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John Cocktosten

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Everything posted by John Cocktosten

  1. I wonder if Denver wants to comment on the Bills #1 pick last year.
  2. I think Bell is the starting LT come opening day. Let's just hope Trent's not under center.
  3. Not when Trent's progressions go 1 then 4.
  4. Wasn't the bar for class and protocol set on these boards when one of your own logs on blind drunk and starts to berate members for having an opinion on a QB? Just asking. Is there anyone else thats off limits? Should everyone "proof" their comments because this board makes Wikipedia read like the Ten Commandments. Thanks for the suggestion, I'll consider your taste next time I make a joke.
  5. There you go again with the threats. Who's the tough guy again? "a risk or threat to safety or to other public interests that is serious and imminent." Seems to be the part that doesn't apply, thanks. Technically, you are the one threatening... You are such an over-dramatic whiner! Disasterful? Really? Do you live a bubble? Have you ever been to the Ralph on a Sunday afternoon? I would expect you take such offense with all of the whining you do about Trent's detractors.
  6. Agreed, but that doesn't explain the leak though. Buddy doesn't strike me as being that loose-lipped. When you say it like that, I sincerely apologize that I offended you. But it is a message board and free speech can be expressed. I didn't take a shot at his family and his economic "issues" will never make me feel bad for the guy. When he passes (respectfully), he's will pass with billions. He's made tons off of Buffalo so it's hard to feel bad for him.
  7. Laughing at John Cocktosten? Who are you Beavis and Butthead? Do you still laugh when you hear Dick Butkis? You're obviously not a fan of Fletch. I can say whatever I want about Ralph within reason and I was not out of line with what I said. So quit selectivily policing these boards and get back to writing hilarious jokes like the one above. Better yet, why don't you make a list of things that YOU deem to be out of line so I can started thinking of ways to p*ss you off.
  8. Look, if you don't think he craps his pants on a daily basis then I'm guessing you're not an orderly. Why don't you relax, there is nothing slanderous about that, incontinence is a serious problem with the elderly.
  9. And out of this list, only Brees was projected as a first round pick and he was fringe at best. So how is this relevant to the Clausen situation?
  10. I love how when a comment is posted that someone at TSW doesn't like, their first reaction is, "GET OUT!" Please, who's the internet tough guy now? And how is what I said being an "internet tough guy"? Ralph deserves every cheapshot he gets and I COULD NOT CARE LESS IF YOU DON"T LIKE IT
  11. This might be the dumbest statement that I've read in a long time. Help me out with this logic. Are you saying that QB's who are projected to go high in the draft and fall will suck? Oh, that makes sense! I can't stand "I told you so'ers". There is no doubt that something turns people off about Clausen, but there are a ton of players (and we all knwo who they are) who fall and turn out to be stars. I think we heard Jerry Jones say that he wouldn't let history repeat itself so he moved up to get Dez Bryant because passing on Moss still chaps his ass. Time will tell about Clausen not where he is drafted or the opinion of some know it all Dbag with a keyboard.
  12. I don't think it's hard to fool a guy who craps his pants once a day. As meddlesome as Ralph can be, justifying 4 picks for a guy who isn't going to be a full time QB for 2-4 years is a tough sell. Especially with the lack of talent on this team. At the end of the day, it's just a thought. It its truly hard to believe that Buddy or any GM would telegraph his plans so publicly. I'm not saying they wouldn't have taken Tebow in the 2nd, but to give a 2,3,4,5 for a project doesn't go with Nix's theory on building through the draft.
  13. I don't think Buddy was worrying about any other team's draft except his own. Again, when have you ever seen a pick so telegraphed? Moreover, when have ever heard a post pick comment from a team that didn't get it's player? Did you hear a thing about SD moving up to get Mathews? Or Denver's infatuation with Tebow? No. I am not completely sold on Nix but he can't be as inept as he was made out to be with the Tebow situation.
