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John Cocktosten

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Everything posted by John Cocktosten

  1. The only true litmus test for Trent is a game against the Browns...if he beats them, I BILLIEVE!!!
  2. HUH!?!?! Guessing from your avatar, I'm going to assume that you've been ripping a ton of bong hits during the preseason! That is what has made him so special in my eyes. His cutbacks and vision have been off the charts. The Colts game, there was a guy in the backfield before he took the handoff and he made two amazing cutbacks. The only ding that he gets is his pass blocking was pretty bad during the Bengals game but I don't see him staying into block. I think the Bills are going to get Fjax and Marshawn on the field with him a ton. Hell, I say leave Trent on the bench and run Georgia Tech's flexbone! I'm calling it now!
  3. I never remember being blown away by any of those guys. Travis was a solid back and Willis wasn't as good as Travis (certainly not at making kids). JP and Trent never looked the part. JP had a decent 3rd season and Trent's had a few good games (NE last year and SD a couple of years ago), other than that... And I think that's my point, he doesn't possess good/above average/potential. He unequivicoally has it. It's not if because it's already there. The only thing that I worry about is health but that is no different from Chris Johnson and AP.
  4. My name is John Cocktosten and I was wrong about the CJ Spiller pick. It's not that I didn't like him as a player, I've said that I think he was the most exciting player in the draft. It was selecting a RB that bothered me (my rationale below). But after watching the Bengals game, I am here to say that I was completely wrong. He is Marshall Faulk/Gale Sayers, he's special beyond special and if he stays healthy, he will retire one of the great ones. So here's to Buddy Nix, your first pick as a Bills GM was BRILLIANT. May there be many more!
  5. The fact that he was beatin out by Chris Kelsay, Chris Ellis and Reggie Torbor just confirms what we already know......
  6. I always thought Peters was overrated but he's better than Green and Bell combined times 10.
  7. Oh that makes sense. By that brilliant logic, Bradford must be Jason White 2.0. I can't figure out whether Aaron Rodgers is Kyle Boller 2.0, David Carr 2.0 or Akili Smith 2.0...I mean they all played for Tedford in the same QB friendly system right? Does that make Matt Cassel Tom Brady 2.0 or does it not count because they are in the NFL? I'm just not sure how your rules works. If you're comparing the 2 based on the fact that they had the same coach and ran the same system I would call that criminally stupid.
  8. What's more idiotic? Comparing him to Brady Quinn or saying that he is a bust after his 2nd preseason game? 30 teams passed on Brees, Brady, B. Marshall, Welker, T. Thomas, A. Reed.... How is that an inictment of a player? I'm not going to argue that he must be an a**hole because that much is obvious, but to put his stats FROM HIS 2ND CAREER PRESEASON GAMEand make that the reason why you believe he is BQ 2.0, is less idiotic and more retarded.
  9. Tony Banks went to Mich St. Tony Rice went to ND.
  10. CB97 and I have a friendly bet. I think Clausen will be a good QB and he doesn't(in his own angry way) The parameters have not been set but the prize is a case of beer. Since it's almost impossible to find Zima by the case (CB97 requested "beer"), I better hope Clausen works out.
  11. Anyone who is ripping a guy who has taken less than 40 preseason snaps in his NFL career is just hoping and praying that the guys fail. The ironic thing is that the same people who are killing Clausen AFTER 2 PRESEASON GAMES are the ones who are saying to give guys like Maybin a chance.
  12. You should watch the game over again. When the Bills are in the 3-4, he's still being used as a 1 gap NT. He played very little 2 gap last night and in the Washinton game regardless of offensive personnel. I'm as cynical as it gets about the Bills but give credit where credit is due. When guys like Donte and Poz get all of the pub for missing tackles, taking bad angles and not realizing that defense is played at the LOS and not 10 yards downfield, you gotta give credit to the Bills best defender. I stand by the Pro Bowl prediction and check the TFL column at the end of the year because KW will be up at the top.
