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John Cocktosten

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Everything posted by John Cocktosten

  1. I don't know what's gotten into you lately. Maybe it's the special K you've been dumping in that can of Ragu you call a sauce.
  2. Sorry, Maybin is the next Lawrence Taylor. Coleman is the next James Harrison. Ellis is going to play like Merriman before the roids. Reggie Torbor will dominate. Kelsay was better than Schobel anyway. You're right, what was I thinking bringing up the pass rush with this stall full of stallions.
  3. Dean, you are growing more and more bitter with age. I can tell that 60 hit you hard. You should stop lecturing everyone on this board and start taking your own advice about "how this board used to be". It is so obvious that you know nothing about football. Actually, it's painfully obvious. The Jets version of the 3-4 is completely different than any other 3-4 in the league. The Bills don't have the personell or the DC to run their scheme. But by being a dismissive smug stoner, you will come up with something dicky to say that just exposes your lack of football knowledge. If you think that this post is blather, then move on because all of that weed has clouded your judgement.
  4. 3-4 defenses are not the same. That's like saying all 4-3 defenses are the same. -Steelers run more zone blitz schemes with Troy P in Robber coverage. They are in zone with a man free almost all of thhe time. -The last 2 years the Dolphins have mainly relied on their OLB's for pressure dropping their MLB's and playing zone behind that. -The Jets are the most unique of them all, using multiple fronts and playing man behind that. When you have Revis and now Cromatire, you are going to play man and come with 7-8 every play because those 2 are great man CB's. If anything the are going to resemble the Steelers because McGhee and Co do not excel in man coverage. And there in lies the problem, the Bills don't have Joey Porter/J Taylor and they certainly don't have Harrison and Woodley. Relying on Coleman, and undrafted FA rookie ot provide pass rush is what drives me crazy. There is not one player on this team who is an impact pass rusher. Let's be honest, Coleman will make little if any impact.
  5. The Bills and Jets defense is nothing alike. Rex Ryan mixes up his fronts, playes with a true 2 gap NT and brings pressure form everywhere. The Bills defense will look more like the Dolphins D the last couple of years which relies heavily on the front 7 to create pressure. Also they have been using Kyle Williams as a 1-gap NT most of the preseason so they are nothing like the Jets. Every 3-4 is not alike, just like evrery spread offense isn't. The scenerios are frightening. Bring Poz and Maybin, that leaves Kelsay and Davis in space to defend or play man on a RB or a TE!?! I could go on and on but all of the Bills LB's will be exposed quickly in the season and teams will gameplan to create those exact mismatches. Guys like K Faulk, R Williams, R. Brown, LT, Keller and Gronkowski have to be licking their chops. Scary.
  6. Amongst the Bills many glaring holes, the one that stands out the most to me is a pass rusher. Counting on the front the 3 to provide anything more than a push inside is a bit to optimistic. So that leaves the OLB's, who are all transitioning from DE and have proven to be terrible pass rushers. Sure Maybin (Which is no excuse) is young but if Chris Ellis(0 sacks in 2 seasons) was a threat he would have played the last 2 years. Reggie Torbor.....is Reggie Torbor. So that leaves Chris Kelsay, who has to have pictures of the front office in a Caligula type situation, as the only other guy with an NFL sack. I realize that the 3-4 is about coming from different angles and not just about bring pressure from the outside, but this will create 1 on1 situations with Kelsay/Ellis/Maybin on RB's and TE's and that is a recipe for disaster. I'm not sure how a guy like Bobby Mccray, who was banged up most of last year, is not brought into to at least get a look! This is going to be a very frustrating year because I truly think this offense is going to score but I just don't think that the Bills are going to stop the pass. It's not about secondary, it'll be about the rush. I just don't understand how this wasn't addressed at all during the offseason/draft/current FA period.
