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John Cocktosten

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Everything posted by John Cocktosten

  1. So are you happy losing close or not? Because I think that you are arguing a completely different point than I am. Let me repeat, this is not last year's team. This is a legit playoff team. Therefore, NO! I AM ABSOLUTELY NOT HAPPY WITH A CLOSE(BAD) LOSS!
  2. If Gailey calls 3 runs in a row and settles for the FG everyone b*tches. It's very simple, Gailey called a play that would have been a TD but Fitz threw a haaarrible ball. Is there something wrong with Gailey being aggressive? He is showing confidence in Fitz and this team. I like it and I bet the team is behind Gailey 100% for making that call.
  3. So you're happy with a game that they lost that they should have won? What does that have to do with going 4-12 last year? The difference is that this is a good football team. Last years team was not. Therefore no one should be happy with a loss.
  4. Sparty, I usually agree with you on most of what you say but you're wrong about Buffalo's use of the WC. Today they used a a great misdirection play that I used to run back in jv. A fake pitch, QB counter that got a few nice yards today. Very similar to a single wing play that fakes the pitch one way only to have the wing run a counter underneath. As far as running motion, that is just another play out of the WC/single wing. Why the Bills haven't used that yet? Probably because he doesn't want to show his hand. I'm sure as the season goes on you are going to see a lot more out of that formation like you did today. They also ran some play action out of that formation with a run pass option and Smith picked up about 6-7 yards. Patience. Gailey knows what he's doing.
  5. Gailey is in the top 3 for Coach of the Year. FJax is in the top 3 for MVP. The Bills beat the Pats and the Eagles. The Oline is playing great. There is exceeding expectations and then there is dreaming...please don't pinch me.
  6. So you enjoy bad QB play, zero pressure on the QB and a 4th qtr defense that folds like a tent on final drives? Aim high PTR!
  7. Fitz is limited no doubt but he is a great stop gap. Sign him to a 3 year contract and draft a QB to develop over those 3 years. I love Kellen Moore and he will be there in the 3rd. Everyone keeps doubting him but he's deadly accurate and clutch beyond belief. In Fitz's defense to his recent play, he's not playing with a full arsenal. Naaman is his #2....nuff said.
  8. Last week the Bills did a ton of A gap blitzing that helped create turnovers. This week... none? Last week the Bills played Wilson in man on the TE? This week Ballard ran free and exploited zones. Last week the Bills played a ton of C2 man and took away everything deep. This week cover 1 and zone? With Merriman, Kelsay and Williams out why the hell wouldn't you manufacture some pressure and force a mistake prone QB into bad throws. I was getting flashbacks of Brady shaving his belly in the pocket before he fired a TD pass untouched. Obviously Florence couldn't handle Hicks (Who can?) but they kept leaving him out there on an island to get roasted. For the most part I'm very happy with the teams performance through 6 weeks but Edwards continues to baffle me. The last 2 weeks they have played a ton of 3-4 so why not use it to create confusion and pressure? IMO, Edwards has been shaky at best.
  9. The bottom line is Gaily's call, if executed properly, was a TD. Fitz's throw was terrible. Fit'z fault. The one thing that I will say is that Gaily has to realize that Fitz is limited. That being said, if he doesn't call deep throws the defense will start sitting on routes and playing cover 1 which will hurt the 3 step game and running game. Fitz has to throw the deep ball better and it's as simple as that.
  10. Not at all but it's only week 6. FJ has never been the primary RB in his career. Add to that the Bills might make a playoff run so there will be extra games. I'm not trying to take the ball away from FJ but I also know that there are no RBs that can take 25 carries a game over a season nowadays. Especially a physical runner like FJ. Mix in CJ and build his confidence. Otherwise, he wastes away on the bench as FJ slows down toward the end of the season.
  11. Vontez Burfict and Travis Benjamin would look great in Bills Unis. Hopefully they were at the Bama game too! The Bills should have the draft card written already with Courtney Upshaw's name on it!
  12. I love me some Freddy and always have but as the season gets longer I'm afraid that he's gonna break down. He's never carried the load for a full season so I'm hoping Gailey starts mixing in CJ a bit more. He's looked good so far so keep his confidence up and get him 10-12 touches today.
  13. That's my point. Even if Buddy wasn't expecting the Bills to be this good (who was?), THEY ARE! So go after it! Lloyd with SJ and Nelson in the slot makes this offense potent and would make the Bills legit contenders to win the AFC. Yeah, that's right....WIN THE AFC!
  14. Why not throw a 4 or a 5 at him. The Bills have proven themselves to be legit and the AFC is weak. I know everyone wants to build through but if the Bills can win now, why the hell not? He gives us the vertical threat that we are missing which will open up the running game and underneath routes. Go look at the 4th round over the past 10 years and you will find very little impact. If you can get him for a 4th, he is an impact and makes the Bills as competitive as any team in the AFC.
  15. I hope to god that isn't Johhny Ramone! http://www.google.com/search?q=johnny+ramone&hl=en&biw=1165&bih=732&prmd=imvnso&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=hD6YTubBI8rv0gGDmqyeBA&sqi=2&ved=0CEYQsAQ
  16. The Bills have to start mixing in CJ more. Freddy is gong to get worn out. Plus, Spiller has shown flashes this season that he's starting to get it.
  17. 3 step drop schemes + Fitz's quick release = better pass blocking
  18. Holy Sh@t that hold on Batten was unreal!!!!!!!!!
  19. I wonder if there are still any Donte defenders out there
  20. Thats Fitz. He thinks he can fit the ball into a keyhole
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