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John Cocktosten

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Everything posted by John Cocktosten

  1. Almost every Bills player is overrated on this board.
  2. I thought AJ Smith was incapable of making a great move without Buddy!
  3. The Bills are building for the 2012 draft so they will be in position to grab Matt Barkley as their franchise QB. Rebuilding should be finished around 2014 when Byrd, Wood and Levitre all sign somewhere else as free agents.
  4. I agree with you that some fans are still hung up on the fact that he was picked so early. But for me, he's always talking and he hasn't earned the platform. Guys like O'Cinco and TO are idiots but when they are on the field, they are at their best. DW is at his best when he's on twitter, not on the field and that's what drive me crazy about him. It's his self importance that drives me nuts!
  5. This might be the greatest misspelling that has ever been posted on this board! It's easy to regurgitate what Rush says, but try spelling it!!!
  6. I insulted a guy who routinely insults others on this board. I've also noticed that you take this tact everytime someone diagrees with your opinion. I'm going to stick around, my favorite thing is reading how unaccountable people are a year later.
  7. Well with that logic, Ralph should've hired Matt Millen and Rich Kotite. At least they have some experience at GM and HC. Aim for the stars Simon, Cornell Green is now protecting your favorite QB of the week!
  8. But he had nothing to do with Maybin, only Byrd because he made the pro bowl.
  9. Really? You act like Ralph made a brilliant move getting a "football minded" GM. Novel freekin idea! 31 other teams do it! This is your point? We have a football guy in here? There have been a ton of teams who needed a GM over the last couple of years and Buddy's name didn't come up but your just happy because he's a "football guy"? Brilliant logic!
  10. I'm so dumb that I can't read..help me with this one.
  11. A 70 year old guy who has zero experience running a team and a coach who hasn't gotten a sniff of a head coaching job in the NFL in 10 years? BTW, Is there such a thing as a non football minded GM?
  12. No one is whining. They are coming to the realization that this new regime is the same as the old one. And you're the same jerkfoff who thinks that they are going to win. I'll do what I want, you keep beating off to your Donte Whitner poster.
  13. And being optimistic about a 34 year RT who sucked for the Raiders makes you a dummy.
  14. Dude, we just signed Cornell Green and you want to talk about TO!
  15. Well your avatar fits your fandom. Genny beer and the Bills are one in the same. Cheap, no expectations and leaves you feeling depressed at the end of the day.
  16. Brian Sipe is coming out of retirement? God, why is this organization obsessed with blue-hairs?!?!?
  17. Langston Walker 2.0! Now Trent will have time to throw!!!!!!!
  18. Langston Walker 2.0! When you think about it though, it makes total sense. No teams had interest in Chan or Buddy either, so Cornell fits in perfectly!
  19. I love the uprising of the defiant, unconditional (lemming) Bills fans on this board lately. It's like the Bills fan version of the crazy right wing "Tea Party". Next thing you know you dummies are going to bring your guns to the Ralph on Sundays.
  20. The Buffalo Bills sure are serious about being mediocre! There is no way that Kelsay is going to play OLB. He's slow, unathletic, he's a terrible pass rusher and now he's going to be asked to make a tackle in space on a RB? How do you think he is going to look in the open feild against Leon Washington, Brown/Williams or Faulk? He is a DE in this defense.
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