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John Cocktosten

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Everything posted by John Cocktosten

  1. Kyle Orton is an 8 year vet who threw for 3600 yds and 20 tds in just 13 games last year. Tebow is going into his second year with 3 starts under his belt. It takes a couple of years for most QBs to develop. I'm not saying that he's going to be great but it's a bit early to be saying I told ya so.
  2. It's almost as sad as Chris Kelsay being one of our key players this year.
  3. Not at all BC. Remember that Luck hasn't even played a down in his senior year yet. He is the odds on favorite to win the Heisman and Stanford has a good shot at the National Title. Manning wasn't even the consensus #1 coming out. Luck would've been the #1 last year and is a lock again this year.
  4. I agree with you that Lil D is versatile. However, he's just very average at everything. Here is a compromise for those who want Lil D back. Give the starting job to Wilson and let Lil D tweet Wilson's thoughts on the game. That way we get the best twitterer and the better player on the field. WIN WIN!!!
  5. It wasn't him disagreeing with me. It was the way he just made sh*t up and his utter man love for Lil D. I don't blame him, I blame the weed. I actually want Nix to sign Lil D. He was the most entertaining Buffalo Bill Monday through Saturday!
  6. There were so many posters on this board who said that once Lil Donte hit the market, he'd be snatched up in a second!! Where is Dean???!!! Lil Donte is an average safety. He is jack of all trades and a master of none. I'd sign him to a 1 year contract so he could show the heir apparent HOW NOT TO PLAY safety.
  7. Of course! That means that he doesn't translate to a 3-4 OLB which was the issue we were talking about. Nice deflection though. Drinking at the keyboard again Simon?
  8. Are you sure he isn't seeking knowledge from Erik Flowers?
  9. Obviously you didn't read the facts. Jason Taylor, Dumerville, Pace and A. Thomas all were 9 tech DEs in college and to start their pro career (those are the ones off of the top of my head). Each one of them made the transition quite well. Actually, Dumerville recorded 17 sacks in his first year after the transition. Suggs is another guy who swithces between both positions. Now, I'm not going to say that OU would be that dominate but he would be more than capable of making the transition. And he would instantly become the best player at that position on the team. But hey, if you're happy with what the Bills have, that is your opinion. However, you couldn't be more wrong about the position change. The Chargers and Pats are very interested in him. But I'm sure Belichick will take your advice to heart about the position switch!
  10. Way too much weight for 10 year vet who can't run already. He'll be cut. Crowder anyone?
  11. Did Jason Tayor make the switch from a 9 tech 4-3 end and play well in the 4-3? Yes. Ever heard of Elvis Dumerville? He started off at DE in Denver too. Calvin Pace? Yes! Aldulus Thomas started off his career in Baltimore at end also. All of them converted to OLB in a 3-4 and played quite well. But of course Simon, you're too busy trying to act smart than actually know your facts as usual. What position do you think Woodely, Ware, Harrison, Porter, J. Johnson, Phillips played at in college? The reason why is because playing 9 Technique DE is very similar to playing OLB in a 3-4. Playing the run is exactly the same. Playing the pass/in space is not something any 3-4 OLB does particularly well because 90% of the time they are coming after the QB anyways. A polished and proven pass rusher with an attitude IS worth a 2nd round pick to the Bills. There are no edge rushers on this team right now. Hopefully Merrriman does well but what are the chances? Let's wait on more "projects" to develop! What I did notice is that the Pats (3-4), Chargers (3-4) and Baltimore (Multiple) are going after him hard....wonder why? But you're right Simon, what could the Bills do with him?
  12. He's a good player but he's a degenerate. The Vikings let him go because they were sick of dealing with his BS. So unfortunately, no.
  13. I really don't think some on these boards know what "quality" depth means. It means taking a proven NFL starter, not a star, but someone with experience to provide depth that isn't learning as they go.
  14. Obviously Nix and company believe that the Bills are fine on the outside with pass rushers. I mean, with studs like Danny Batten, Antonio Coleman, Aaron Maybin and Chris Kelsay, what else do you need?
  15. When was the last time Merriman recorded a sack? Again, this is a metric from last year looking at sacks+ QB hits+ pressures. That is a rock solid metric. Who is #7 on the list? Manny Lawson. Where is Kelsay, Batten, Coleman, Merriman, MAybin? http://www.profootballfocus.com/blog/2011/03/16/pass-rushing-productivity-3/ Again, Lawson is absolutely quality depth. And he would have made this team better so stop it.
  16. Again, Lawson makes the defense better no matter how you put it. When Merrinman or Kelsay (UGHHHH!!!) goes down, good luck.
  17. Do the Jets worry about that? How about the Pats? They bring in guys all the time to fill those positions like Pace, Taylor, Banta Cain, Thomas. If they don't make it, then they get rid of them. Those guys are quality depth. Batten and Coleman are not. Where did you see Coleman look like a terror?
  18. Sully's message gets lost in his smug/condescending delivery. But that's how he gets you to read his articles. If you take the essence of the article, his thesis is usually spot on and this one is no different. Ralph is cheap. The Bills failed to address the Oline AGAIN. Seriously, minus Sully's douchbaggery, where is he even close to being wrong?
  19. How long do you think Batten, Coleman, Maybin and Kelsay would've lasted?
  20. Pretty cut and dry assessment by Sully with his trade mark bitterness. That being said, he's right. Nix has failed to address the Tackle position two drafts in a row until the 4th/5th rounds. "But there wasn't anybody there to take!" Not really, the Super Bowl Champion Packers have drafted OT's the last two years. The Steelers drafted a center in 2010 and again, were in the Super Bowl. The Eagles, Colts and Pats drafted Lineman in the 1st too.....playoff teams. There were OT's out there in FA but Buddy thinks he's smarter than everyone else. Why overpay? Because the Bills are FREEKING desperate for pass protection that's why! Keep waiting for projects like Bell to turn into the next Jason Peters. Or Pears to be anything other than underwhelming. Maybe Urbick, a midesason Steelers casualty will make us better too...maybe, maybe , maybe... Why not some sure things every once in a while instead of making every player a project? Buddy's famous "show me the baby" line is going to comeback to haunt him because his baby is U-G-L-Y!
  21. It's a below average market for an average player.
  22. Where were all of the good teams going after Brandon Lloyd last Year? Or TO? Cedric Benson the year before that? Again, I don't think Lawson would've come in here and turned into LT. But he would've made the defense better for sure. This defense hasn't lacked just stars, it's also lacked legit depth. ML took a 1 year deal worth 3 million which is chump change. If he sucks, cut him before the season and you don't owe him anything. The problem is Buddy keeps talking about guys on this roster but I can sit there and stair at it and wonder who the hell he's talking about. If you think Lawson is so bad, check out the chart and the company that he's with last year. http://www.profootballfocus.com/blog/2011/03/16/pass-rushing-productivity-3/
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