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John Cocktosten

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Everything posted by John Cocktosten

  1. You're right, Kelsay is a stud who routinely is out of position as i've pointed out. You can bet that Kelsay is going to get his a** handed to him when they watch film today. But I'm glad you like watching the ineptitude. I've noticed that being a Bills fan will make you fall in love with mediore football players. You obviously fall into that category.
  2. Dick Jauron should be expelled from the league for wanting to draft Maybin.
  3. If you can watch a play where Kelsay gets completely blocked out of the play and washed out into another defenders kness 5 yards away from the play and be cool with it than I'm not sure what to say. You obviously are cluseless when it comes to knowing anything about the game. He has a job to do and is poor at doing it. The other defenders aren't always going to be there to cover his A**.
  4. I'm looking at it right now. The clock says 1:50 in the 1st qtr. Kelsay inept play at the POA almost gets Dareus's knee snapped in half.
  5. I liked what I saw last night. But this video sums up my feelings.
  6. Wow are you Kelsay people wrong!! Just flipped on the game to watch and if you ignored the first play in which he cost the team a TFL please FF to 1:50 in the 1st qtr. If you want to see tragic it's right there. The Bears run a version of power at Kelsay by motioning a TE toward the formation. Kelsay doesn't see the crack and gets completely collapsed down the line into DAREUS'S KNEES!!!!!!!!! Seriously people, open your freeking eyes, it's right there!! This is a routine play that's been run since Pop Warner. That kind liability gets players hurt!!!!
  7. I actually like what Gailey is/has done so far. First of all, he's taking what he's got and maximizing it. He knows that O line sucks so he's going to a spread offense/3 step drop passing game. He knows Fitz is at his best when he can get the ball out of his hands quickly. They traded Lee because he is a one dimentional WR and the Bills can't routinly hold off the pass rush on a 5 step drop. Secondly, They are not running the Dolphin version of the Wildcat. The Wildcat was an offense that was revived in Arkansas when they had McFadden, Hillis and Jones in their backfelid. The formation allowed all of them to be on the field at the same time and run the ball down teams throats. Once in a while they would pass the ball but it was rare. Gailey is going to using this formation more like Auburn uses it. 50/50 run pass. That is just a guess but they would not be including Brad Smith in 7 on 7's as a qb if he wasn't going to throw the ball 5+ times per game. The threat of the pass will soften up defenses. This will be very unique to the NFL because no one has tried it yet. The bottom line is that Gailey is utilizing these "gadget/gimmick" (which they are not)formations/plays because Nix chose to rebuild the defense first and completely neglect an offensive line that has hampered the Bills for a decade. This is about Nix's ego, not Gailey's.
  8. I'm not saying that you don't understand football but... The play gained 3 yards. If Kelsay was where he should have been the play loses yards. That means 2nd and long which puts the defense at a complete advantage. The other thing a broken reverse does is put the backside defenders at risk for crackback blocks. A broken reverse also puts your perimeter players (DB's) as run defenders which is not what you want. And of course lastly, the defense functions as a unit. It's Kelsay's job to turn the play up inside, he didn't do that. He is a liability on that defense. I don't care if he's is a good guy, he is not a good football player. It's very simple. And your logic of, "who cares if he did something, the play didn't hurt us", is absurd.
  9. No it's not. Kelsay's first job is find the ball and if he reads that the play is going away from him, he "squeezes" the play inside and has cutback and backside pursuit. The "squeeze" comes from closing the gap in the cutback lanes. Contain is when the play is coming at you and your job is to turn the play back up inside where you have help. Kelsay read the play as if the play was going away and the reverse ran right past him. This is something that Kelsay does quite often so I can see how you are confused.
  10. Did you watch the first defensive play of the game? Reverse comes to Kelsay and where is he? Squeezing the play inside instead of keeping contain. Seriously, get some glasses.
  11. Going to an unknown cryogenics lab.
  12. You don't have to lose to eventually win. Where does this mentality come from?
  13. I'm not saying Wilson will or won't bust but the comparison to Maybin stops at "athleticism". Maybin doesn't sniff the field his Jr year if King and Evans don't suspended/injured. Wilson was a 3 year starter at Illinois and played mutlipe positions. They moved him all over the place until last year. There is also no way to say how he'd look in a Bills uniform because the Saints run a completely different defense.7
  14. Two weeks into his rookie year. Our '10 picks all sat on the bench last year if you didn't notice.
  15. Come on BV, Nix believes that quality depth is a 6th rounder form South Dakota, an undrafted FA and a former superstar who is 4 years removed from glory. My favorite new mentality on this board is the old, "at least we treid to sign him!" "What should we do, overpay him?" To which I answer....., "Ed Wang." PS- I love the "we are dooooomed" crowd too. Nothing like staring denial right in the face.
  16. I'm a die-hard Mets and Bills fan. There is no way that I will let her suffer. What good is history if you don't pay attention?
  17. Someone who understands football: Buddy, why didn't you know this from watching Lee on tape during his previous 5 seasons? Buddy: Show me the baby! Someone who understands football: Buddy, Lee has never bee anything but a 9 route runner. Buddy: The Raiders suck! Someone who understands football: Even if we we keep Lee, the O Line can't hold off the pass rush on a 5 step drop. Buddy: That's why I drafted CJ.
  18. Who gives a sh*t what some "scout" thought of Davis out of college! That same scout thought Mike Williams wasn't a fat, lazy, POS too! Jesus H some of you Pollys!!!!!!!
  19. I could go on and on about Buddy's 5 year "plan" but instead I will ask you this....how has Buddy addressed the O line? Why wait until the 4/5th round to do so? He has had two drafts and two FA periods and has come up with nothing but a couple late round tackles. What's been the Bills biggest problem over the last decade? Go on....
  20. My wife just gave birth to our wonderful daughter 2 months ago. I let everybody know that if she recieved any Bills merch that I would take it back immediately. I refuse to let her live under the same black cloud that I live under.
  21. No one is pointing out the obvious. Nix has FAILED to address the offensive line. The Bills are trying to trade Lee Evans because he is a 9 route runner. The Bills do not have the pass protection to hold off the opposing pass rush on a 5 step drop. Therefore Lee is rendered useless. How long does Buddy's plan have to go on before the most ardent Pollyannas realizes that it's incredibly flawed?
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