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John Cocktosten

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Everything posted by John Cocktosten

  1. Wait until around week 6 when the Bills are officially horrible and even the most optimistic of fans have given up and tell me that it's a family atmosphere.
  2. Too soon? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oeq2_Of3cHU&feature=player_embedded
  3. There should be a football round table show featuring Sharpe, Strahan and Lou Holtz.
  4. Whether it's a good representation of the Ad bizz or not, it certainly represents the "country club" culture that goes on in big business. I see it every time that we have a national sales meeting. Actually at our last meeting during the awards ceremony a big shot commented on stage how nice the resort was and how great the food was. He then went on to point out that it didn't matter to a certain female on his team because "she doesn't eat anyway!" Now I'm not overly sensitive, but imagine if she got up there and called him fat? It's a man's world! As far as the woman of the show, you must have not been paying attention this season because they're featuring Peggy insecurities, Joan's jealously and Betsy's entitled/childish attitude. Not very flattering if you ask me. I'm right with you there on Breaking Bad and Dexter. Oh and I've been catching reruns of the Wire, holy sh*t is that show great!
  5. No but if Trent keeps taking hits game after game we can start calling him "Bloody Mary"
  6. Dog, quit being such and easy target and stop playing TBD police. You don't have to reply and defend Trent on every thread because we know your stance on Trent. By replying your just keeping their threads going and giving them life. For the record, Trent was horrible on Sunday (I just want to make that clear).
  7. Sorry, maybe I should be watching the Bachelor or the Jersey Shore. I would imagine that by your description of the show that A) you've never watched it. and B) Something more than surface oriented doesn't interest you. Try Tosh.0, it makes me laugh my a** off every time.
  8. Man you nailed it right there. I'm sure Kelsay is a great guy but he was a below average DE and now he's a terrible LB. Kelsay played so tentative on sunday and was so afraid of losing contain that he wasn't squeezing the hole and wound up playing lateral to the line of scrimmage the whole game. The function of an 3-4 OLB is to get upfield but maintain outside contain. I've never watched another player who does that worse. He has no lateral quickness or speed and zero burst upfield. He got caught in space a few time as well and looked awful. They had him in man a few times too which teams will see on tape and exploit that all day long. He's not a bad guy, just a terrible 34 OLB.
  9. I said Peggy's confidence. I like the Betsy comparison too. At the beggining of the show I used go nuts over how beautiful she was but now that she's been exposed, I find her to be repulsive. The Peter Campbell thing is a bit off, maybe Donte is the better comparison. Like Campbell, he is weazely and talks like he is a big player when in actuallity, he's just an entitled big mouth. Nix has got to be Roger Sterling and maye Ralph is Bert Cooper. I don't think we'll ever find out who Sal is though. BTW, how great is the show this year?
  10. This album is unreal. Cabin Essence is one of greatest songs of all time.
  11. Serious question Senator, what is Leech doing while the lawsuit is going on?
  12. Trent has the confidence of Peggy Olson and the personality of Peter Campbell.
  13. Even your confidence has to be a bit shaken after Sunday...I forgot, what am I getting again?
  14. If someone called your girlfriend ugly a thousand times you'd be upset too.
  15. Fixed. He's consistently Lil Donte which means he's still taking bad angles, jumping on piles after the player is down, getting beat in coverage, pounding his chest after he makes a tackle 15 yards downfield and tackling with his head down. The only thing that he was missing from his M.O. was an on field Tweet.
  16. "In the 33 games with Edwards at quarterback, Evans has 105 catches for 1,560 yards and seven touchdowns. In 69 games with other QBs, he has 235 catches for 3,796 yards and 32 TDs. Draw your own conclusions." "That's roughly one TD every five games with Edwards, one TD every two games when someone else is throwing the ball. Four times in his career, Edwards has been knocked out of a game with an injury. In three of them, his replacement threw a TD pass to Evans." Nuff said. Same crappy Oline and supporting cast too. The fact that he still has supporters says two things:1)Some people don't know how to admit when they are obviously wrong. 2)There are a lot of people who can watch football, very few who understand it. But Trent's top WR must be wrong...
  17. Hating Marv Levy is like hating your Granpa. He's a good man, however, he was a monstrosity as a GM. The '06 and '07 drafts are probably as bad as any in team history and the '06 and '07 FA signings are even worse.
  18. As a man, it's just as disturbing to see Berman's porn stache.
  19. I thought Polian called Ralph's daughter a C-word?
  20. Hmmm....interesting, what's your take on Chris Kelsay?
  21. The truth is that we didn't know the protection call, the routes or if Trent was empowered to call an audible. So assigning blame to anyone on that play isn't right. However, I didn't need to watch the video to tell you that both Trent and the Oline suck. There were plays when the protection broke down and there were plays where Tretn couldn't do anything with the ball. Bottom line is the only way anyone could give a definitive answer is by talking to the coaches.
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