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John Cocktosten

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Everything posted by John Cocktosten

  1. It's simple logic but the simple part is gonna get J2020 everytime.
  2. Let's sign him to the practice squad and see how handles that first.
  3. What a douche. His defense gave up a TD on 5 straight possessions in the second half. You're right TK, you did give the Bills the game because you suck. (CB97, I would never say this to him in person. I know that he would kill me so save it. He probably makes more than me too)
  4. A retarded notion? Is it? Did the Eagles go out and pick up 2 of the NFL's top corners to match up with better with teams like the Packers and the Saints who run spread offenses? I think they did. Did the Bills design their offense to take away the advantages of the 3-4 and spread them out? It sure looks that way. Maybe you're to "retarded" to realize that. Carrington, Troupe, Easly, Batten.....where is the impact? He inherited Fitz, Stevie, Freddy, KW. He was handed Dareus on a platter. Gotta make better draft day decisions if you're going to build through the draft. At the end of the day, we beat the Chiefs and the Raiders.
  5. Looks like the Giants were coming hard off of the edge to me. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSRFrgYenUE
  6. The problem is no one is stepping up on the outside. If it didn't say Merriman on the back of his jersey, you'd think it was Aaron Maybin out there! He was getting mulled today and lost contain at least 5 times that I counted.
  7. Awesome! My 3 month year old blew out a diaper with about 6 minutes left! Everyone kept blaming the dogs for farting and my Wife lifted her off her lap to reveal a brutal green horror scene! Thank God for the DVR!!
  8. I turned down box seats because my buddy was supposed to bring his new lady to our house to watch the game. He failed to mention that she was on call all weekend. She got stuck at the hospital and he ate all of my La Nova BBQ wings. I almost fought him.
  9. No one is built to beat the Pats? Really? Anyone notice that the Pats haven't won a title in 7 years? Who's beaten them in the playoffs? Colts '06(Freeney/Mathis), Giants '07 (Tuck, Osi, MK), '09 Ravens (Suggs and Scheme) and Jets '10 (Scheme and Taylor, Pace) I'm not sure what some are missing here. They are in our division. They've owned us. So going after players and using schemes that beat the Pats seems more than reasonable. The Bills don't have either. My post said that we still aren't built to beat them. Where am I wrong? Reality? Sorry. I'm hoping they do. But I bet you won't be on here to eat your Bullsh*t after they don't.
  10. What's not to understand? In order to be the best you need to beat the best. The formula for beating the Pats has been established, pressure off of the edge. The Bills aren't showing this at all. No one is stepping up. Pretty straight forward really. Buddy needs to wake up on draft day and realize that he had Merriman (in his prime) and Phillips coming form the outside in SD and that's what made that D so great. Go out and get somebody and stop trying to "steal" someone at such an important position.
  11. Hey guys, give Lil Donte credit! At least he tackled the guy before he got into the endzone, unlike the Raiders game from a few years ago.
  12. Something that I've been screaming about on here for years is that the Bills are still showing nothing off of the edge from their pass rushers. I've brought this up more than a few times and I hear things like, "Batten, Coleman, Merriman, Moats, etc." But year after year they do nothing. You need a strong pass rush off the edge to beat Brady and other than a play or two by Kelsay, the Bills have shown nothing from that position. When the Bills played him tough in the past, Schobel went off. Hopefully Buddy finally gets the point after Brady sits in the pocket and dissects our secondary next week and makes this position a priority before the 5th round. Not being a downer, I'm staying consistent. I'm obviously happy that the Bills are at least fun to watch again and resemble a football. But until Merriman or Buddy (on draft day) wake up, I don't see things changing vs the Pats. I guess 14-2 isn't so bad though.
  13. Okay, but how many glasses of white zinfandel did you have?
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=VDNWndU7wRE The good ol days!!!!
  15. When he gets to another team, he will be awesome!!!!!!! Come eat some crow Lil Donte lovers!!!!!!!
  16. Drinking again Simon ol boy? Your original premise is correct. Lee IS a one dimensional WR. That one dimension widens zones, gets extra defenders out of the box and he will run past almost any DB in the league not named Revis. He alters defensive game plans. He WOULD help our offense but my question is, would Lee be happy? Either way, it was a good point and a huge win today. Tip back another and forget about this thread. Btw, Donte had a pick today....but who the f*ck cares!!!!!!
  17. Bledsoe's legacy as a Bill can be summed up with thses two losses. Both on him. Without a doubt, the most unaccountable football player that I've ever followed. Terrible leader that the Pats let go in his "prime". "As Buffalo quarterback Drew Bledsoe prepared to let fly with the potential game-winning touchdown pass, Warfield deliberately let Peerless Price, one of the league's most dangerous receivers, get a step on him deep. On a dead run, Price put out his hands. But at the last second, Warfield leaped high for a perfectly timed interception with 4:14 left to preserve the Chiefs' 17-16 victory over the Bills on Sunday." http://espn.go.com/nfl/recap?gameId=221117012 "The Steelers, who had clinched home-field advantage in the AFC playoffs, knocked off a Bills team that was among the hottest in the league. Buffalo had a chance to earn its first playoff berth since 1999. "Pretty angry. ... I'm a little bit in shock," said red-eyed quarterback, Drew Bledsoe. "The bottom line is if we can't beat them with their backups on the field, then we probably don't deserve to be in." http://espn.go.com/nfl/recap?gameId=250102002
  18. Serioulsy man, the Bills are 1 an 0 and you're taking Fitz over Brady and all of a sudden Kelsay is good? Like most games, Kelsay's play was uneven. He bit hard on several misdirection plays and contained on a few. He had 1 or 2 nice pressures... That being said, the Bills were playing in a four man front for the majority of the game so by your logic, he sucks. Make up your mind.
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