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John Cocktosten

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Everything posted by John Cocktosten

  1. Just keeping up with the OBD tradition of doing things way too late.
  2. I don't see the resemblance, I can't see her feet in the picture.
  3. It amazes me that people who watch football their whole lives have no clue what they are watching.
  4. Dude never won anything! Hit the juggs machine brotha! We still love ya though!!!!!!!!
  5. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/117619-kyle-freeking-williams/page__p__1939798__fromsearch__1#entry1939798
  6. Sign Joey Porter. Not for his production (not a ton left) but for his experience, TRUE leadership and attitude. -He was a DE at Colorado St. and converted to OLB when he was drafted by the Steelers. He learned from the best and would have been able to help with the transition. -His leadership and attitude would have been invaluable. I always laugh when people want to point to Lil Donte as the Bills leader and then you look at a guy like Porter who sets the tempo for the D and plays nasty as hell. Donte is busy twittering and whining about other teams laughing at the Bills. I wonder what would happen if Porter and his D were being laughed at? Basically, Buddy Dits chose a loser like Kelsay to lead the way for his vision and that is why the Bills suck.
  7. You are by far the most self righteous poster on TBD. Your font is obnoxious and nothing but a sad attempt to get people to read your worthless posts. Everyone needs a friend to tell them when their being an a**hole. You just haven't found that friend yet.
  8. I've been very critical of Donte in the past but I have to give him props on this one.
  9. I wouldn't say that you're recklessly pessimistic. I would say that you have a clarity that some refuse to come to grips with. Same ol same ol out of OBD. Nix=?=Marve=Donahoe.....wash, rinse repeat....
  10. I wonder if he got a Brazilian too. He's probably getting sick of the razor burn.
  11. Seeing that the Bills always like to be "smarter" than everyone else I could see the big 3 on the board and the Bills selecting Locker. My favorite part of that scenario would be all of the Nix lovers trying to argue with everyone and asking what their credentials are to criticize the pick. Then they would attack all of the draft graders who gave the Bills an F...it would be more entertaining than anything they put on the field thats for sure.
  12. Especially after last week's game? Does that mean that you were satisfied with his play prior? Nix and Co had 3 years of tape on Trent and decided to give him no competition and award him the starter. 3 games in they can him...how is that not mishandling the situation? How did they not see what most fans saw? Marshawn could have and should have been traded long ago and the Bills would have gotten the same compensation. If this was done, the Bills would have J. Bell and the picks. Instead Nix plays his version of hardball and Bell is snatched up immediately. Sounds botched to me because now they are down a promising prospect.
  13. That's the point. The main problem that I have with this admittedly lengthy rebuild is that it's not a guarantee yet so many are acting like it's sure-fire. The Kelsay extension, the Trent fumbling and the Marshawn mishandling has to make even the ardent of fan crack just a bit.
  14. They even hired a retread "offensive genius" coach...Maybin can play Merriman...future Qb will be Rivers and Spiller will be the next LT...the similarities are eerie!
  15. Nix has trained you well my friend...don't ya think some of those "building blocks"/draft picks should be honing in on their skills for the championship run in 5 years?
  16. I want an excuse that works in every situation that can shoot down obvious objections like, "rebuilding!" Wife: Where have you been all night? Husband: Rebuilding! Wife: Why do yo smell like french perfume and have glitter all over your neck? Husband: Rebuilding! I have never heard an excuse that has been executed so perfectly than Buddy's "REBUILDING!"
  17. "There IS no sellout and there will continue to be blackouts because of moves like the Kelsay extension which ARE THE PROBLEM." I totally agree with you. I said "moves like the Kelsay extension" which include horrible drafting, terrible free agents signings and laughable FO choices. And yes, this "new" regime is heading down that same path with the Kelsay extension, the mishandling of Trent and the inability of any of Nix's draft picks other than Spiller to make an impact on a team that is void of incumbent talent . The Kelsay extension is nothing more than a microcosm of this organization's continued ineptitude.
  18. Really? Or is that fans are absolutely sick of this organization making terrible move after terrible move. I know YOU, PTR, think you are much smarter than everyone else but the fans have spoken. There IS no sellout and there will continue to be blackouts because of moves like the Kelsay extension which ARE THE PROBLEM. What you fail to realize is that the fans "furor" has a long history behind it which is based solely on the inability of the Bills to make one, JUST ONE MOVE WHERE THEY RESEMBLE ANYTHING BUT THE EAST COAST RAIDERS. Your arrogance and laissez faire attitude toward these FO debacles is based upon nothing but pure fantasy and wishful thinking as if the Bills have a history of success. It is amazing how misguided you are post after post. PTR
  19. You're right, it's the fans fault for the absolute debacle that is and continues to be this franchise. The perennial laughing stock of the NFL can just ignore the fans while the stadium stays filled and merch is flying off of the shelves. Maybe you've noticed PTR, that 3 very significant moves have been made and barely a peep has come out of that big mouth of Buddy Nix. Is it not fair to want to know why the hell they extended Kelsay? Waited to long to trade Lynch? Cut Trent after giving him the majority of reps and named him the starter? But all of these questionable moves are the fans fault..right? You are truly a joke of a lemming. Lastly, nobody "good" wants to work here because this organization is a screaming joke. Not because of the fans you arrogant idiot.
  20. The interview took place at Dairy Queen while Chris Brown spooned ice cream into Buddy's mouth. NOT ONE EFFING QUESTION ABOUT THE KELSAY EXTENSION. “If a guy is not producing we’re not going to keep doing the same thing and keep losing with the same people doing the same thing,” Nix said. “We’re not going to do that. After a point it doesn’t change. To be honest with you, nobody is safe, you’ve got to produce. If it gets to the point where we need to make other changes, it won’t matter who it is. If it will help us, we’ll do it.”
  21. Take the New York Mets this year. The team melted down once again and the Wilpons were no where to be found. The stadium was literally empty (because fans there have some balls) by the end of the year and all the fans wanted to hear was if they had a plan for the future. Last week Fred Wilpon comes out after firing Minaya and the first thing he does is apologize to the fans for being absent and unavailable admitting that it was bad business. If Nix is this big tough guy that so many wish that he was, he could handle a few tough questions from Sully. Not to comment on the Kelsay deal is absurd. There is not a fan in that stadium that didn't think that the deal was insane. Starting Trent and giving him all of the reps over the last 6 months just to cut him 3 weeks into the season doesn't warrant an explanation? Trading Lynch 4 weeks in when they could have done it months ago? If not Sully, then get Kilgore or Murphy to sit down and toss a few softballs at least. Hell, I think it should be a town-hall format. Silence is always an indictment. Just ask the Wilpons.
  22. "When he got the job, Nix said he's never been the smartest man in the room. Still, it would be nice to get him in the room once in awhile to confirm it." Classic freeking line! "If Nix is such a good judge of talent, how come his second- and third-round picks -- linemen Torell Troup and Alex Carrington -- can't get on the field for the worst run defense in the NFL? Why give Chris Kelsay a four-year, $24-million extension at age 31?"
  23. So you won't be paying for parking, food, drinks then? Cut your losses now so you'll be in the black when it comes to sanity.
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