  13. KW should be the face of this franchise. Balls out, tough and makes plays, this guy will be a Pro Bowler this year. I was nervous about the move to NT at first because playing 2 gap at his size will wear him down by week 6. But the Bills are playing him as a 1 gap most of the time and he has been unblockable so far and he should be near the top of the league in TFLs. The only problem I see with using him in that role is that it will allow G's and C's to release on the MLB's and that is where the Bills will get gashed in the running game. Taking on and shedding blockers have never been Poz's strongsuit and unless they run blitz him like Fewell used to every other play, it's going to be a long season for the polish prince. Very encouraged by the DL and the depth. The way KW looks, Troupe will only see the field in short yardage pack's.... Here's to KW on his upcoming Pro Bowl season!
  14. Since when is that an intangible? "Let's give Trent credit because he didn't sh*t his pants tonight!"
  15. I'd like to see Brohm with the ones. He didn't need his WR's to be wide open in order to throw the ball. He was decisive and knew where his 2nd 3rd and 4th reads were. Unlike Trent who's progressions go from 1 and then 4. I'm not saying that he's the second coming of Montana but he showed what Trent has yet to in his 4 years.
  16. True! My Mother always told me never to let my Father be an excuse for anything in my life and I never have. When I finally met him, I thanked God that he didn't raise me! He's nuttier than a squirrel's diet!
  17. I don't care what you say, Trent was a 3rd round steal!
  18. Yeah, because we all know that throwing money at a problem works.
  19. Wow! Throwing money at the children's Mothers makes him responsible? You're assuming that the Mothers are all upstanding human beings who can handle an influx of 100K per child. I would assume that these "baby's mommas" are nothing more than road meat seeing that they are from 5 different states. Either that or Cromartie has Sky miles that the President would envy! I get it, mistakes happen. But when he started to have more children per season that INT's how responsible was he being then? Misguided beyond belief bro.
  20. I usually don't like to judge athlete's off of the field because you never know where they came from or what kind of problems they have. But this is pathetic. http://blacksportsonline.com/home/index.ph...bo-hard-knocks/
  21. You're talking about the same guy who was completely outplayed by Navy's QB? He threw 18 TD's last year, 6 against Toledo and Indiana! During his last 2 regular season games, he threw for 93 yds in an overtime game against Iowa and 67 Yds against Mich! He's hardly a passer. He is nowhere near VY. VY was one of the greatest college football players ever and Terrell Pryor had one good game in his career. Why do people hate him? Do you remember his act last year? The attitude he came to OSU with, the Vick eyepatches? Plus, the dude has done nothing other than beat an above average team in the Rose Bowl. Ohio State is the most overrated program in the country and they've shown it everytime they step on the field with a real team.
  22. The Rose bowl was on ESPNU lastnight and I'll tell you to watch it again. Pryor threw a couple of balls up for grabs that looked like hot air balloons! If OSU is down, he won't be able to throw the ball to win. Did you see any of his regular season games? He was terrible. One game does not make a man. Another Christain Ponder vote! What has he done in his career outside of 3 games last year? I like the OU pick. Landry Jones is going to have a great year and I love Demarco Murray, but he can't stay healthy.
  23. Jacory Harris was a True Sophmore last year. I don't know if you caught the Miami v FSU game last year but Jacory outplayed Ponder and WAS the reason Miami won that game. What impresses you about Ponder? His 29 career TD's in 3 years? 14 last year? Or his 22 career int's? Jacory put up 24 TD's last year with no offensive line and his best reciever injured. I agree with you on Randy Shannan. He has cleaned up the program and has done a good job recruiting but he has a little bit of Jauron in him. That being said, they are loaded at every position other than LB. The Oline was solidifed when Henderson arrived and from all reports, he's a freak. BTW, Utah doesn't join the PAC 10 until next year!
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