotely intelligent knows that there is a difference between foreign policy and a US citizen. The other ridiculous part of your statement would assume that other countries are perfect and without flaw. It's simply an ignorant statement buddy.
  19. Ebersol aside, Oberman is an elitist douche...but so is Rush and Ed Shultz and Hannity...and Pilosi and Boehner.....
  20. Relax Dwight, you're whining like one of those sissy liberal queers! Now get your nose back in that Sarah Palin memoir so you can have something to talk about at the next Tea Party rally!
  21. Watch what you say or Dwight will bring a gun to this protest!
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