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John Cocktosten

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Everything posted by John Cocktosten

  1. The funny thing about those picks is they were the consensus picks and thoughts amongst NFL scouts and talking heads. On Mike and Mike today, they were talking about 20+ other teams had Jamarcus Russel as the #1 prospect too. Gholston wasn't a reach, he was coveted by plenty of teams. Kiper is an analyst, not a fortune teller. These guys were solid college players and had all of the tools, but THEY failed. I love how the guys who don't like the Bills draft are made fun of but someone like Corey Chavous is praised because, "HE GAVE THE BILLS AN A!!!" If you're analyzing past predictions, Chavous had the most ridiculous #1 prosect of all time in Reggie McNeal, but he is the man now! The guy wound up being a 6th round pick and out of the league in a year. The mentality on this board is so vitriolic and childish toward those who didn't like the draft, especially now that there is this "us versus them" mentality. Everything JoshMcDaniels does is terrible, but Buddy Nix somehow sh*ts gold. The Jets are loading up on degenerates, but Cornell Green is about to breakout. I wouldn't say it's Kool Aid drinking, it's delusional! Buddy Nix is building his team with low level college players and every player is somehow a "steal"? For every negative post about this team and their direction, the fantasy land mentality that the 90's Cowboys were just drafted is just that, fantasy land.
  2. How is that getting too cute? Giving more players the oppurtunity to make your team? What an idiot!
  3. This is a guy who was beaten out by Fitzy last year. A guy who has proven throughout his careeer in both the pros and college that he can't stay healthy for a full season. A guy who is uninspiring and lacks any type of leadership qualities. A guy who can't throw the ball down the middle of the field or towards the hashes. A guy who never has put together a full season showing any type of consistency. Sounds like he fits perfictly in the Bills loooooooooooooong term makeover. Buffalo Bills for playoffs in 2016!!!!!
  4. My point is, dummy, that Chavous had a 6th round pick as his top prospect. McNeal lasted exactly 1 season in the NFL. His job is draft analyst, mine is not. And he is the guy you lemmings are gushing over because he liked the Bills draft. This cattle call is hilarious!
  5. If saying Reggie McNeal was the #1 prospect on his board doesn't discredit him then I don't know what possibly could. But he did give the Bills an A!!!
  6. I say make the trade and stick Russel at left tackle. He's well over 3 bills.
  7. True accountability is obviously not your strong suit. If you ever watched college football you'd know who Reggie Mcneil/McNeal was regardless of the spelling which is a silly excuse. It's funny how strong you came on because I discredited the one and only guy who liked the Bills draft. Cheers
  8. I left you the google link and you can read for yourself. You can apologize later. I'm guessing you'll never reply though. http://www.google.com/#hl=en&ei=JcnTS4...118ce00d2daff08
  9. Chavous also had Reggie McNiel as his #1 prospect in the draft a couple of years ago. McNiel was drafted in the 6th round and lasted one year. Soooo..........
  10. I love how people get flamed for saying they didn't like the draft, but when people come on and gush it's okay. There is one thing missing and it's what makes the 3-4 "special", pass rushers. Troupe and Carrington can push the pocket but the Bills are counting on Maybin, Kelsay, Ellis and Mitchell to the QB? Thats special alright! Whats going to be special is when Brady is sitting in the pocket all day long because we have the same guys coming after him that have never been able to get to him.
  11. Whether you think Clausen isn't the guy or not, you don't know that for sure. There are a lot of people who think he will be a franchise QB. I think we all know what the bills have, a pile of mediocre QB's who, like you said, will never lead a team to a championship. So lets wait it out? The Bills pick a QB next year and he takes 3 years to develop if ever... It's just a long time bro.
  12. Troy plays D1 and is a haven for D1 non qualifiers in the south and plays in D1 bowl games. SDST were Great West Football Conference champs in '07.
  13. Yeah, I keep reading it and it ain't changin. Nice try though Adog. Now go make up more sh*t about how the entire NFL wanted Brohm and the Pack were hiding him!!!
  14. Did the front office try and trade for McNabb? Yes? Okay, lets move on dummy. You can't switch your argument now, it's right there. Regarding Brohm, I've said it before that I think he'll start over Trent. Beating out Trent for the starting job is nothing to be proud of, FOR GOD SAKES, FITZ DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Man, he looked good against North dakota tech and Wyoming central state!
  16. You don't have to be Nostradamus to predict complete disaster from that trio. We'll see. Don't worry, I never say that I told you so.
  17. Know, you're an idiot. You are talking out of both sides of your mouth as usual. You said that the Bills "actions" proved that they were happy with the trio-o-turds that they have behind center but somehow the fact they went after McNabb isn't what you're talking about? What is the point with you, you consistently make zero sense with your rants. Go buy a Brohm jersey, just hope the Bills draft a player in 2 years with the same number so you can just change the nameplate on the back.
  18. "8 year olds dude..." http://www.amazon.com/Big-Lebowski-Shabbas...s/dp/B0015XUR3G
  19. I don't get this mentality. Let's sacrifice next year for a good QB in two years? Stockholm Syndrome is the only explanation....
  20. In the second round, YES I would've taken Clausen in a heartbeat. Say what you want about Clausen, Weiss wanted him. He didn't go after Quinn when he was traded for a hill of beans because he knows he's limited. But he wanted Clausen and he is the guy who is credited for developing Brady. There were a lot of talking heads who liked him, some not as high as others, but no one had him out of the first 40 picks. Yet he was sitting right there and we passed on him. Now the Bills go into the season with Trent Edwards, who is the anti spread QB and a China Doll. Brohm, who no one in the NFL wanted just a year after being drafted and an IVY league scrub. I'll ask you this, When do the Bills start developing a young QB? Next year? Great, let's celebrate 15 years off from the playoffs together while watching the real QB's win Super Bowls.
  21. Your infatuation with Brohm is freekin hilarious! You accuse me of acting like I know more than the Bills FO but you are acting like you know more than 31 other teams in the NFL who passed on Brohm. And the Packers know nothing about QB's do they? The Pack burnt 2nd and let him go the next year, what does that mean there Adog? But I know what you're thinking, the Bills are just smarter than every other team in the NFL and they "stold" Brohm because the other teams were sleeping at the wheel. That is gotta be the funniest logic that I've read on this board in a long time.
  22. Here is the flaw in your's and the Bills thinking. Guys that are college FAs and late round picks take 4-5 years to develop. Then you gotta hit on a once in a lifetime type player like Brady or Warner for it to even work out. That does leave the 1st and 2nd rounders who start coming along much quicker which is undeniable. Ryan, Sanchez, Flacco and Big Ben all were picked high recently and their teams went from worst to first in a year or two. Can you name any late rounders or FA's who have developed quickly? By that thinking, the Bills will have a good QB in 4-5 years which goes back to my original point, the best QB's get into the playoffs. Here's to hoping there is a Wegman's cashier with a gun out there!!!
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