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John Cocktosten

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Everything posted by John Cocktosten

  1. one last time http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jEFXV8ogv3Y
  2. Alright, I like the over tonight! What does Gutstradous think?
  3. What does your gut think about the Packers giving 3 @ Chicago? PROPS MY MAN!!!!!
  4. That's the problem with 1 way communication. Anyone who said Spiller is a bust is just mad about the pick and there is merit to that. Spiller getting just 12 touches on a horrible team might have something to do with it too. But it's not Spiller's fault and is hardly an indictment of his rather ridiculous skills. Lastly, at least Clausen is on the field at THE most important position. Unlike the Bills #2-7 picks on a talentless team. The mere fact that Fox's job is on the line is a huge endorsement of JC regardless of how crappy he played. I mean Fox took a team to a SB and is a career 71 and 54 coming into this year.
  5. Let me help you out here. The function of any LB, 34 or 43, is to run the defense as called. So when the Packers saw Kelsay in man against the Phins, they were going to exploit that. It was the Bills fault for letting that happen and not protecting Kelsay. That gets to your brilliant point about our beloved #90. He sucks, he's a terrible OLB. He can't rush the QB, he can't play in zone and he can't play man. He is underwhelming at the point of attack and your boy Nix is about to give him a big old extension. That sir, is a bad move...actually it's a mind-blowingly-horrible move...but that's your guy!
  6. "Edwards has shown enough in his brief career for a few teams to take him on as a possible backup. Jacksonville makes some sense." If J'ville picks Trent up the Bills finally will get even for the Rob Johnson heist!
  7. I guess when you're a fan of a perennial train wreck the only solace that you can take is in the misfortunes of others.
  8. I disagree. Some Bills fans are so desperate that they will always anoint the "next guy" the savior. How many posts did you read about "Nix's great Drafts" or quoting Reuters articles taken from Wiki to find quotes that don't exist? Who cares that he was never given a shot! He got one with the Bills and it's good enough until his 4 years are up or this plan goes up in flames (whichever come first). So yes, the need to look at Nix as if he walks on water wreaks of desperation and the lack of scrutiny by the Pollyannas is completely dishonest. Hell, you've even adopted his tag-line about how long it takes to rebuild. Like this plan is 100% going to work 5 years from now! Ask the Falcons, Jets, GB and the Dolphins how long it takes. It doesn't take a great O line or a great QB, it takes a vision and ignoring what has plagued this team for the last 10 years (OL,QB,Pass Rush) and drafting a bunch of backups and small level college players sucks.
  9. You say that like Nix is a sure fire genius. Maybe you can start by telling us 1 positive thing that has gone on a OBD since he's gotten there. Besides awful personnel, has the attitude changed? Has the line play/QB/pass rush changed? Didn't think so. I'm sorry RJ, but your reply gets a "zero..point...zero"
  10. My wife is thrilled that I won the bet and Dog1487 and his sticky keyboard won't be taken over my house! Now where is my box of 8 Track tapes DOG!!!!!!!
  11. Does anyone know where dog1487 is? Is he okay?!?!?!?!
  12. Anyone who isn't skeptical of Nix is desperate and dishonest. The mere fact that Kelsay has reportedly been offered an extension for $24 million should make the biggest homers puke in their mouth a little bit. The biggest indictment of Nix for me was his draft day decisions. Picking small school projects was first. Not drafting an O lineman early on was second. Ignoring the pass rush..passing on Ob's ... meanwhile #2-7 are all sitting on the bench while #1 gets less than 10 touches per game. On a talent depleted team this is unacceptable...well at least to the realists it is. The absolute acceptance of this guy comes from fans who have the blank stare of a circus animal and the denial mentality of a battered wife.
  13. Mouth breathing low-life? Well I feel terrible! Who are these rapists and murderers you speak of? Believe me, losers like Leonard Little should not be allowed to play football plain and simple. And if the Bills were going to sign Ray Caruth in his prime after what he did then I would no longer be a fan. How can you not be judgmental about a career low life like Mike Vick? This is the same guy who has knowingly passed on the herps to women right? Same guy who has repeatedly lied when given the chance? The same guy who started, funded and executed a criminal gambling ring? Well if you don't stand in judgment of sub-humans like him, let anarchy reign! Remorse for remorse sakes isn't remorse dummy. He would still be hanging, electrocuting and drowning dogs if he wasn't caught. Why don't you take your animal and spend a holiday with the Vick's so they can toss into a ring and laugh while it happens. Forgiveness is relative...hopefully you never are in a spot where you can't forgive someone!