  7. I put in a home theatre in my house last year and when I was picking out speakers the guy at Stereo Advantage was like, "I gotta a Steely Dan" CD, it's the best way to hear a system." I looked at him and said, "There's no point, I hate Steely Dan." So I handed him the "Dark side of the Moon" CD (which I brought) and told him to crank "The Great gig in the sky." Not saying they're overrated, just not a fan of stoner-jazz-rock.
  8. I grew up in the "grunge" era and while I loved the music, I can't believe how dated some of it sounds especially Nirvana and Pearl Jam. A couple that I forgot: -Billy Joel: No denying his talent but his music blows...except for Captain Jack. -The Sex Pistols: I never by in to buy into "contraversial" bands. Hardly what punk should sound like, more like the Limp Bizkit of their time. -Iron Maiden: Maybe it's me but anything that sounds like it could be the soundtrack for a Dungeon and Dragons game, sucks. -The Strokes: Is this It is the best album of the but what have they done since...sh*t!
  9. Paul and John go without saying (Don't let me Down and Hey Jude are perfect examples). I always loved George's voice too. It fit perfectly with the music and had a sincerity about it (Something and Here comes the Sun). Grant it, put his up against Areatha, Marvin or Etta and none of them can hold a stick. But with the greats in their genre, 3 of the best IMO. I don't think Bruce's songs are bad. Thunder Road, Badlands, Atlantic City and Born to Run are phenominal songs. The River is a perfect example of a great idea for a song that went the wrong way IMO. Great opening bu the hook and chorus fall flat. JMO...and I love his voice. There is a version of him coevering Jackie Wilson's "higher and Higher" that is awesome. The dde has serious range. I'm a sucker for Hotel California. The lyrics were dark and the duel solos were great.
  10. Parcells has man boobs Marino's hair looks like pubes Rickcy pulls bong tubes
  11. Seriously, this post made me puke in my mouth . The Beatles were music. They created and refined almost every genre of music until it was perfect. They had 3 of the best writers and singers of all time. They were and remain the pinnacle for every band in regards to artistry. There is no comparison and by saying they are overrated you are just trying to get a reaction...and you did. Overrated: 1-Dave Mathews- every song sounds the same and his voice sounds like Kermti the Frog on Roids. 2-The Eagles- One great song and a bunch of crap after that. They are way better on an individual basis than they are together. 3-Zepplin- While individually they were some of the greatest musicians ever, they stole a ton of their music. 4-Anything Springstein - Super underrated voice and some great musicians in that band, but he's a classic example of why the great bands need multiple writers. 5 Pearl Jam- One great album. Their stuff is so dated when you go back and listen now.
  12. You basically said it, there is no comparison! Pre season passer ratings mean nothing especially when DL was playing with the 3rd and 4th teams and Clausen was playing with the 1st and 2nd teams. And I think that you're smart enough to know that rookie QB's aren't evaluated on their preseason stats. The Bears thought so little of DL that they kept Caleb Haney, an undrafted FA from Colorado St.(coached by S.Fairchild ). And say what you want about M. Martz, the guy knows QB's and he thought so little of the record breaking MAC "Tebow" that he didn't even want him on the Practice Squad! To bad Toledo and UB wasn't on the Bears scedule, DL would've had a shot!
  13. When it comes to offense Gailey is very forward thinking. We as fans are looking at true NFL offense. Multi formations, movement to create mismatches, running plays out of shotgun (a zone read!), specialists. The offense doesn't have a base set and that is what you want. The other thing I like about Gailey is his attitude. He's tough and straight forward which I love. It remains to be seen how he handles gameday decisions, replays, to punt or not to punt. I expect the D to struggle badly and I want to see how he handles his new DC when this happens.
  14. Belichick didn't win one without Brady....Knoll without Bradshaw...Levy never did anything without Kelly... If you want to go by that logic, Brian Billick and John Gruden should be in the HOF.