  14. The fact that the Bills were infatuated with Tebow was the worst kept secret in the draft. Think about it, the Kelly/Tebow dinner and his wife's tweet, Schefter has been all over this for weeks and of course PFT was reporting what Schefter was reporting (cheapshot at PFT). Ralph and Russ wanted Tebow because he truly has a "Palin-esque" effect on people and the media which is undeniable. Merch sales would've been off the charts, season tix go up and the Bills put themselves as the lead story in every medium. Plus, Kelly gave Tebow his seal of approval, which of course is all some fans needs, and Tebow would have the same effect on this town that Kelly did. The Bills now have a face of the franchise and it is Tim Freekin Tebow! Here is my theory: Nix was not going to let the genius that is Ralph/Russ dictate his first draft. He promised a winner, not a marketing machine. So Nix let it be known to the world that the Bills wanted Tebow and were willing to trade up to get him. He only needed one team to flinch and of course Denver did and there goes Tebow. Nix leaks that, "The Bills are devestated" and Buddy moves on with his draft and appeases the two idiots (RW/RN) and the Bills are sitting pretty with 2 QBs, some serious pass rushers and a couple of good Tackels still on the board. I just can't see why Nix wanted his draft plans to be public domain. There are to many good player who are ready to play from day 1 in this draft and taking Tebow and hoping he develops in 2-4 years was not going to happen. If this is what happened(it is pure speculation my part), I say props Buddy. NOW GO GET CLAUSEN!!!!!!
  15. To optimism.....to cautious optimism....to please god don't eff up the next 4 years of my life because I can't take anymore of......to optimism!
  16. If we draft DW, what the hell do we do with KW? Why replace one of your best players unless you are going to use him to trade back into the first. Then I'd be fine with the pick.
  17. What if NGU just planted this story because he knows other teams frequent TBD....I just blew your mind.
  18. I guess the truth eventually comes out: In an affidavit obtained by the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, on August 8, 2009 states that the alleged victim Andrea McNulty allegedly bragged to a co-worker, Angela Antonetti, about having consensual sex with Roethlisberger.[92] In a sworn statement, the woman said McNulty did not appear to be upset about the incident. Antonetti went on to say McNulty expressed the possibility of being pregnant and she was hoping for "a little Roethlisberger." Moreover, Antonetti said, the woman asked her to travel to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in August 2008 for a Steelers' game and to try to "run into" Roethlisberger. Antonetti told her that she shouldn't try to chase Roethlisberger. Antonetti said she was "absolutely shocked" on July 21 when she heard on the radio that the woman had claimed Roethlisberger had assaulted her "because I knew [her] allegation ....was false. Because I knew that [her] lawsuit and false allegations would unfairly and unjustly hurt Roethlisberger, I wanted to set the story straight," she said in the affidavit, part of a motion filed by two other defendants to move the case from Washoe County to Douglas County
  19. I'm not saying that Big Ben DID or DIDN"T do "it" BECAUSE I WASN"T THERE! I read the statement on Smoking Gun. It seemed like something happened but we also know how reliable DRUNK COLLEGE GIRLS ARE! I love the Shirlock mentality on this board. Moreover, the woman from Tahoe has been completely diecredited by her own friend who came forward and signed a written statement! Seriously, the word rapist is thrown around a little to liberally, get a fricken grip people! BTW, a 1st next year and this years 3rd! In an affidavit obtained by the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, on August 8, 2009 states that the alleged victim Andrea McNulty allegedly bragged to a co-worker, Angela Antonetti, about having consensual sex with Roethlisberger.[92] In a sworn statement, the woman said McNulty did not appear to be upset about the incident. Antonetti went on to say McNulty expressed the possibility of being pregnant and she was hoping for "a little Roethlisberger." Moreover, Antonetti said, the woman asked her to travel to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in August 2008 for a Steelers' game and to try to "run into" Roethlisberger. Antonetti told her that she shouldn't try to chase Roethlisberger. Antonetti said she was "absolutely shocked" on July 21 when she heard on the radio that the woman had claimed Roethlisberger had assaulted her "because I knew [her] allegation ....was false. Because I knew that [her] lawsuit and false allegations would unfairly and unjustly hurt Roethlisberger, I wanted to set the story straight," she said in the affidavit, part of a motion filed by two other defendants to move the case from Washoe County to Douglas County
  20. I totally agree. There is this opinion that all Maybin needed to do was switch positions and he will blossom. I think playing OLB is going to exploit his tendancy to play to high. He's going to look like Frankenstein trying to rush the passer out there.
  21. Or maybe he is a terrible player who benefited from suspensions, injuries and dominating lesser teams.
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