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John Cocktosten

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Everything posted by John Cocktosten

  1. Conversely, then there is Trent Edwards. Why draft CJ when you have Freddy Jackson? Soooooo just sayin.
  2. Just a year ago Trent Edwards was the starting Bills QB
  3. Nix put himself in a tough spot trying to make this team a 3-4 D when they had no personnel that fit. Kelsay is not and will never be an OLB, KW is not a true NT, Maybin could not be counted on, Poz isn't a thumper at MLB, etc. By going back to mostly a 4-3 o/u defense everything fits much better. I think the defense has played better than they've looked at times. The Raiders and Pats are serious offenses and the Bills have had a very vanilla blitz package so far. They are trusting their coverage and their open field tackling so far and it's worked (mostly in the 2nd half). The thing that no one mentions is by Gailey going to the spread 90% of the time, he's completely neutralized the 3-4 defense. He's getting OLBs on his slot WRs and making the bigger slower 34 D Lineman stay on the field longer. By the time the defense adjusts to nickel, they start running the ball. Obviously the results have been huge gains. That is the genius of Gailey NOT Buddy Nix.
  4. Nix married into a family that already had Freddy, Fitz, Stevie, Wood, Levitre on offense and KW and most of the secondary as well. Dareus was left on his doorstep. His best contribution so far as players go was signing Barnett. I'll give him credit for not resigning Lil Dont. But If you allow yourself to be honest just for one second, his first draft is looking awful. No impact players at all and very little potential after Spiller who barely sees the field because Freddy. His best move is Gailey. Gailey is the one making Buddy look good right now. Buddy gets very little credit IMO, it's all Chan/Fitz.
  5. Why do you need to hear him say anything? Why don't people get that this is a message board and people will not always share the same opinion? As Bills fans, we've seen this before. Some of us are cautiously optimistic and some of us join a Bills circle jerk. You're so busy saying that I told you so that you can't even enjoy the win. Enjoy the win my man and move on!
  6. I missed the last 5 minutes to catch a flight only to have it cancelled. Not willing to repeat.
  7. I'll repent in same way that the Pollys come out evey year to be accountable when the Bills are horrible . So no repenting here. I'm happy that the Bills are playing well and it looks like Chan is a very good coach (which I've said all along) but I've also gotten my hopes up before just to be let down. If it makes anyone feel better I missed the end of the game because I had a 5 pm flight and left my house before the last drive. I missed the ENTIRE end only to have my flight cancelled. To make things worse, my boss sounded pissed when I told him that I wouldn't be able to leave until the morning. So karma maybe a B word! Go Bills?
  8. Who cares? As someone who is considered a negative (realist) poster, I've never put up a post after another debacle and said that I told you so. Actually, I've posted a lot of positives that turned out to be true and never said I told you so. Seriously, grow up! Enjoy the freeking win and stop saying I told ya so.
  9. The one attribute that the Bills have lacked for years now is resilience. They found it.
  10. that dude should have been called for delay of game
  11. If he keeps winning he can wear a dress under center for all I care! Squeal away Fitzy!
  12. Always liked and respected Chan. He is one of the best offensive minds in the game and continues to prove that. As far as Buddy goes, I never liked him and I'm still unimpressed. I am still waiting for the draft genius that Wikipedia says he is. He inherited Fitz, Freddy, Stevie and KW and Dareus was gift-wrapped. His first draft has been a complete flop thus far regardless of this years success. The O line is the only thing that has my mind blown through the first 2 games. Although a ton of credit goes to Fitz and his ability to know where the ball is going in 2 seconds. But the O line has looked solid in the run game as well. Scrappy, you should have made this thread after this week. Not saying that the Bills will lose but the Pats game is going to tell us a lot more about our team than the Cheifs and Raiders games will.
  13. In this order: -This defense could be great with a legit pass rushing OLB. Draft 2 of them. -Tackles. -A versatile speed WR.
  14. Sign em. He'd be a great mentor to the young guys and might have about 15 snaps per game left in him.
  15. Super witty and original response. Do you realize that you came into a thread that I started and told me that I'm wrong? My avatar applies to you and that is exactly why I have it. But after your witty comment about a blow up doll, I would expect irony to go way over your head.
  16. Week 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mxuHYVmWlmU
  17. I'm full of BS and you're saying Merriman is fine!!?? You're just making sh*t up that Merriman was constantly double teamed. That is just wrong. Go back and watch him lose contain about 4-5 times that game too. Also, everyone defensive player is held on every play so stop it....and I'm full of BS. It would be tough if my wife wasn't so hot.
  18. Not sure if you noticed but the boards are filled with ridiculous threads about how after 2 weeks the Bills lead the NFL in rushing, scoring, best record and lot of them are saying I told you so. I've rarely seen, "I told you so" threads from people who are realistic on these boards and you'd be hard pressed to find one that I've started. So your basing this off of nothing? I can tell you this, I will take no enjoyment in a Bills loss against the Pats. Going into the game I have my thoughts and if you don't at least share in those same thoughts you are a delusional poster (don't worry, you have some company here). But don't go assuming that I started this thread as a set up for next week becasue it's completely baseless asinine.
  19. So basically you're saying that I should create some false sense of reality and convince myself that the Bills are going to win? Thanks Tony Robbins, but if the Bills lose I won't say I told you so because it's hardly some far fetched prediction/opinion. The odds makers don't think we have a shot in hell and I'm sure that line will stand firm around 9 too. Why? Because of the history, the matchups and Tom Brady. You're arguing with me based on an opinion that the majority of this board would probably admit and this is a Bills fan board! Why?
  20. Couldn't be more wrong. I've been waiting a long time to feel confident in this team and a couple of impressive wins over lesser AFC teams aren't going to make me forget that the Pats have eaten our lunch for the last decade. What you call "being right" is what I call dealing with reality. The bottom line is that we are not going to outscore the Pats to win. We have to stop their offense. Unfortunately, I don't see that happening but crazier things have happened. You seem to take offense to the truth. The Bills are a 9 point underdog at home after scoring 80 points in 2 games. Do the odds makers hate the Bills too?
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