  15. Talent wise your right for sure. Not that I've seen him play but TE is one of the most unique positions in the NFL becaue if you have a great size/speed combo, you gotta shot. I saw a ton of Jimmy Graham last year with the Canes and he was awesome, although he probably cost em the Va Tech game. But you could see the flashes of absolute brilliance from a guy who played a year of college ball and was plucked off the BBall team. He was a 3rd round pick and has been getting raves from NO in the preseason. So i get taking a shot, but the guy quit for a reason. Oh well, his loss. His jersey would have been one of the top sellers if he made this team...remember the amount of Satan jerseys sold!?!?
  16. This is NOT a guy you want on your PS. He's a guy who's probably played his whole life and he's done. Everyone else is telling him to play and he's crazy to give up the opportunity and money, but it's not what he wants. Great name though.
  17. Your optimism is a beautiful thing Dog! I've put my house on the line which means that you have to give up something when Trent isn't the starting QB in 2012(Lockout). Maybe your D&D 12 sided dice or your World of Warcraft Wizard outfit. You pck.
  18. Including Clausen in that pack of crap QBs is ridiculous and completely without merit. He clearly won the backup job despite being injured and will be te starter in Carolina by the end of the season.
  19. "which will find the transition to the 3-4 difficult without much talent at the, um, "4" part" So true....
  20. Quarterbacks: D- They are all backups. Theres not a team in the NFL who would start any of them. Running Backs: A I think people forgot how good Marshawn can be. Freddy is a way above average RB. Spiller has greatness written all over him. Offensive Line: C- The Tackles are awful. Wood and Levitre look like they can play. Hangartner=cheap journeymen who no one wanted and typical Bills C. Tight Ends: Incomplete Injuries have ravaged this group. Stupar is an easy guy to root for but he's average. I gotta think Nix is working the waiver wire. Wide Receivers: C Lee Evans is a solid player who gets open on deep patterns as good as anyone in the NFL. After that, it's a wait and see. Not sold on Roscoe yet. Defensive Line: Solid B Williams is an All Pro in a 1 gap defense and thats how the Bills have been using him at NT which is unique. I like the depth and the size. One of the more promising untis. Linebackers: D- Poz's achillies heal is taking on and shedding blocks and that's what you need to do in the 3-4. Davis is servicable. The OLB's are easily the worst group in the NFL. No impact, no pass rush, no players. A bunch of guys trying to transition to a position and it's hopeless. No depth. Worst LB's in the league. Cornerbacks: B I think Bills fans always overrate talent because it's been a while since we've seen truly great players ( See Spiller). Good group who aren't afraid to hit and are versatile on Special Teams. Safeties: B+ Curious to see how Byrd rebounds. DW is who he is, jack of all trades and a master of none. Great depth and versatlilty. Overall Team Grade: C- I think the offense will be good and somewhat exciting to watch. The Bills drafted CJ with a plan and after watching the Bengals game I'm convinced, he will be a star in this league. The Oline might get Trent killed. Gailey is creative and will keep Defenses on their toes all season long. Mark my words, you will see the flexbone used this year. However, the Defense will be painful to watch. The achillies heal is the LB's. Pass rush will be non existent without bringing the house which will lead to big plays by opponents, they won't get a sniff of opposing QB's. Outlook: IncompleteThis team is has an odd mix of very good units (RB's,DL, Secondary) and awful/below average units (QBs, Oline and LBs). Until the Bills draft a real QB, I can't get excited about the future. I do like Gailey more than I ever expected though. This is not negative, this is what I see. Flame away....
  21. Did I miss something? Is the roster finalized? You mention players like Mitchell and Kelsay. The reason why people predicted that they'd be gone is because they are not good players. The problem is, the Bills are not a good football team and their LB core is probably the worst in the NFL in both depth and talent. The fact that they made the squad is an more of an indictment of the Bills than it is of anyone saying that they'd be cut.
  22. Give us your poor, your tired, your huddled masses longing to be free
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