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John Cocktosten

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Everything posted by John Cocktosten

  1. Everything is an excuse with Trent fans. If you are seriously going to argue that a guy who has a track record of being hurt every year that dates back to college is not injury prone then we are going to have to agree to disagree . But to compare Trents injuries to Brady's and Palmer's, where they had their knees exploded by diving defenders is ridiculous. Some guys are just more durable than others and some are just more fragile and that is the bottom line. Unfortunately, Trent is of the fragile kind and there is no way to argue that. And Trents had time but he won't pull the trigger! What have you seen in Trent that makes you think he can be a good QB? The fact that he won't throw the ball down the middle of the field? The fact that he struggles getting the ball to the sidelines? The fact that his progressions go from 1 to 4? What do you see in this guy that makes you believe in him?
  2. Big Ben and Aaron Rodgers were both sacked 50 times each which tied for tops in the NFL by far. BB missed one game and Rodgers played all 16. There are guys that can take a hit and there a guys like Trent who are injury prone. The problem with Trent is that he won't make tough throws which win games AND he's fragile. I don't think he's gay and calling him a panty waste is just silly. Did you go to the Dallas Monday nighter? I never realized that Romo rhymed with homo before that game! It ain't my style but fan is short for fanatic so relax.
  3. I guess I was right! BTW Senator, I thought your boy would have a job by now? According to you, teams would be lining up for his services!!!! Trent has proven that he's not worthy of the job. All the Pro-Trenters use in his defense are excuses. The same excuses that could be used for Big Ben when he was getting killed the year Pitt won the SB. Rivers and Rodgers took a beating this year and produced unbelievable results. Trent is not a good QB and there is really no argument to prove that wrong. And again, he's a China-doll!
  4. I think what you meant to say is the Bills would've won more if Freddy got those carries. I Love Marshawn and I never would have said this before last year, but Freddy is the better back. Do you think ML can throw the ball though?
  5. It's crazy what happened to his game. He really was solid in 08, but I saw him play in 09 a couple of times and he just completely lost it. I think someone will take a shot at him earlier than some expect because of his 08 tape. Maybe someone like NE, Indy or SD will take a chance and let him sit and learn behind a proven starter. But I don't think he's for the Bills. We already have a head case named Trent.
  6. Have you ever read The Senator's posts before? They involve links, childish insults and crazy ramblings that usually involve him and Mike Leach in a hot tub with a bottle of red wine. Seriously, I can see why you have a crush on Trent, you're both a little to fragile.
  7. I don't know why everyone always sights the Arizona game as the downfall of Trent. He came back after the bye week and had his best game as a Bill against San Diego IMO. I think the Trent Hysteria happened for two reasons. First, we were all sick of JP's maddening inconsistencey and second, everyone was telling us that he was going to be good (Walsh, Gannon and a lot of national media). But the truth of the matter is he's just not a complete QB. His bad games are awful and his good games consist of effeciency only. On top of that, he's just to injury prone. Players are going to get hurt, but he's been a china doll since his days at Stanford and has continued to be so with the Bills. For Gailey, Trent is more of a reclamation project than Tebow would be. The guy has played his entire life not wanting to pull the trigger on the tough throws, settling for the checkdowns and having a total lack of awareness for down and distance. You don't win with QB's like that and I hope the Bills realize this. And if he did somehow go from being completely underwhelming and found a new game, he's proven that he can't stay on the field anyway so what's the point? Although I don't believe Brohm will be the next Kurt Warner (Only because he was left for dead by the Pack and the rest of the NFL a year after he was picked in the 2nd round), I'd rather see him on the field because we've had enough of Trent to know that he's worth 3-4 efficient games, 6-9 meltdowns and 3-4 games missed due to injury. Sounds like 7-9 to me.
  8. You don't shade a NT in a 3-4. The point of the NT in a 3-4 is to always occupy the center and hopefully one of the guards. K. Williams just doesn't have enough body for that.
  9. You're also talking about 2 very unique players. There has never been a 3-4 DE like Bruce who could rush the passer from a 4/5 technique. And the same goes for Ratliff. Wade realizes this and plays to the strengths of his team rather than trying to make JR something he is not. KW is not that guy. While I like the 3-4, the personal we have is much better suited for a 4-3 and instead of playing to your teams stregnths, Gailey is putting square pegs in round holes. And if you think thats bad, wait until you see Trent try to run a spread offense!
  10. I would only trade a 3rd and a player for McNabb. I agree with you that we need our 1st and 2nd. Bledsoe and Johnson sucked. While Mcnabb doesn't rely on his legs as much, he still can move and is not even close to the statues that RJ and Bledsoe were. I don't know if the Eagles are going to be in the position to demand more than a 3rd for DM. He's owed a 6.2 million dollar roster bonus before the draft and if they want Kolb, thats an awfully expense game of chicken. Lastly, I have never heard anyone in sports say they didn't want to go or stay with a team just to wind up with a big contract with said team. It happens all of the time.
