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John Cocktosten

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Everything posted by John Cocktosten

  1. It didn't take much to see that he couldn't play from he beginning. -He doesn't use his hands. -As athletic as he looks he is stiff, doesn't bend and is the opposite of fluid. -Zero strength. Never looked the part. But kept up with an unbelievable tradition of horrendous 1st round picks.
  2. He was drafted as a project. He never played under center and had to change his throwing motion after he was drafted. Mid season in his rookie year he loses his coach and changes systems in the off season with no OTA's or coaching contact. Then an 8 year vet who played very well last year is playing better than him 3 days into camp. What am I missing here? Aaron Rodgers, super bowl MVP and one of the best QBs in the NFL, sat and watched for 3 FULL years until he started a season. He had exactly 1 TD and 1 INT through 3 his first 3 years. But a QB who is the all time leader in rushing td's in the SEC is supposed be ready? Makes sense.
  3. Montana, Rice, Young Lott, Willis, Clark, Craig, Y.A. Now Little Donte?
  4. To be fair Poz was on a run blitz. Kelsay didn't squeeze the gap and Donte didn't fill. Unfortunately, the worst one in that scenario is back on the team.
  5. LT up the gut Little Donte squares him up Tomlinson TOUCHDOWN! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VDNWndU7wRE
  6. That would be awesome. Here is the next best thing...
  7. Whitner or Ngata? Twitter or Interception? Big mouth or good hands?
  8. Don't you know that every player on the Bills roster is going to be great!
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VDNWndU7wRE
  10. Buster Davis was a huge bust for the Chargers. Buddy had nothing to do with drafting him though.
  11. Hi Jake, you should watch some college football.
  12. I've heard this discussed before but I've never seen it confirmed by a link or actual quotes. Got one?
  13. Kelly, read my post from earlier in this thread. And quit harshing my tebow crush! I didn't think that you did. I just provided some quotes and feelings from the people who have been around him. And I totally agree with your bolded statement. And I'm saying that he needs some time and coaching in the new system before anyone claims anything about the guy.
  14. I never played with the guy and neither did you. What I can tell you are the things that his teammates have said about him and the inspiration he provided to the team in '08. Brandon Spikes said that Tebow was the reason he came back after his Jr year. When a coach of Urban's stature gushes about his leadership capabilities you have to take note. If Tebow doesn't make it at QB, he'll make it somewhere. Belichick likes him. It's rare when you get Bill Belichick to talk to the press, but when asked "is it feasible to put him at other positions?", he replied: ”My sense of Tim Tebow is, if you asked him to play nose, he’d play nose (tackle). I think he’s that kind of kid. Whatever you ask him to do, he’d do,” Belichick said. ”I don’t know what a team would do with him, but I think he’s a real interesting player. He’s had a great career. It speaks for itself. Second leading passer in SEC history, whatever it is. He’s had tremendous production. They hardly ever lose.” The next question: "What else do you like about him?" ”There’s a lot to like,” Belichick answered.
  15. 88 TDs to only 16 Ints, 66.4 comp% and 10k yards at UF. I assure you that he can throw the ball. Whether or not he will be a good NFL QB is another question that will be answered with stability and a few years under his belt. Plus, he can't be worse than Trent or JP. Plus he's way more likable.
  16. Did they find that cool 3-D gameboard on it?
  17. So is exonerating him of any responsibility for the disaster.
  18. I'm not sure anyone anointed Tebow anything. I remember most analysis hating the pick. His fans are his fans. Tebow does have an inherent "winners" quality to him. Listen to his teammates at UF talk about him. Urban Meyer, who might is one of the greatest HCs in recent CFB history said that he was undoubtedly the greatest leader that he's ever been around. Pretty high praise from a guy like Urban. The negative reaction was charged by the media's love affair with TT. Gary Danielson might be solely responsible for it actually. I'd take him on the Bills in a heartbeat.
  19. Seriously though. Does anyone want to take into consideration that there was no offseason for a second year QB in a whole new system? Josh McDaniels drafted him and while he is a disaster as a HC, he is a great OC. He made Orton into something when he was a throw in from a trade. Now STl gave him the keys to Bradford so he does know QBs. Plus, I love Tebow! Every fan loves to hate idiots like TO, Moss and Plaxico but now that there is a real deal good guy, people love to pile on him too. OMG, am I turning into dog14787 with my man love for a QB!?!?!?
  20. You couldn't be more right Sparty. I love when people are so selective about Nix's duties prior to him becoming the GM. Nix's mouth has no trouble opening but he kept it shut on draft day that year.
  21. I'm not disagreeing with you. What I am saying is that He is in a new offense under a new HC and regime in his second year. Lockout meant No OTA's and no coach contact. Give him some time is all I'm saying.
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