  14. When all else fails, play the race card! Brilliant! If you think that people are outraged because a black man did this you're wrong and ignorant. Big Ben was suspended without being charged let alone being convicted. Vick initially told authorities "while he assisted Phillips and Peace in the killing of the dogs, he did not actually kill the dogs," but "helped Phillips toss several dogs to the side," according to the report. However, the report says Vick took back that statement when he failed a polygraph test. "Vick failed the examination as it related to the killing of the dogs in April 2007. Ultimately, Vick recanted his previous statement wherein he said he was not actually involved in the killing of six to eight dogs. ... Vick admitted taking part in the actual hanging of the dogs." No way, he tells the truth only when he is caught? But he is a totally different guy now!!! And he gets out of the pocket and makes plays!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Uhhh...his history of lying and getting into trouble. I guess I'm just going off of human behavior. If you know anything about the human condition you would know that it takes decades to undo what has been programmed into you since childhood. Have you ever heard of the saying "ya can't teach an old dog new tricks"? Fitting, isn't it? To act in such a sociopathic way that you WOULD THROW FAMILY PETS INTO A RING WITH PIT BULLS WHO ARE TRAINED TO KILL isn't washed from you with a year of psych sessions and some jail time. Are you really that stupid? What does mypopathy have to do with this? Do you think that only animal lovers are outraged? If you think he is reformed than you are incredibly naive and the fact that you think he is reformed means that you are painfully stupid (if you're going to call me names I will gladly point out your complete lack of intelligence.) My friend, the fact that you cannot differentiate between what he did and what others have done makes me think that I'm arguing with someone who drools into a cup for a living This goes back to my point that people don't give a sh*t what happens to someone else as long as they're benefiting from it. Your Mother must be proud If you can cheer for a guy like Mike Vick just because he makes your POS team better than that says a lot about you. I'm not a church goer and I'm hardly liberal, I'm a human being and sometimes life trumps sports. You are so shallow that I feel terrible for you. Here's what your boy was doing in his downtime before he was caught: In mid-April of 2007, Vick, Peace and Phillips hung approximately three dogs who did not perform well in a "rolling session," which indicates the readiness of a dog to fight. According to the report, the three men hung the dogs "by placing a nylon cord over a 2 X 4 that was nailed to two trees located next to the big shed. They also drowned approximately three dogs by putting the dogs' heads in a five gallon bucket of water." But we have such a bad offensive line and he'd be a perfect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. My point was, do you want a scumbag loser WHO TORTURED ANIMALS FOR ENTERTAINMENT just because he plays football well? Pretty simple really. And you're right, he owes me nothing. But that leads back to my other point. People don't give a sh*t what happens to someone else if they're benefiting from it. It's an incredibly sad commentary on the human condition and is the main reason why this country is in the social/financial crisis that it's in. Full disclosure, my Wife and I rescued a dog about a year ago. When we have company we ask them not to shout, clap or yell because my dog starts to shake in fear. He also won't go near a book, paper or magazine because he was beaten repeatedly as a puppy. So I've seen what happens to these dogs first hand. "Twice Vick put family pets into the fighting ring with pit bulls because he “thought it was funny to watch the pit bulls. . . injure or kill the other dogs.” Vick also admitted watching his friends hang, shoot and electrocute pit bulls." Wow, sounds like a great guy! He's the Josef Mengele of dogs! But imagine him in a shiny blue #7 jersey! What a guy, he scrambles, he's got a rocket arm! If you could rout for a guy who admittedly did this over and over again than the more power to ya.
  17. Hey buddy, I'm throwing a party at my house when Vick breaks his leg or tears his ACL. I want you to be my guest of honor! But you have to have a college degree to get in the door....is that going to be a problem?
  18. Quit calling this a mistake. Is premeditated murder a mistake? The only reason why he is sorry is because he was caught or else he would still be killing dogs on a daily basis. How do you know that he's truly remorseful? Do you know him personally or hangout with him? If you think people can change who they are overnight you haven't lived very long. I am not "religious" but I'm not a sociopath either. To drown a dog in a 5 gallon bucket is unfathomable to me. Forgiveness is one thing but to be rewarded because you "paid your debt" is totally different. And that comes to your final statement about how he is more talented than anyone the Bills have. Great buddy, regardless of the type of human he is, football trumps all. Well that's some perspective you have. So if your financial advisor was Bernie Madoff and you were making money off of him but you knew how he was destroying thousands of futures, you'd be fine because he's making you money? That's what is wrong with most of the world today, no one gives a sh*t as long as it doesn't happen to them. "Twice Vick put family pets into the fighting ring with pit bulls because he “thought it was funny to watch the pit bulls. . . injure or kill the other dogs.” Vick also admitted watching his friends hang, shoot and electrocute pit bulls." http://premiumblend.net/2008/11/25/michael-vicks-bad-newz-kennels-—-a-heartless-enthusiast-of-barbaric-pit-bull-fights/ Go ahead and read the USDA report for yourself. It's a quick read and then ask yourself if you want him wearing a Bills uniform. http://www.thesmokinggun.com/file/more-michael-vick-barbarism-bared?page=2
  19. I hope Vick breaks his legs this season. Then they can take him out back and treat him like he treated his dogs that lost and couldn't fight anymore.
  20. They should have put a picture of him and the rest of his scumbag criminal friends on the cover electrocuting, hanging and drowning dogs...then it would have been edgy, ironic and witty all at once. Effin idiots.
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