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John Cocktosten

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Everything posted by John Cocktosten

  1. Obvious troll thread. If not, I recommend sterilization.
  2. Anger comes along with being a fan of this franchise! One more point about FJ. The guys has done nothing but be very productive throughout his career. He's been silent while two RBs were selected to replace him and what happens when they finally make him the feature? He's one of the best RBs in the league. If the Bills are going to pay anyone one this team, it should be him! Kelsay, Pears and Fitz have done next to nothing but FJ who has been very productive and at times great is one of the lowest paid starters in the league. But this is the Buffalo Bills and ineptitude in their game. Give FJ an extension, make sure Spiller gets 10-15 touches per, scrap this spread BS offense and become a run heavy team.
  3. I clearly remember every talking head during the draft saying that most teams had Troupe rated in the 3-4 rd. But then again, the Bills are always smarter than the rest of the NFL.
  4. Are you guys kidding me! Have you learned nothing about this season. I'm sure that you guys were the ones starting "I told you so" threads when the Bills were 5-2. Have you noticed what the other Bills outcast RBs are doing around the league. Fj was clearly one of the best RBs in the league this year and you want to get rid of him now because CJ had ONE good game? Btw, this isn't Madden 2012. You're not getting a 2nd rd pick for a 30 year old RB. Do you know how stupid that sounds? Pay Freddy what he deserves and mix Spiller in more. If Gailey would have been spelling FJ more maybe FJ would not have gotten hurt. Ridiculous thread.
  5. Fit'z play has nothing to do with injuries. He's made horrible mistakes and his lazy a** mechanics are the reason he sucks lately. He doesn't sell his play fakes, he throws off his back foot when he doesn't need to, he routinely tries to squeeze the ball into double coverage, he can't throw the ball down field and he is very inaccurate. And that is why he sucks. Offer him a restructured contract and if he doesn't except then sign a vet and draft a rookie early. Simple as that.
  6. You're right, it wasn't a mistake. It was a horrible pick by a blowhard GM who is proving why he was never tapped to be a GM.
  7. I put this clip up after week 7 and got killed for it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rNXP2ndT9M
  8. Buddy doesn't trade up because he's smarter than the rest of the NFL.
  9. Until Buddy Nix is gone the coach won't matter.
  10. Congrats on getting this in before the end of the year. You are in the mix.
  11. Cool but it ain't 1990. 20 years later guys are bigger stronger and way faster which means collisions are more violent than ever. CJ wouldn't last half of a season. Most NFL rbs don't.
  12. Antonio Coleman = Buddy Nix's backup plan at OLB. At least they have Kelsay, Spencer Johnson, Carrington, Batten and Moats to fill the void. And we wonder why the Bills suck every year.
  13. You could also say that the Bills should have lost to the Pats and the Raiders. They also had to hold off a terrible Philly team on a late rally so those arguments work both ways. The Bills overachieved early this year. They are not a talented team. The decision to draft Spiller, Troupe and Carrington set this team back once again. Buddy Nix is a train wreck and he is showing why he was routinely passed on for a GM spot.
  14. Yet another reason why the show sucks. Who wants a tame Ralph? Look what happened to Stuttering John when he became tame on Leno. And I love how Howard will call Ralph out on his BS but on a daily basis Robin barely gets any sh*t for her ridiculous behavior. Not to mention her massive weight gain that no one is allowed to talk about. So sad to see the show that got me up for my college classes and through my workdays crash so hard. Howard is turning into the Brett Favre of show business. Very sad IMO.
  15. Ralph is a total douche but he was great for the show. Btw Rico, every time I read one of your posts I hear it in Kieth Richard's voice.
  16. If you polled his fans I think you'd see 90-10 suck to not suck. The supporting cast is what made the show funny and without Jackie, Stuttering John, Ralph (to some extent) and Artie there is no one who is witty or truthful. The comedy on the show now comes from Ronnie, Jason Kaplan and David Arquette. On any given day with Howard in the right mood he can be funny on his own. But photo, Beth, Dancing, Hamptons and legal talk is not interesting and not funny at all. He turned into the thing he hated the most.
  17. My buddy sent it to me and I couldn't get that dumb song out of my head. I sing it to my daughter and she cracks up. The guy who sings it awesome.
  18. If it came down to money it would make more sense that the Bills drafted a QB. Cam only got 20 million last year with then new cba. Plus, drafting a guy like RG3 would sell a ton of tickets and keep fans in the stands through December.
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