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John Cocktosten

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Everything posted by John Cocktosten

  1. I have never witnesses another fan so vehemently defend another player in my life. Especially such a mediocre one. Then to pack up and leave to the point where you just close your account? Talkin about taking your toys and going home.
  2. I haven't been reading or paying much attention to the Stadium Wall lately but I have noticed that dog14787 stopped posting. When I searched him/her, the account is not active anymore. Is he okay? If nothing serious happened to him then was it ever confirmed that he was Trent or his sister? He/she took Trent criticisms so personally that there is no other explanation. Thanks.
  3. Take PTR's history and some of his own words from this very post and you might see where some are coming from. The post is funny but that doesn't make his status as Bills defender and status quo attitude non existent.
  4. Okay, forget TE. How about a LT, a legit edge rusher, a thumper at MLB.....shall I go on or are the Bills schemes so scary good that they don't need any of those either?
  5. One of my favorites: "In all life one should comfort the afflicted, but verily, also, one should afflict the comfortable, and especially when they are comfortably, contentedly, even happily wrong."
  6. When was the last time the Bills had a threat at TE? Had a legit Pass Rusher? Had a solid LT? Ya gotta try somewhere if they're not on the roster and free agency seems like a logical option.
  7. While appreciate your outlook I can't relate or understand it in any way. Enjoy the 9 hour drive into inevitability though!
  8. You're right. Let's never sign another top free agent because of bust potential.
  9. That works both ways PTR. While the same fans who are fed up with the ineptitude say the same things you have been there with the same canned response. What's the definition of madness insanity again?
  10. I'm not trying to be offensive but is this how you live your life? If something is bad just deal with it and move on? That is the definition of a good ol cooperate lemming. What you fail to realize in your original post is that all of those quotes, while true and mildly entertaining, are the symptoms of a fanbase that has been repeatedly taken advantage of by this inept organization. And as we wake up to the news of the Pats signing Haynesworth (See Dillon and Moss) and that the Jets locking up Santonio and possibly Namdi, the Bills sit back and let the market run dry. If you're cool with that then I would question YOUR passion as a Bills fan.
  11. I've been a fan of the show for almost 20 years and it's never been worse. Stern's camera talk, same ol tdancing with he stars, Robin's condescending/know-it-all BS, he same phony phone calls... it's horrible, boring and the absence of Artie (or a comedian in that chair) has left the show hollow and without much humor at all. I will give you Artie's last year wasn't great. But saying that the show doesn't need anyone in "Jackie's chair" is a bit much. The chair was only empty for a month or two when Jackie left. I have every Sirius stern show on MP3 and I just started listening back to the beginning a few months ago and there is no comparison. There hasn't been a moment on the show like this in 2 years. Artie made the show better, Howard has said as much. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b32SIk8GEms
  12. I can only hope. Either way, it's good to have him back.
  13. I just want to hear him shed a little insight on his life since the show. I barely listen to Stern anymore after he left. It's just not the same without the baby gorilla!
  14. Nick Dipaolo is hosting Tony Bruno's show tonight on Fox Radio with guest host Artie F*cking Lange! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Listen live @ 10pm!!! http://www.tonybrunoshow.com/index.html
  15. Let's beat a dead horse. Anyone want to comment on JP while we're at it?
  16. Other ailments Trent suffers from that were not listed: -Noodleitis -Beber Fever -Checkdown syndrome -Bad Vision
  17. Moreover, if you're going not going to use TE's then shouldn't you have a ton of WR depth? Maybe they plan on using Spiller more in the slot? No depth at LB, WR, OL or TE but depth in the secondary? Looks like 2000-2010.
  18. I like Buddy's conviction but a little depth wouldn't hurt.
  19. I have to believe that Nix have someone targeted to rush off of the edge in FA. If he's counting on Merriman and Moats, Brady will be enjoying another holdiay in the pocket. Waiting on guys like Maybin, Batten and Coleman to develop is just wishful thinking too. When San Diego was at their best, Merriman and Phillips were dominant and made a bad secondary look good. For some reason, Nix has passed at the chance to address that position in the draft two years in a row. Obviously Dareus will help and combined with KW could be lethal inside but collapsing a pocket is only effective if your edge rushers can constently get up field. Look at the last couple of teams in the SB, most had dominant outside pass rushers, why Nix is not making this priority continues to astound me.
  20. This was the "leader" of the Bills over the past couple of years? I'm guessing that Donte has French in his blood.
  21. Shouldn't you complete the title of the post? Here, I'll help you. "Wilfork vs Jasper in a dunk contest"
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