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John Cocktosten

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Everything posted by John Cocktosten

  1. I'm not really sure what to say. I'm just going to assume that you're being sarcastic.
  2. The Cowboys Monday nighter. The atmosphere at the stadium that night was incredible. The game had a million ups and downs and ended with not one 50+ FG, but two! Brutal loss after such an a great night. That game changed the way I felt about the Bills. No more undconditional fandom. I was sick of the ineptitude and the utter heart break. Hopefully things are going in the right direction but I am in a wait and see mode because in the back of my mind, I know they'll screw it up.
  3. Like I said in in one of the other 500 Lee Evans threads, it's as simple as this ^^^^^^^
  4. Thrilled with the win but.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rNXP2ndT9M
  5. Didn't pay attention to the Chiefs cpverage but I'm guessing they played a lot of man under today because the Bills attacked underneath all day. I like the fact that Gailey and Fitz didn't force anything into 2 deep. No picks and 4 tds means the Bills took what the Chiefs gave them.
  6. He'll get his but they're not going to force it up 21.
  7. Evans get safties out of the box and widens the zones between lbs and safeties. Perfect fit for the Ravens.
  8. Well fellas, it's been real. I'm gonna go play the lottery!
  9. I've been a Bills fan long enough to know that a comeback is possible
  10. Anyone ever notice that opposing teams always boot to Kelsay's side? I wonder why?
  11. Sam Young was a turnstyle at ND. Made Clausen run for his life. Was the single reason why ND lost to ND that year...which made me very happy.
  12. If Merriman can stay healthy, that trio could be special. Either way, the interior of that D with the addition of Carrington and a healthy Edwards are going to give the LBs some room to roam. Here's to a healthy season from those guys.
  13. Hey, I see your boy Lefvour got cut again...and by the bengals of all teams!
  14. Eat it Warwrow!!!! That's some inside sh*t right there!!!!!
  15. NGU, Is Chris Kelsay Ralph Wilson's love child? Thanks! JC
  16. Hey NGU, If you truly are on the inside of OBD, can you tell them to stop sucking at football? Thanks. Sincerely, JC
  17. Way to build through the draft Buddy! Your first two choices to play OL for the Bills were Ed Wang and Cornell Green!
  18. Terrance Cody was all SEC NT on a championship team coached by Nick Saban in a 3-4 defense. KW is better suited to play 3 technique and played there at LSU and all of his years in the NFL except one. Who is complaining? I've consistently said that I don't like Nix's "vision" or most of his decisions. That's not complaining, that's my opinion. If you noticed, there is not one of player that he drafted from '10 that is a sure starter in their second year. The Bills '10 draft class had the 3rd least amount of starts last year in the NFL. Those are facts. I'm glad you're fine with it though. You hate hearing the truth.
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