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John Cocktosten

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Everything posted by John Cocktosten

  1. It was a 3 step drop that was designed for Edwards to get the ball out at the top of his drop. The WR probably ran a slant and Edwards froze like a deer in the headlights because the WR wasn't wide open. The O-line did it's job and when the pocket broke down, which it will in the NFL, Edwards was clueless as to what to do. He puts his head down and that is why he got injured. The injury was all on Edwards. "I think I took some hits I probably should have tried to avoid." - Trentative
  2. I guess your signature quote says all I need to know about you (I fixed it too): "Your logic should really be documented. It is so amazingly assinine sometimes that I really feel other people outside of TBD are really missing out here" AND
  3. He is afraid of throwing the ball in tight spots and the injuries that he's accumulated over his career (including college) say that he's fragile/injury prone. If he plays this year, he will fail again and you will have to come to grips with the fact that the guy is just not that good. I do think we can agree on something, The Beatles are awesome.
  4. I don't even know where to go with this. Are you saying that a professional football team did not run routes over the middle last season? Do you think that a slot reciever is the only WR to run routes over the middle? I mean.... I'm speechless...
  5. You don't want to engage in the facts. -Trent opens the quote by saying, "I think first and foremost I needed to stay healthy. I think I took some hits I probably should have tried to avoid." -You mention the Jets game and I provided a video from that game which clearly shows that he was in the wrong. The quote he gave, could have been played over that clip it fits so perfectly. -You watch it and deduce that he had 2 seconds which is completely dishonest. -You also said that if he would've checked down that we would have killed him. Still trying to figure that one out. Are you saying he didn't throw it out fear of being ridiculed? Explain that one please? No nerve, I just can't believe someone could be so dishonest. It's okay to be wrong sometimes buddy.
  6. You haven't struck a nerve at all. It's pretty obvious that you know nothing about football and your Trent obsession has clouded your judgement. Here it is again, please have your Dad look at it and tell you what really happens. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jKeLrygAvc
  7. It's a 3 step drop. A 3 step drop is designed to get the ball out quickly. 3 step drops are used against teams like the Jets all of the time to neutralize the blitz. He won't pull the trigger and puts his head down and gets killed. That is what happened, there is really no argument. Then to your other point about the pocket collapsing in 2 seconds. Go back and watch it again with a stopwatch. He has a clean pocket for at least 3.5 seconds, which is plenty in the 3 step game and AGAIN he puts his head down and then and only then does he take a brutal hit. He said it himself, he needs to learn how to AVOID hits. The only thing I will say is that the WR might have been covered, but that just highlights another one of Trent's problems, his first read wasn't there so he panicked! That is not the sign of a good QB. And to your last point, you said, if he checked down, we would complain? So by that logic, you're saying that he didn't check down because he didn't want to get ridiculed? Even Trent would call you an idiot for that one!
  8. "I think I took some hits I probably should have tried to avoid" Says Edwards. I'm glad that you brought up the Jets game. Here it is at the 12 second mark. He takes a 3 step drop, the ball should be gone at the top of his drop, he won't pull the trigger and he puts his head down and takes a big hit. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jKeLrygAvc Now if you know anything about football, that ball should've been gone and if the play wasn't there, you don't put your head down and run into the D line! He takes so many shots because he won't throw the ball and he just cannot take a hit properly! Read what he said above! Stop with the man love for a below average QB!
  9. This is the place! We hate injury prone QB's who won't throw the ball down the middle of the field. We hate QB's who checkdown every throw. We hate QB's who have zero confidence. Some here even hate QB's who are from California (which is insane)! Join us, you'll be enlightened.
  10. I hate that he said that because he's probably right! I like Clausen because I've watched him play great every week and in big spots. He has the pedigree and has shown that he can play through a tough injury and take a hit. If he falls to the Bills and they pass, I'm afraid that could be yet another Waterloo in Buffalo Bills history.
  11. Different doesn't mean good. “You want to score points as an offense and a quarterback and that’s kind of what we’re trying to do,” said Edwards. Hey he can't play, but he knows that you need to score points to win! In order to score points you can't go from 1 to 4 in your progression either Trent!
  12. And that is exactly how I feel. I gave up my seasons the year of the Denver opener and the infamous Dallas Monday nighter. That season seriously deflated me and changed my view of how I feel about this team. Then comes the opener against NE. Everyone is saying (including me), take the points, the Bills are going to get killed! It was as if I had a "Bills Labotomy", I just felt indifferent about the team. They play an unbelievable game, I get sucked in by the 2nd quarter and I'm saying to myself, "MAYBE THIS IS IT!" But in true HOF Bills flameout fashion, they give the game away and I had to sit outside for 2 hours after the game to cool down and keep my heart palpatations at bay. Oh, and then there ws the rest of hte season. I obviously bleed Red and Blue, but what BF just said really dawned on me, I would rather remain skeptical and be suprised than suffer at their expense. Now excuse me, I need a hug from someone.
