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John Cocktosten

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Everything posted by John Cocktosten

  1. That's like asking, "are you more disappointed that you were born with no arms or no legs?"
  2. Let's get this straight, Maybin is horrible. I do not need stats to know this, just watch the guy. He has ZERO instincts for the game. That being said, a young LT is not out there. This team doesn't need a message, they need a mission statement!
  3. Poz is not good. He was getting destroyed all game yesterday. I've said it all along, he is not a MLB because he cannot initiate contact OR shed a blocker. He should be a WLB in a 4-3 where he is protected by alignment and can just run and chase. Has Donte ever made a play on the ball when it's in the air? He has 4 career int's and a CAREER 12 passes defensed (ZERO THIS YEAR). That means while the ball is in the air, he's only touched the ball a whopping 16 times throughout his career. He has no ball skills whatsoever and is a poor tackler. Watch another team play for a few weeks and it might change your mind about what a good player looks like. The lack of talent on this team over the last 10 years has lowered your standards.
  4. Who care's! If they care so much, where is the leadership? Why don't you see them barking at players on the sidelines and taking control of this sinking ship? Poz was getting destroyed all game and making his tackles 8-10 yds downfield and we all saw Whitner's act. First it was Donte and Poz are good players. Now it's they care? When there is nothing positive to point out about this team people just start making sh*t up around here! Are you out with Poz during the week? Are you at Nintendo tournaments at Lil D's house? What has Poz done or said that makes you think he cares? The dude plays completely uninspired F'ball, showing no passion or leadership at all and Twittner tweets. Big deal!
  5. Nate Allen and Earl Thomas, two rookie safties who have played 4 career games have 3 interceptions already. Donte Whitner has 4 career ints. Donte, your bad angles, missed tackles, complete lack of ball skills and bad coverage are part of the problem so shut up and just play better. The greatest preseason Pollyanna posts were those predicting a Pro Bowl year for LiL D...laughable!
  6. What does trading Maybin do? Yes, he sucks horribly but will that make Nix draft better? Will it make Ralphy open up his pocket book? Will it make top free agents want to come to Buffalo? Will it make the O line better? They gave their answer last week when they resigned Kelsay...same ol same ol from this POS orgization.
  7. It was so sad to watch him go down and not be able to perform yesterday. I think they should take him out back and treat him like a dog who lost or can't fight anymore.
  8. Because people have been keeping domesticated wolves for years. When I read a "rebuttal" like that, it makes me thinking that I'm talking to someone who is mentally challenged.
  9. Here's a lttle education for you. "The CDC says that studies that indict particular breeds are unreliable. Dr. Randall Lockwood of the ASPCA calls the focus on specific breeds, "a 19th century epidemiological mindset." That's good enough for me. It ought to be good enough for Dr. Wulkan." "Most reporters and scientists just don't dig into the more subjective territory of circumstances, such as whether the dog was spayed or neutered, injured, chained, or left unsupervised with children — all non-breed specific factors that can lead to dog bites" http://animals.change.org/blog/view/are_dog_bite_statistics_reliable You should drill down on your stats a little further and look at where/how these Pit Bulls/Rottys are bread and raised. My brother's raised 5 babies around 2 Rottys and 3 Pit Bulls without one incident. Countless family functions, kid's birthday parties and holidays with 20-30 kids running around like maniacs hanging on the dogs and not one incident. It's all in how they're raised.
  10. Count me amongst the nuts. Here's a little anecdotal ditty from a Vick family get together. "Twice Vick put family pets into the fighting ring with pit bulls because he “thought it was funny to watch the pit bulls. . . injure or kill the other dogs.” Vick also admitted watching his friends hang, shoot and electrocute pit bulls." But I'm sure someone who can do that can totally change in a year or two...of course only after they are caught and lose everything.
  11. If the Bills drafted him it would only keep with the tradition of disastrous 1st round picks by OBD.
  12. Making fun of the Bills at this point is like making fun of someone who is blind or in a wheelchair.
  13. Obviously payback for Rob Johnson. Very Trojan horse-esque.
  14. Wow, this thread actually brought the TBD community together! Let civility reign!
  15. Against a 2-14 Texans team. Guess who was catching the TD's for Fitz? Holt and Bruce! After Steve Smith, the Panthers have 2 rookies, Lafell a 3rd rounder and Gettis a 6th rounder as their 2nd and 3rd WRs. Gettis was more known for track at Baylor than anything else. 2 future HOF WR's vs Steve Smith and 2 rookies as your weapons. Good comparison though...
  16. Let's be honest, they are both terrible QB's. But let's break it down scientifically now that they are both gone. I'll start with one topic and everyone can add on. Better Hair/Facial hair: JP kept it clean most of his career but when he was put on the bench for good he went into total Jihad mode. The beard and long hair made him look like a homeless Zohan. So much so that I saw him at Mother's once and dropped a quarter in his Vodka and Tonic. Trent's recent hair debacle looked as confused as he did trying to read a defense. No focus and all over the place. However, if he completes those chops into a full blown beard he looks like one of the Geico Caveman and takes the advantage but in true Trent form, he pusses out and checks down to this Elvis-y/Beeber look. Advantage: JP Losman (NFL film guy's voice). The "Don't mess with Zohan" look was focused and it said something. He was protesting his benching and that hair/beard combo had "where's the bread-line" written all over it.
  17. I'm sorry Weo, but did Fitz lead the Buffalo Bills to a victory that I'm unaware of? BTW, I predicted Trent would not make the roster.....what a dummy I am!
  18. The thing that really makes that song work is the sincere pain and anguish in the singers voice. I've never watched that video before but at the 1:36 clip Trent's haircut looks exactly like Lloyd Christmas's from Dumb and Dumber. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/__FP2yLQxXm0/S6gFlrqopFI/AAAAAAAAFxs/VyCn-2lVu6M/s400/LloydChristmas.jpg
  19. So they decided not to watch film from the 3 previous years on him? Seems like this is their MO with Kelsay getting an extension and all.
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