  11. If DM can be had for a for a 3rd, he's a guarenteed solid QB for a couple of years. If the Bills draft an OL in the 3rd, he's a 50/50 "prospect". I'd go with the guarentee who could help make the Bills a winner much faster than a 3rd round OL. JMO
  12. Is it just California? How about QB's from Texas, Florida, Oklahoma or Arkansas? They're warm, even warmer than Cali! Is it just warm weather QB's that shouldn't be drafted by Buffalo, or all other teams with similar weather to Buffalo should not draft cali QB's? How about if they have long hair and are from Cali? Is this a double whammy? Did you ever think that JP, Trent and RJ all suck? None of them have gone on to do anything right? I think it comes down to poor drafting, poor coaching and a complete lack of talent from these 3. If you said that you don't want Clausen because he sucks, I'm fine with it. But the fact that he's from California and that is why you don't want him is silly. It's Buffalo Bills myiopia. Some of the best QB's have come from Cali to play in cold weather cities. At the end of the day a great football player will be great regardless of the weather.
  13. I believe Montana was born in PA. The notion of no Cali QB's coming here is what people say when they know nothing about football. Let's not critique his QB play, let's critique his neighborhood. That is such a Buffalo myopian attitude. Tom Brady, John Elway, Cunningham, Palmer and Aaron Rodgers all suck. This is the dumbest argument ever.
  14. The keys to a great 3-4 defense are the OLB's and a NT and the Bills are without any of those. K. Williams has been a 1 gap DT his whole career, even back at LSU and now he's going to be expected to be a 2 gap NT? Sorry fellas, ain't gonna happen. Look at the way Glenn Dorsey and Corey Williams have struggled in the 3-4. I know they play end but when you're a penetrating 1 gap tackle and now you're being asked to eat up blocks instead of making plays, it's not only a tough transition functionally, but these guys don't want to be there so LB's can make all of the plays. Then there our the OLB's. The Bills are a mess there. I still can't believe how lost and unatheletic Maybin looked. He was stiff, soft at the point and played straight up and down. Now he's standing up and he's supposed to play lower? I'm sorry, but he will continue to be a bust. Then there is Kelsay and Schobel. Kelsay and Schobel's game is not about fluidity or athleticism, it's about hustle and motor. That's great but you need to be able to play in space as an OLB in a 3-4. Covering RB's, dropping into zones and never letting anything on the ground get outside of you. These are not the strenghts of either of these guys. Kelsay is a terrible pass rusher and Schobel has never been a guy who gets initial pressure. He's a second effort guy and many of his sacks come because of solid coverage. While most think OL should be the Bills focus in this draft, I think we need to get some pass rushers in here along with a guy like Cody in the middle before anything.
  15. Looks like the scouts finally got around to his tape from the Arizona and BC games from this year. Turns out he wasn't the same guy who tore apart the MAC when he had to play with the big boys.
  16. So is if what NGU says is true and Trent is the starter, how the hell do you have faith in this "new" regime? No matter what some think, QB is the most important position in the NFL and there is a good one out there in DM, but they value a 3rd over a legit QB who has a couple of good years left? Not only has Trent struggled throwing the ball, but his decision making is awful and he is just to injury prone. There would be no Buddy Nix without Drew Brees and Phillip Rivers. Sounds like the same ol same ol to me.
  17. Yeah, his 216 TD's/100 INTS suggests that he is not a gamer. 50 Tds and 21 Ints combined the last 2 years suggests that he is washed up . He's 2nd all time in INT%. The Eagles are 73-39 in games that he's started. Tell Burkholder that that he's a spoiled f*ck. I hope Kolb bombs, maybe then they'll appreciate what DM has done for that franchise. For God sakes, people act like Philly has won despite McNabb!
  18. If any of these guys were left in Rd. 3 I would be the happiest Bills fan on earth. I think Norwood is going to be a very good pro and there is no doubt in my mind that he would beat out Maybin right now. I like Thomas but, is he a product of 9 in the box or is he always that wide open? I think Shipley is going to be great in the slot. Tebow is going to take time to develop (Captain obvious) but if a team can be patient and withstand the pressure of the fans and media to get him on the field, he might turn out to be a very good QB. Norwood would be my pick, he's an OLB and worth 8-10 sacks in his first year. ROUND 3 Tim Tebow Florida QB Jordan Shipley Texas WRS KR *Demaryius Thomas Georgia Tech WRP Eric Norwood South Carolina OLB
  19. Ya figure after "50 years" of watching football you'd pick up something. 1. Is not true (Baltimore, NE, Philly to name a few have leaderS) 2. Solid point. 3. Clausen is not a pitcher 4. UConn beat South Carolina in a bowl game this year. If you actually watched CFB, you'd know that they had a great season. Navy beat the snot out of Mizzou in a bowl game and nearly beat Ohio St. at the shoe and had a great year. Good points though, you obviously keep up on CFB. 5. Clausen's combined stats the last 2 seasons. 7000yds-53Td's- 21 ints- 65% com. He is obviously a failure at his "activity". Are you sure that you've been watching football for 50 years? 6. Again, he's a Qb right? So there you have it, when you break it all down scientifically, you've wasted a lot of time watching football over the last 50 years because you don't know sh*t. Try Wikipedia-ing American football.
  20. I guess sticking to the topic is a bad thing? "Why are we down on Brohm?" is the title. Reading comprehension is something "kids" struggle with all of the time.
  21. I got sick of Big Ten football infecting my brain too so I got Direct TV w/ the sportspak. You will never miss a big college football game ever again. There are Saturdays that go by where I actually apologize to my Wife the next day.
  22. Trent, we need your jersey number. A real QB has arrived......
  23. You are clueless. If you watched him play and your opinion was that you didn't think he was good, that would be fine. You didn't play for ND, you weren't at practices or in the classroom. You are making an opinion based on pure cojecture and speculation. And on top of it all, your choice of beer SUCKS!
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