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John Cocktosten

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Everything posted by John Cocktosten

  1. TO had problems with 2 guys during his entire career, McNabb and Garcia. Those two guys have there reputations as well and that is one of the reasons why Garcia can never find a job despite his production. The fact that TO is 3rd all time in TD's is I need to know. Add to that the performance in the Super Bowl, which was one of the best of all time IMO, he's clear cut #1.
  2. Most of the problem with Flutie is that he is so red-assed. The "i'm a little guy who gets no respect" routine got old and he let guys like Jimmie Johnson actually get the best of him mentally. He was never a nice person and has never been a favorite in ANY lockeroom. That being said, he was exciting to watch and was one of the few franchise saviors in Bills history. BTW, it's not hard to crack the the Bills top 5 QB's. I would imagine Reich has to be up there and the guy was a backup!
  3. TO Marvin Moulds Muhammad Toomer Glenn Key Horn If Moulds played with the Colts he'd be right up there with TO. He's still #1 on the "Kids made" list though.
  4. Greatest quote in the history of movies! Should be the mantra for the Nix fanatics.
  5. No, what you see is your opinion. Your opinion is that the Bills made positive changes. I see a team who, regardless of scheme change, is the same exact team as before. No QB, no Oline, no WRs and no pass rushers. I'm sorry, but where are the positive changes again? Terrell Troupe? Carrington? A D2 all star? The point is, we are all fans here who have different opinions. Why get excited about a team that has a WAY below average roster? Are you going to be happy with a 4-6 win season? Is Nix's plan foolproof? Don't ya think the Bills could've built this team into a contender much quicker the way the Dolphins, Jets and Falcons have over the last couple of years? (The slow rebuild route is what pisses me off more than anything!) Sorry, but if you think the "negative" (realistic) posts are annoying, the over-the-top positive posts are just as annoying...and dilusional.
  6. Matt Ryan "helped matters"!?!? Ya think?!?! They also drafted Sam Baker, who is a very good LT, in the same draft in the 1st rd. I think that probably "helped matters" also.
  7. Yeah except that Patriots coach had a Super Bowl pedigree and so did the staff that he hired. Gailey, while I don't dislike him, was fired as an OC days before the start of last season and his DC...well let's just say he's no Romeo Crennel. These comparisons never make sense to me. Basically what you're doing is comparing the Bills current situation to the NFL's most recent dynasty. I know this is being negative, but keep dreaming.
  8. BB, I'm sure you're a great person but........#&@*$(@Y!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. 1)define fine 2)define flairs 3)Owens was the Bills best WR last year. 4)Define Successful 5)see #1 6)This statement is completely absurd. There is no depth and no one on the roster who has played outside before. Really ridiculous statement bud. 7)Define pfffft. Weed makes you say and do silly things. Now back to the poolhall!
  10. It's really juvenile to hate every reporter/columnist who's not a fan of what the Bills have "done" during the offseason. Yet a guy like Corey Chavous likes the Bills draft and all of a sudden it's a 6 page thread about how he's great? Clayton has a ton of experience and is hardly a Bills hater. A couple of ago he did a piece for sportscenter and said JP looks great and he even picked the Bills to be a suprise team. He gets paid for his opinion and he thinks the Bills stink....how the hell can you argue with him?!?!? There is a common theme amongst the Nix fanatics that the Bills will get there franchise QB next year. Don't the Bills have to suck to get a franchise QB?!?!? He even says so in the article!!!
  11. That's a new attribute! Is that measured qualitatively or quantitatively?
  12. There are so many in the media rooting for this to happen to Kiffen. I think he's a loudmouth but he's very calculated. He did a great job at UT last year but my favorite thing he did was showing up on ESPN on college gameday during the SEC championship game. The dude has balls!
  13. mature.......from you!!!!!!!! Let me get this straight. He was "shining" through 2 weeks!?!? Byron Leftwhich would make YOU shine at safety! The dude has been average and unremarkable throughout his career here in Buffalo but he puts together 2 nice weeks and he's now shining?.....unreal. He is a good role player off of the bench. He's a jack of all trades and a master of none. He is average so get over it.
  14. Somehow Byrd managed to be a very good player in that "lousy" system. Wilson had a nice year as well. In fact, the secondary was 2nd in the NFL in pass defense and 2nd in the NFL in opponents QB rating. Thats 2nd only to the Jets. So while Lil Donte lovers want to make excuses for him, the secondary was very good despite a lack of pass rush and a "lousy" system. Soooooo..yeah......
  15. This is the same guy who lost his job to a converted WR last year right? Shouldn't a player be a starter on his own team if he's going to be "regarded" as a top 10 safety in the NFL? I love when you just make sh*t up Adouche!
  16. It's to bad Kiffen acts like a child because the guy is a really good coach. Look at what Jamarcus did with him and after he left. Jonathan Crompton was terrible QB for 3 years and Kiffen had him for a season and made him into a very solid QB who got drafted. He goes to USC and turns out the #1 recruting class including the #1 prospect in the country who had his bags packed for the U until Lane got there. I think USC wins the title in the next 2 years no doubt. As far as the Bills being ranked #31....sounds about right to me. No QB, no LT, no WRs and no pass rushers....god the Rams must really suck.
  17. You're so busy defending every Bills move that you can't tell a negative post from a positive or neutral one! Let me ask you this official TBD police officer, is it okay if someone doesn't like what the Bills are doing? How about if someone takes a "wait and see" approach? If you're so convinced that the Bills are splitting the football atom with their offseason moves then why would you have to attack the "clueless" posters so virulently? Shouldn't your confidence in these "brilliant" moves be enough to hold your venom back? Sounds like some insecurity to me...but who could blame you.
  18. Leon Lett 4.7 http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/vault/art...208/4/index.htm
  19. That's a tough one. You should try a post using all 3 letter words.
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