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John Cocktosten

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Everything posted by John Cocktosten

  1. I think it's great that Harrell found a job before Leach!!!!!!!!!!
  2. I think that's yet to be seen. Sanchez was 41-68 60% 539 4-2 in 3 playoff games for the Jets which isn't bad for a rookie. His best game of the year was in the AFC Championship game when the Jets running game was struggling. I'm not saying he's the next Joe Montana but he showed a lot in the playoffs.
  3. DarthIce wants everybody to know that Nix had nothing to do with the Davis pick.
  4. I've learned never to bet on the Bills because their level of suck varries from week to week.
  5. When does the moratorium start on the Wang jokes? The Offensive loin joke still makes me laugh....
  6. Did you see the WR covered because you can't tell from the video? Trent IS known for NOT pulling the the trigger. I'm glad that you're not a coach because even if the WR wasn't open, Trent panicked, put his head down and ran into the D line. It's right there.
  7. His parents are like the Chinese version of Todd Maronivich's Dad! He started lifting at 10 (so much for stunting growth) and his Mom says EW's life was, "Basically school, homework, training then go home shower and sleep." I guess you have to be bigger and stronger than everyone else when your last name is Wang. More of a preperation for life than football.
  8. No, it's called pocket presence. Gruden talked about it during his rookie QB special. And Trent, like Colt doesn't know how to take or avoid being hit. Here is a perfect example from the Jets game last year. 3 step drop, he doesn't get rid of it at the top of his drop when he is supposed to and then what does he do? He puts his head down and runs into the rush...... That right there is a guy who didn't use the two eyes on the front of his head to avoid that injury. At the 16 second mark. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jKeLrygAvc
  9. Please, the injury in the Jets game was completely his fault. And the fact that he stands in there is part of the problem, the guy is a statue in the pocket.
  10. You gotta ask Alphadbag7. For all I know, it might be some secret word that teams use to pick up players on other teams practice squads.
  11. While you're at it, can you help Alphadouche7 spell "rediculous"?
  12. It must get exhausting trying to act so smart. Remember, true intelligence is gauged by ones choices.
  13. The Bills still have the terrible trio at QB. The Oline might actually be in worse shape considering the injuries and replacements. There is no 2nd WR...besides Lee Evans. Their primary pass rusher is another year older, being asked to play a position that he's never played and is not sure if he wants to come back. That leaves Kelsay, Maybin and Mitchell to rush the QB. If anything, they overrated the Bills. #30 is more like it.
  14. I wonder if the other 3 teams think so....
  15. Well there you have it! The new mantra on this board is, "At least we don't suck as bad as last year!"
  16. Huh? Yeah what a terrrible coach, he only got them to the AFC championship game with a rookie QB and and a turned over roster. What a dissapointment.
  17. Top 10 avatar right there! "I wish we could just flip a coin but we can't....we're Chippendales"
  18. So let me get this straight Adawg, everything the Bills have done since the hiring of Nix has been great? And all of your assumptions like a trade for a legit OT, the Bills being in position to grab a top QB next year (If that group doesn't go Jevon Snead), Maybin magically working out and Shobel coming back, comes to fruition? The truth is, the Bills have no LT and left a ton of question marks on the O line even after the draft! Wasn't their downfall the O line last year?Guess what, nothing has changed. Wood is still rehabbing, Bell is rehabbing from a torn ACL? No Butler. That leaves Levitre and Hangartner. Again I ask you, what has changed....Wang? Secondly, who the hell is going to rush the passer on this team? You assume that Schobel is coming back but using your QB logic, it looked like the Bills are planning on moving on without him by drafting a D2 all star team at OLB. That leaves Maybin. Someone said it a couple of weeks ago on this board, does the switch to a 34 make Maybin a better player? The truth is, Maybin will still have to be stout at the POA and will be rushing the passer from the same open side of the offense. Here is a guy who is stiff as a board and now he's going to have to drop into space and make plays in the open field? Their is no legit pass rusher on this team and last time I checked the Pats spread out the field and the Bills are going to be left with the same group of sorry pass rushers that the Bills have had the last couple of years. Optimism is one thing but this uber-enthusiam over what amounts to a questionalbale draft and 3 mid level free agents is unreal. It's actually led to the resurection of the idea that Trent's problems were all of the last regimes fault which is insane. I'm not saying there isn't hope but I just don't see this fantasy land mentality that has so many thinking Buddy Nix is this amazing southern football wizard either. I mean this is the Bills we"re talking about right? I know talking heads can be wrong but when they are all laughing in unison there has to be some truth to it right? Time will tell but this team doesn't look much different at THE most important positions to me.
  19. Trent never looked good. The reason why fans jumped on board was because he wasn't JP and would actually get rid of the ball, flat or not. Trent's biggest problem is himself. Great NFL QBs pull the trigger when they are supposed to and will throw the ball into the tiniest of openings. WR's have to be wide open for Trent to throw the ball and that is not the O Line or coaching, that is on Trent. Not to mention he can't stay healthy. What NFL QB's get hurt every single year? You couldn't count on him even if he was a solid QB. I fully expect Brohm to win the job. Bobby Patrino's offense resembles Gailey's so there is going to be some comfort for Brohm. I'm not saying that Brohm will be good or is the future, but he just sucks less than Trent.
  20. Buddy is building through the draft so give it a rest!
  21. The Bills don't need a LT to know that Trent and Fitz suck.
  22. Here's a novel idea. Draft an offensive lineman who is not a project and we wouldn't even have to think about signing a sex offender.
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