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John Cocktosten

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Everything posted by John Cocktosten

  1. If anyone can change, Tebow can. If we could get a decent vet in here and let Tebow sit for 2 or 3 years I say go get him in the 2nd. The only problem would be the pressure (media, fan) to play him in would be absurd. The second the vet throws a pic the crowd would be clamouring for Tebow and he's just not going to be ready. Tebow is special though and it wouldnt shock me if he becomes a good QB 5 years from now.
  2. That team of scrubs that you listed is not winning anything. Trent Edwards is not servicable, he's horrible. Brohm is not going to be anything more than a pipe dream. There is no 2nd or 3rd WR that is proven. We have no quality starting OT's. On defense, we took a very good one gap DT (where he's played his entire career and in college) and you think he can just switch to a 2 gap 5 technique end? Mitchell has failed more than once on the inside and makes more plays on twitter than he does on the field. Poz can't take on a block and now he has only 3 covered in front of him? Maybin is and will continue to be a bust. Schobel will struggle to play in space and he's not even sure if he wants to let the Bills torture him anymore. Our secondary is deep and pretty solid and Florence is better than McKelvin BTW. So how are the Bills supposed to compete again...health?
  3. So why didn't you start a thread that said, "The Bills can win if they stay healthy!" Pure Genius my friend.
  4. What are you talking about, it's the same POS team with the D in a 3-4. 18 of 22 starters are the same from last year!?!? You're a regular Bill Polian.
  5. Wood has a long ways to go before he can be counted on.
  6. So you agree that getting McNabb would help this team win...oh, then what the hell are we arguing about?!?
  7. Again, I answered the post's question and then I replied to you comparing BJ to Dilfer. I never said that I had the answer. But, I would try to swing a trade for McNabb and give up a 2nd or 3rd and a player for him. Or, if Clausen or Bradford are there, I take one them (Clausen). Other than that, The 3 headed pile of suck we have at QB would'nt get it done behind the best OLine ever put together! Trent is soft and refuses to make throws into tight spots, over the middle or toward the hashes. Fitz just ain't got it. And Brohm was cut for a reason, he is not good despite all of the false optimism on this board about him. Now if those things don't happen and we don't land a QB, my hypothesis will be proven yet again. The Bills ain't winning until we get a good QB to Buffalo.
  8. You compared Brad Johnson to Trent Dilfer. To me, it sounds like you called BJ a bum.
  9. The title of the post is, "Is the NFL a QB driven league"...just letting you know.
  10. Brad Johnson was 7-4 (Injury) with Wash. before coming to the Bucs and the skins won only one other game without him that year. So i'd say he was still pretty good. You need a QB who can get the ball out of his hand quickly and the Oline will look a whole lot better. The Bills Oline was bad but the QB's were awful and AVP was obsessed with the 5 step drop game and that is a recipe for disaster. Big Ben, Rodgers, Warner hardly have good lines but they get the ball where it's got to go quickly. Watch the Pitt vs SD game this year, Rivers was getting destroyed the whole game but he still made huge plays. I wouldn't say Indy"s line is anything great either but Peyton makes those guys out to look like studs.
  11. I think Schobel is a good player, but he is definately NOT one of the best pass rushers in the league. He disappears for games at a time and has the occasional huge game. Watch Harrison, Ware, Woodley, Allen, Dummerville. Those guys get ten times as many pressures on top of their sack totals. Schobel makes to much, he's to small to be an everydown player and is a one dimensional player at this point of his career. The Bills are getting nothing for him.
  12. Brad Johnson threw for 30K yds (38th all time) and 166Tds (54th All time) to 120 Ints and was 20 games over .500 for his career. The year the Bucs won the SB, he threw for 3400 yds, 22TDs and ONLY 6 Ints Dilfer 20K 113 TDs and 129 Ints and and was 3 games over .500. The year the Ravens won Dilfer threw for 1500 yds 12 TDs and 11 Ints. Terrible comparison, Brad Johnson won everywhere he played and was a very good QB, Dilfer never threw for 3K OR 20 TDs in a season and benefited more than any other Qb in the history of the NFL from his defense. Dilfer was horrible
  13. So 12 teams made the playoffs, 10 of the QB's are perrenial Pro Bowlers and the best in the NFL and you pick the QB who is a rookie. How about this, there is a 90+% chance that if you have a great QB, you will make the playoffs way more than you don't.
  14. Brees, Manning, Brady, Romo, Rivers, Rodgers, Warner, McNabb, Favre, Palmer. Uhhhhh...it's a QB's league. There are teams with solid offensive lines that don't get into the playoffs like the Panther (Because Delhomme sucks), Dolphins (Pennington got hurt) and Browns (Brady and Anderson are terrible). The list of QB's who made the playoffs are the very best the NFL has to offer.
  15. Whitner's position made me laugh! Let's get this straight, no one is trading for McCargo, Parrish or Kelsay. They all suck and they are all way overpaid. No one is trading for Schobel either. Despite a good season last year he's another year older and he is also overpaid. As far a Lil DOnte goes, if we could use him to get McNabb, I would be all for it, if not , keep him becase he is a valuable backup.
  16. There is no doubt about it. Let's just hope your boyfriend Buddy knows that!
  17. Now that is a guy I would love to have. Nasty attitude, massive chip on his shoulder and solid production. Also he could teach Maybin a thing or two like how to eat a steak.
  18. This is getting serious, better call the amber lamps.
  19. Don't worry beerme1, Gaily is the next Shawn Payton. And Nix is the next Polian. And you are an idiot if you cut that check.
  20. You just don't understand the crazy logic of Buddy Nix.
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