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John Cocktosten

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Everything posted by John Cocktosten

  1. Because that is relevant to what other DCs are saying about the Bills passing game? Another defensive post (yawn). Your denial is taking new hieghts.
  2. All your points are completely valid and well thought. However, it is impossible to have a reasonable discussion on this board unless it is about how great the Bills are. Here are some topics that will save you from the Pollys: -Who needs to draft well when you have a team of 7th rounders and undrafted FA's who are future pro bowlers. -The Jets and Pats suck becuase... -Who cares about Nix's train wreck of a first draft because the Bills are 5-3. -Kelsay doesn't suck as much as people say he does. -If Merriman didn't get injured he'd have 20 sacks this season. So either you conform to the Polly mentality or you will be attacked and called negative. Posters like Weo, Rico, KD in CT and Bills Vet (not saying that they are the only ones) usually deal with reality, stick with them.
  3. So you're saying the Bills lost because of the whiteout. It had nothing to do with the Jets running the ball down the Bills throats? Or the fact that the Bills WRs couldn't get open? That probably means there was no questionable play calling by the Bills coaching staff either? Classic Polly post. BLAME THE WHITEOUT!!!!!!!!
  4. Holy Sh*t!!! The horror of starting a purely hypothetical thread is blasphemous! I even prefaced the question by saying that I loved the Dareus pick! So let me get this straight, we can't say anything disparaging about the Bills (even when it's been well deserved most of the time) and now hypotheticals are out too!?!? Can you Pollys please tell me what we can talk about?
  5. Before everyone gets their panties in a bunch, IT'S JUST A HYPOTHETICAL QUESTION! I loved the Dareus pick and I think he will be great and I'm sure Williams will be fine. But Dalton continues to look like the real deal and AJ Green was as close to a sure thing as there was in this draft. So with the NFL going to a passing league, would you rather have Green and Dalton or Marcel and Williams?
  6. Your statement is completely ludicrous. Put the kool aid down for a second and consider some objectivity.
  7. Leodis has been up and down this year. He's hardly an impact player but not Chris Watson either. Jayron Hosely from Va Tech is the best CB that I've seen play. Amazing ball instincts. Kirkpatrick is physical as hell but I've seen him get beat way to often.
  8. There was a near identical play in the Pats game I believe with Gronk. Not sure what the original call was on the field but his hand was under the ball and guess what? They ruled it for the Pats! I'm not saying that it was an INT but there was no conclusive evidence to overrule the call. Bills would have lost anyway though.
  9. Fit's inaccuracy drives me crazy. His mechanics are terrible. Love em tho
  10. I hate to say this but Maybin looks better. He's using his hands and dipping his shoulder now. Still not gonna be great but undoubtedly improved
  11. No separation by WRs all day. combine that with Fitz's inability to throw deep consistently and the Jets are a nightmare matchup for us.
  12. B Smith has been great out of the shotgun all year long. I hate doubting Gailey but I didn't like telegraphing the call
  13. Run the effin ball. Fitz thinks he's effing brett favre right now!
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