  13. Pointing out other laughing stocks doesn't mean that the Bills are not one. I'm not sure what your definition of "rock bottom" is but regardless of record, this decade was crackhead rock bottom in my book. '09 is the perfect example of rock bottom. They bring back a completely incompetent coach. They trade a very good LT in Peters and replace him with a guy who was cut right before the season (He was so bad he was never picked up!). They replace Walker with Bell, who obviosly wasn't ready. They fire the OC right before the season and give the job, of course, to a former Bill who had his a** handed to him him on a weekly basis. They pass on some obvious choices @11 and draft a kid who was a mess of a player. They finally fire a coach half way through the season. Rock bottom yet? I wasn't calling you a Superfan to make fun of you. I called you a Superfan because your support of the team is unconditional and I think that clouds your judgement. I could turn the fact that you defend this team at all costs, when you ignore what this team has done over the last decade, around on you and say it's annoying. Again, the "B*tching" Bills fans are only going on what we've been given so it doesn't matter what time of the year it is because we know how this story ends. And that leaves us with this current regime. A coach that not one team wanted, a GM who's a rookie at 70 and no one wanted and a coaching staff filled with college coaches. So this is what Ralph has given his detractors as evidence of a turn around? I ask this all of the time, when is Ralph ever smarter than the rest of the NFL? Yet we're supposed to believe that he pulled one over this time. Sorry bro, but I remain and deserve to remain very skeptical.
  14. CB97, I know that you are truly a superfan (I'm not making fun of you), but you are in serious denial here brotha. The Bills are a luaghing stock. Everything that they do is a laughing stock, from screwing up draft after draft, to the FO (this one is to new to judge), to coaching choices (skeptical about Gaily). There is litterally not one thing that we've gotten right in a freeking decade! We trade our 1st for bad QB's, we keep incompetent coaches to long and we let old palyers have way to much influense over decisions. Ralph defers to everyone else and then he winds up making trainwreck decisions anyway. Seriously, I am a Bills fan but you can't be blinded to the facts. Now hopefully this new regime turns this car crash around but they are being asked to slam on the breaks after the car is already off of the cliff. The media, non Bills fans and honest Bills fans no that this organization is a joke. Let's hope this new regime can change things but if the last ten years tell us anything...
  15. If you thought that was bad,you should have read his tweet about Sarah Palin and the Tea Party.
  16. So what do you think of Michael Phelps or Tyler Hanborough? How about Matt Stafford? So by your logic, Clausen's 29 TD's and 4 Ints are not as important as his college party photos? I wonder what Jimbo's "party" photos looked like? Man, the sh*t that people use as an argument on this board sometimes is borderline retarded.
  17. Reading comprehension is obviously not your strong suit. Relax you big baby.
  18. If he was a Scientologist or a Muslim I wonder if you would have the same reaction. When someone in Tebow's position puts his beliefs out there like he does, hes gonna get picked on in the same way Mitt Romney, Tom Cruise, George Bush and Obama do. If you're offended by light comments like that, you need to practice whatever you practice a little bit harder. The Grace comment was hardly offensive. Did you read the news this week?
  19. Kelly is right about one thing, Trent Edwards sucks. But he's not a college talent evaluator. He doesn't know the system, the players or the coaches down there so he needs to relax. I get the feeling Buddy is going to do what Buddy is going to do anyway. Stick to your job as Bills Rep Jimbo, leave the college stuff to the pros.
  20. And what has he done since? NOTHING! Trent's rookie year was 3 years ago and that is what you are going on? Does it say anything to you that not one player came to his defense last year when he was benched for Fitz? Fewell is a very good coach who schemes against QB's for a living and he thought the Bills had more of a chance to win with Fitz at QB. Trent's ship has sailed just like his deep throws.
  21. How about watching the games and skip the highlight film?
  22. I am speechless. You believe he can be a superstar?!?!? Dude, I'm having trouble falling asleep tonight, can I take a few rips off that bong that you're hogging so I can fall asleep! At what moment or game has he shown that he can be a superstar?!? Wow.
  23. Everyone is so touchy on here today. He was obviously making a reference to the story that broke earlier in the week. Isn't tolerance, patience and understading the pillars.....nevermind, just pray for him.
  24. Me too BB. BTW, you're avatar freaks me the hell out!
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