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John Cocktosten

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Everything posted by John Cocktosten

  1. The Bills OLB's are the weakest spot on the team. Kelsay and Maybin make me have nightmares of Brady dropping back, shaving, blowing a kiss to Gizelle and tossing a 70 yd bomb to Moss. All this while the dynamic duo of Kelsay and Maybin look like they are caught in a gigantic spider web.
  2. I would not say that DW is very god against the run. The problem with DW and smaller SS's like Sanders and Troy P (even though DW is not anywhere near the league of those 2) is that they are to small to be in the box and play that physical. You don't see LB's at 5'10" 200 for a reason yet you see those guys dropping down in the box playing around the LOS. Even though it was only 2 games last year (just ask CBiscuit97), he looked his best at FS. However, now that we've all watched Byrd play he has no shot so that puts him back at SS where he'll just get hurt all over again....or beat out by a WR.
  3. Very simple. DW has an all pro mouth and 2nd string talent. He was replaced last year when was injured AGAIN and Wilson had the type of year that we have yet to see out of DW in his 4 years. As far as Lynch goes, he had the fans at "Beast Mode". He ran hard and had a great personality. On Sundays at the Ralph there were thousands of Lynch jerseys. Then he slipped up making a mistake that many have made but he followed that up with a Pro Bowl season and everyone forgot about the car incident. But it was the following offseason that did him in. It wasn't what he did but how he came back after his suspension. Fat and out of shape and hardly resembling the Marshawn of the past. If he came back on fire and running hard he'd be the Bills starter instead of a distraction and fans would still love him. I'm still on board with Lynch because I think he adds a ton of value to the Bills. It was proven last year that DW can be easily replaced and he has been nothing but average REGARDLESS OF WHERE HE WAS DRAFTED.
  4. You do realize that fumbles, int's, bad plays, bad calls and injuries are part of the game right? Do you think the Bills were the only teams who had bad OC's? Trent wasn't the only terrible QB, Roscoe and Leodis aren't the only players who fumble and Butler and Wood weren't the only players who were injured. Those things are all part of the game and the bills benefited from other teams misfortunes as well. Using your logic, maybe if the Bills opponents didn't make those same mistakes last year the Bills would have won 3 games last year.
  5. Scheme huh? Byrd and Wilson both put together solid years playing in Jauron's D.
  6. You're a regular Bill Shakespeare! The funny thing is that you always seem to reply to my posts so you must be reading them. As far as Clausen goes, did he play an NFL game yet? I said I thought he "will be a very good QB" and I STILL DO. Has that been proven wrong? Sooooo...what's your point then? PS- you're name calling you internet tough guy!
  7. Drafts, FO, coaches, players, Ralph, marketing, free agents...and now tickets! Top to bottom!
  8. Oh CBiscuit97, you must workout! What's worse, an internet tough guy or Labatt blue'd up Buffalo tough guy in an Affliction T-shirt? CBiscuit, you're the most lecturous poster on this board and anytime you think a poster isn't "being classy" or is name calling your favorite player you are right there to chime in saying that it's not right. Yet you're doing the same thing and now your threatening someone with your "real" muscles! What an incredibly hypocritical d-bag you are.
  9. Levy had very little to do with the success of the 90's Bills. Polian was the architect. Levy's job was the same as Dungy's, Caper's and Caldwell's. Get the Eff outta the way and let the players play.
  10. Thats because he hired Dave Campo to replace him.
  11. Spiller F Jax Future QB Future LT Future OLB
  12. With all of those options in the backfield for Trent, Bills fans will never see a throw go more than 5 yards downfield.
  13. The point is that the media isn't blinded by fandom....you are.
  14. You just don't understand Nix's genius. You don't need to protect your QB when you don't have one.
  16. You mean he doesn't make plays on the ball? You're right, the job of a 5-9 190lb safety is to play linebacker. Wilson started the last 11 games of the season and had 4 int's and 6 pass defensed. Donte Whitner has played 4 seasons and has 4 CAREER ints and 12 CAREER PD's! So it's not about highlight-real plays, it's about making plays (tip or int) when the ball is in the air that can lead to turnovers. Causing turnovers helps win games in case you haven't noticed. DW doesn't have the instincts or the ball skills to be anything but be ordinary. So let the DW excuses fly, for some reason there were 2 guys in that secondary that played very well, regardless of the pass rush, scheme or opponent.
  17. This has become the mantra amongst the DW fan club. It's never his play on the field or that one, JUST THAT ONE PLAY THAT HE MADE THAT YOU CAN POINT TO, it's "get over Ngata". Did you guys ever stop and think that his mouth to play ratio is way off? That maybe some fans are sick of his average play? In this situation, he was asked a question and he answered it. No big deal, there is a reason the Bills sucked so badly and it wasn't just the weight room. It was (and continues to be?) an orgizational failure from top to bottom.
  18. Signing TO could derail Nix's master plan of getting a franchise QB next year.
  19. I'd love to feel bad for him but he's dug his own grave in Buffalo. He should've came out like a bat outta hell after his suspension and he came back out of shape and sluggish. If he comes back and puts up a couple 100 games outta the gate, his good will is back and fans are shouting Beast Mode again. I hope he does bounce back though. Although, if he's motivated and playing well and Freddy keeps up his solid performance, the Spiller pick will look even more puzzling than it did on draft day.
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