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John Cocktosten

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Everything posted by John Cocktosten

  1. Not much there for Spiller but I think it's safe to say that he's never gonna live between the tackles.
  2. Reading comprehension big boy. I asked for balance. I did not extol virtues of CJ. FJax had 17 yds last game, does he suck?
  3. Gailey falls in love with the pass once again. 18 passes vs 10 runs. Give CJ the ball and see what he's got!!
  4. Get some mother f****kin pass rushers on this team!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Stevie has already equaled Lee's total career output against Revis
  6. If the Bills are smart, they go back to a 4-3 and move him to WLB.
  7. Night and day mechanics from Fitz today. getting his feet set when he throws.
  8. I thought he meant that MD wasn't making plays. Your avatar is disturbing.
  9. Why Buddy didn't address OLB early on in both drafts is mind boggling.
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