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John Cocktosten

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Everything posted by John Cocktosten

  1. So your attitude is, "Support the turd?" He sucks. But look on the bright side, so does his competition!
  2. -WR slipped -No time in the pocket -Bad coaching -Post concussion syndrome -Sprained vagina
  3. True to form Dog. he had more than enough time on the pick...but I'm sure that was the WR's fault....what are going to say when he's out of the NFL?
  4. All you do is make excuses for Trent..."I don't think Trent played horrible?!?!" Well said!
  5. LMAO, 8 Minute quarters! Someone needs a girlfriend.
  6. Not going to get in a debate about Clausen because you have your ideas and I have mine. What I will say is this, the Bills will regret not picking him and I can't wait to say I told you so about Clausen. BTW, I hate ND....Canes all the way.
  7. Gruden and Jaws were gushing over him. If you watched the game, he made 2 throws that Trent has never made down the middle of the field. The WR obviously slipped on the INT too. Dont't take my word for it, take Gruden's and Jaw's word for it.
  8. Bruce deserves that spot. Never saw Butkus play but it's hard to imagine that he was better than Ray Lewis.
  9. Peyton threw for 49 TD's in 2004. Since then he's averaged exactly 30 TD's per year which is 19 less per year than his CAREER YEAR. Has Peyton Manning been slumping since '04? Your point is so misguided that I cannot go on. I'll leave you with the only words that come to my mind when I read your posts:
  10. Based on what, your medical expertise? Are you an orthopedic surgeon? Huh, I took you for a Proctologist.
  11. Between running, recieving, returning kicks/punts and wilcat (hopefully), he's gonna get 10 TD's this year.
  12. I wasn't thrilled about the hire but the more that I hear him talk, his honesty and passion really come through and it's refreshing as hell. I thought that maybe I was just used to a corpse as a head coach who says nothing of substance, but thats not the case with Chan. Hopefully that translates to offensive productivity and wins.
  13. You have to read the whole thread. MO said that Brady was still recovering from his knee injury and on the decline. I simply pointed out that he was making sh*t up about his knee and had his second best year stats wise. I hate Brady, but I'm a fan of football and I don't have a problem giving credit where credit is due. I think Revis is good too...is that bad?
  14. He's gone after this year... I hope the Eagles sign him!
  15. When you blatantly lie to support your argument....then yes! Brady's knee is fine and you said "he was still recovering." You're obviously not an accountabe person so let's move on. Manning threw for a career high 49 TD's in '04 and hasn't come within 18 TD's of that season since. Has he been having down seasons since '04? Brees and Brady's stats were almost identical last year, did Brees have a down year? Didn't think so. He actually had a remarkable year considering the fact that he came off a major knee injury and his stats were in line with all of the top QB's last year, look for yourself. He didn't match his career best season, BUT THAT'S WHY IT"S CALLED A "CAREER YEAR"! Your hatred for the Pats clouds your judgement, let's move on.
  16. "Brady is still rebounding from his knee injury" is what you said which is total BS. Show me one article that says his knee is still an issue. I don't think you can. You said those exact words which are completely not true. Holding the Pats up to a 16-0 standard and Brady up to the greatest all time season by a QB is insane. Brady put up his second best season (TDs, Yds, comp%, Ints) ever last year, he had 1 WR catch 123 passes and another have 1300 yds and 13 td's. He did all that with an average running game. Light goes down at LT and their 2nd round pick goes in and does a great job. So again, besides the greatest single regular season of all time, where is the drop off on offense. Did you ever think that other teams got better last year too? Again, I said this in previous posts, they went through a transition on D losing some very good players and their replacements did a solid job. There D was ranked 10th in 08, 11th in 09..not much of a drop off there.
  17. First of all, you said Brady's knee wasn't healed all of the way which is completely made up. Show me where that is written anywhere other than your post. The Pats won the division last year so saying that it's no big deal and that they played one more game than the Bills is ridiculous. Judging the team on 1 bad performance is again, ridiculous. Newsflash, the Ravens are a very good team with a solid D and Rice ran on everybody last year. Plus, Welker was hurt for that game and they obviously were not the same without him. You made it sound like they had a bad year when the truth is, Brady had the second best season of his career , the Pats were ranked 3rd in Offense and despite losing a bunch of Pro Bowlers, their younger replacements still did a great job on defense. WOW, THAT"S ONE HELL OF A DECLINE!!! I'm not a Pats fan, actually I hate them. But I don't let the fact that I'm a Bill fan cloud my judgement and just MAKE SH*T UP, which is what you did.
  18. The Jets D ranked 4th in the NFL in opponents YPC at 3.8 and 8th in opp YPG. They played more than half of the year without their best run defender too. But go ahead....
  19. The Pats are not in decline. They started a transition process last year that was going quite well until Welker got hurt. They won the AFCE also. They ranked ranked 3rd in the NFL in total offense and 11th on D. That was after getting rid of Seymor, Bruschi and Vrabel. I haven't heard a word about Brady's knee either. I wonder if it was bothering him when he was throwing for 4500 yds and 28 TD's last year? Come on, don't make stuff up. The Pats are a benchmark organization who understand Depth and winning. They are replacing old parts with guys like Volmer, Banta-Cain, and Mays. They have a plan and have won 21 games over the last 2 years during their transition. Sounds like the term "hater" apllies here...
  20. Maybe Lee Evans will get a catch this year vs the Jets.
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